The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 422 The finale of the whole chapter: "Smiling beauty" 3

Chapter 422 The finale of the whole story "Smiling Beauty" 3
Chapter 160 Chapter [-] Finale "Smiling Beauty"


I was stunned, no wonder he was so "calm", I thought it was a dream!I grabbed his hand and took a bite. His brows moved slightly, but he still looked at me blankly.Wouldn't it be numb to the point of no feeling?

I took out the ring around my neck again and put it in his hand, "King Fart, this is not a dream, it's real! Your Feifei is really back, just look at this ring..."

He stared blankly, then took out the two rings around his neck in a daze, and put them together.

I stretched out a finger, and in his thick palm, I stirred the three rings that affect us, and the rings collided with each other, making a crisp sound of "ding ding".He seemed to have regained some of his energy, picked up my one, and looked at it carefully.

I don't know how to convince him that this is not a dream, so I grabbed his hand and said emotionally: "Fart King, Feifei is back. From now on, you can't bully her, hit her, or restrict her. She restricts her by one thing and another, you can't send people to follow her, you can't yell at her to frighten her, you can't make eye contact with her, and you can't ignore her..."

"Feifei... are Feifei..."

He embraced me as if he had come back to life, and begged: "Tell me, this is not a dream..." I felt great pain in my heart. He mourned here alone for more than 2 years. I don't know how many times the dream came back. Pray I tell him it's not a dream...

With a trembling voice, I could only repeat, "This is not a dream, this is real... This is not a dream, this is real..."

"Feifei, promise me, never leave again!" I nodded again and again, "Yeah, I will never leave you again, forever, really never leave..." He still wanted to say, I pulled him away, Lifting his toes, he took the initiative to kiss her...

Smiling beauties all over the mountains and plains, smiling in the wind...

I found out later that Fart King jumped off the cliff with my "corpse" in his arms that day, because that body also had two rings, so he took me and threw him into this valley.And after King Fart buried "I", he lived in seclusion here.

I also told him all my stories, and only then did he know that it was "I" buried in the tomb, and it was still me in front of his eyes...

Later, he settled in the valley with King Stinky Fart, and occasionally went out to buy food. This valley is actually near Nanxin Kingdom and Xizi Kingdom.Xizi Country produces spices, and a lot of pollen is still picked from this mountain, but no one has discovered this valley, so strange...

Then I heard that the big satyr made Chu Xuan marry bad, and actually gave up the throne to Chu Xuan.And he himself took Yueyue'er to seek medical treatment everywhere... Yueyue'er was seriously injured, I heard that he needed some kind of herb to renew his pulse, I believe the pervert will go all out to save Yueyue'er...

He only has one chance...

As for Xiziyu, he was given a medicine by Murong Xuanze who appeared later, and he saved his life, but lost all his memory and martial arts.Then Murong Xuanze took the body of his sister Murong Xueyan away...

Of course Nangong Xinran married Ye Piao Piao, but she didn't live in the palace, and wandered around with Piao Piao...

Later, I heard that Chiqingya has been passed down by the people all over the world, which is almost vivid!There are a lot of men and women who can't get each other's sincerity, even buy incense and go there to pray. As long as they kneel down and bow nine times, the other party really likes him/her.

However, people often see that there are always a few people who will stand on the edge of the cliff of infatuation, looking at it for several hours, without moving... Sometimes when passing by them, they will hear the words "Feifei" Two words, are they crazy?Want to fly over the Cliff of Infatuation? …

Later, on the cliff of Chiqing Cliff, flowers bloomed, including red, white, green, yellow, purple... There are all kinds of colors... It changes color with the seasons, very dazzling and charming...

Later generations call them "smiling beauties"...
The book is over——
(End of this chapter)

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