Chapter 424 The Big Pervert 1
Big satyr episode - you are the eternal pain in my heart!

This king has always been the only one who molested women. I never thought that this king would be molested by a woman once!Oh, it's not molesting, but this king's kind hero saved the beauty, but was beaten up in public!It was originally just an unintentional beauty hunt, but it brought about the pain of the king's life...

This story starts with the time I went to the Minister's Mansion to work for the Queen Mother.

Donglin Country is the most important country among all the countries. In order to attract other countries to come to have friendly relations with me, Donglin Country will hold a Hundred Flowers Feast every year to attract other kings, dukes and nobles who intend to establish diplomatic relations with our country.This is a rule that has been handed down over the years, just like the frequent exchange of concubines in the imperial palaces of the past countries, in order to establish an agreement of peace and friendship.

In fact, my country is rich and strong in the east, so there is no need to do this!

Who dares to easily pick up the tiger's whiskers?It's just that this is a custom handed down from generation to generation, which has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is difficult to change.Furthermore, Baihuayan's appearance can also make many lovers get married, which is not a good thing.It's just that Bai Huayan slowly evolved into a large-scale blind date, which was unexpected by the original founders.

However, that's okay, it's harmless.

The queen mother has long fallen in love with the second lady of Ye Chenxiang's mansion, and asked the king to go to the minister to have a look for her, and test the second lady's literary talents and virtues by the way.The oiran of Baihuayan has always been named the imperial concubine, this is the usual practice.Of course, I don't have any doubts. I heard that the second lady has a first-class literary talent in poetry and poetry. The key is that she looks very elegant and elegant. This king appreciates it.

The king likes two kinds of flowers the most, beautiful flowers and Kui flowers. (Note: Feifei likes two kinds of flowers: flowers with money and flowers without hesitation! Hehe~~~)

With the mentality of appreciating beauties, the king soon arrived at the minister's residence.The outside world is always rumored that this king is flirtatious, unrestrained and so on. In fact, they are all wrong. This king just likes to appreciate it, and at most it is a little teasing.Beautiful women are always used to be admired by others. Could it be that they pretend to be gentlemen deliberately when they are clearly in their hearts?
This king disdains such a "gentleman"!

The king didn't explain the purpose of his visit, he just said that the minister came to visit, and he found an excuse at random, and asked the minister to lead me around the garden.In fact, this king is looking for the legendary "Kuihua".

It's just that Kuihua couldn't find it, but from a long distance, I heard laughter like silver bells in the garden. The sound was so crisp, like spring water, plucked like strings, like a string of beautiful fireworks. Straight up to the sky, break through the layers of dark clouds, and let people feel the warmth and freehand brushwork of the sun in an instant!The king was slightly surprised, who is this?With such a laughter, she must be a beautiful angel... But before the king had time to sketch her appearance, the voice changed suddenly and became a mischievous cry, "Oh, help! The lady is going to kill someone Luo! Hehe, I'm so scared, hurry up and catch me, let's talk after you catch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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