The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 420 The finale of the whole chapter: "Smiling beauty" 1

Chapter 420 The finale of the whole story "Smiling Beauty" 1
Chapter 160 Chapter [-] Finale "Smiling Beauty"


And Murong Xueyan thought that the pervert would never escape this time, so she was completely unprepared, Chu Xuan and the nerd's palms hit her.Chu Xuan was even more angry. Murong Xueyan was injured several times, but she couldn't resist anymore and died on the spot!
Chu Xuan rushed to the cliff, calling out in pain: "Feifei... Feifei..."

The pervert hugged Yueyue'er, stared at the edge of the cliff in a daze, blood flowed out of his mouth... He was not injured, but his heart was broken... He failed two infatuated women in his life and owed 3 lives...

Yueyueer's 1 time, and my successive 2 times...

The body fell rapidly, the blood from the mouth overflowed again, and slid to the neck... Surprisingly, I was very awake, and I only thought in my heart, King of Farts, I can finally meet you... Is it, as long as I die like this Now, can I follow your previous path and find you?

Suddenly, there was a strange light on the neck, ouch!That ring is still hanging on my neck, and now it has absorbed my blood, won't it let me travel back to the 21st century?
I don't want to go back, I want to find the Fart King...God, please, let me find the Fart King...Whether he is dead or alive, he owes me an explanation, I owe him my life...

I held on to that ring desperately, but the strange light still didn't go out, instead it became brighter and brighter, seeing me surrounded!

I was so scared that I yelled "Ah--", I was going to die, if I traveled back like this, wouldn't I have to be hit by a car again before I can travel back again?Weighs to death, is this crossing like walking through a tunnel?Let me wear it around?
Just thinking about it, with a "plop", I didn't seem to fall into the water, but fell on the thick grass.

I opened my eyes, but I was suddenly frightened by the scene in front of me and closed them again!Then take a deep breath and open it again, my God!it is true!There are flowers all over the mountains and plains in front of me, that white smiling beauty!
I jumped up for joy, and I got up as soon as I jumped. The blood and injuries on my body all healed without treatment!

Oh my God!Did you really send me to the side of the Fart King?Is this home or heaven?I picked a smiling beauty and breathed greedily between my noses!It's that smell, a light, fresh, sweet scent!

I put my smiling face in my hair, and shouted loudly: "Fat King... Feifei is back... Where are you... Come out and pick me up... I don't know the way..."

(End of this chapter)

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