The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 421 The finale of the whole chapter: "Smiling beauty" 2

Chapter 421 The finale of the whole story "Smiling Beauty" 2
Chapter 160 Chapter [-] Finale "Smiling Beauty"


I put my smiling face in my hair, and shouted loudly: "Fat King... Feifei is back... Where are you... Come out and pick me up... I don't know the way..."

Looking at the sea of ​​smiling beauties around me, I am really in a bit of trouble. If he doesn't come to pick me up, where should I find him?I just stood there and waited for his answer.However, after waiting for a while, there was no response.I called out again: "Fart King...Feifei is back...Where are you...Come out and pick me up...I don't know the way..."

"Fart King... Dongfang Yunmo... Your Majesty... bastard!"

My voice is hoarse, damn it, he just won't come out!I'm so mad, do I have to find it myself?With such a vast sea of ​​flowers, I am like a small boat with no direction, how can I find it?


Suddenly there was a weak... feeble... hoarse voice from behind, and my body trembled violently, almost daring not to look back!He took a deep breath, but his heart beat wildly, his forehead was sweating, he panted heavily, and turned around carefully...

It's him…

I recognized it at first sight!Although, he was wearing an ordinary sackcloth; although, the stubble on his face spread to his cheeks; although, the silver hair on his head was messy and covered his shoulders; Danfeng's eyes are empty and lifeless; although, his domineering and fierce aura, now there is only desolation and loneliness full of body and mind...

However, I still recognized him at a glance!

"Fart King..." I called him hoarsely, and stretched out my hand to caress his silver shoulders, "Do you miss me?" Even if there are thousands of words in my heart, only these words can replace...your hair, why? They are all silver...the same as the smiling beauties all over the mountain, so pale and pure...


He looked at me blankly, his eyes were still empty and desolate, and he only spat out this one word for a long time... His heart was so sore, I really wanted to cry, but he smiled with tears: " Fart King, I'm back, aren't you happy?"

"Happy... I often see you come back in my dreams..."

I was stunned, no wonder he was so "calm", I thought it was a dream!I grabbed his hand and took a bite. His brows moved slightly, but he still looked at me blankly.Wouldn't it be numb to the point of no feeling?

(End of this chapter)

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