Chapter 42
Chapter 34 Wits with the Evil Man

"Hmph!" The evil man snorted displeasedly, looked around, but stood motionless by the bed.

The voice before turned around to look around, and suddenly pointed to the window and said: "Here is a shoe, the size should be for a girl's home, why is the sole so thick? Is it because you wear such shoes that you sprained your feet? There are also stools here. , the window is open again, and there are still footprints on it, master, that girl must have escaped through the window..."

Oh ha ha ha ~ ~ ~
I hid under the bed and snickered, this is the effect if I want to drop it!Hurry up and catch me, the more people the better, go, go, hee hee!

"Well, put the things down. You take someone out to look for her. She has trouble walking and can't walk far." The evil man's voice implied majesty, but there was a hint of... worry hidden in the cold tone?I was a little surprised in my heart, but I heard the person just now answered: "Yes."

A voice hurried away with the sound of footsteps. I heard it clearly, but it was just one person.

No way, didn't the evil man go?The Empress Dowager sent him to arrest me, but he was mainly responsible for my escape!He was not in a hurry at all, yes, he said that my feet were inconvenient and I couldn't walk far, it seemed that he was sure that I would not be able to run out of his palm.

snort!Sometimes my patience is super good!

What's more, it's about my life safety now, even if I can't bear it, I will bear it again!

The sound of footsteps beside the bed gradually moved into the distance, and I felt excited. Could he finally be unable to sit still?However, the footsteps could not be heard, but moved towards the window, picked up the shoe, walked back slowly, and sat down on the bed without making any sound.

God!How long is he going to sit?Although the bed board is very strong, why does it feel like there is a big mountain on my back?Heavy, heavy, it makes me feel so depressed, my brows are deeply frowned, who am I offending?Why are you so angry?I’m so mad, I’ve transmigrated to the ancient times for no reason, I’m going to be someone’s scapegoat as soon as I come here, so I’ll die more easily, and I’ll be tortured left and right. My mind, my brain, and my body are all overwhelmed. Tormented!
"Have you figured it out?" Unexpectedly, the evil man's voice suddenly sounded above his head.Without even thinking about it, I reprimanded: "Nonsense, boring and suffocating, it's the puppy who doesn't want to!" Uh...was it me who said that just now?So who am I talking to?
I looked up cautiously, "Ah—" An enlarged face was almost close to is it possible?There is obviously a bed board on my head... Huh?Where's the bed?Am I not under the bed?

I got up, looked around, wow!The bed was moved more than one meter away without a sound. When did this happen? Why didn't I know anything about it?I raised my eyes to meet his eyes, there was a trace of embarrassment hidden in it, but it was more anger, suddenly I was cold, I lifted me up like a chicken, and threw me on the bed, "Ouch", I screamed in pain, But he caught my foot, and with a "squeak", he tore open my trousers, and then tried to pull my socks...

", you, you, what do you want to do? I'm not selling myself, I'm an underage girl, it's against the law for you to do this...Ah! Big pervert, help—"
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Chapter 35 See Bad Boys Again

(End of this chapter)

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