Chapter 425 The Big Pervert 3
Big satyr episode - you are the eternal pain in my heart!

"Ah——, you big pervert, you actually eat my tofu!" A screaming hand unexpectedly clenched a small powder fist and hooked it towards the king's chin!The funny thing is that she is too petite to hook her!But she didn't give up at all, she clenched her pink fist and punched towards the king's chest again. With her strength, it was too light to tickle the king. It probably hurt, but she actually grabbed my king's chest. He bit down his hand in one bite, and his feet were not idle, he stepped on Ben Wang's boots fiercely, stomped and stomped, felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, and then crushed it left and right!

The series of actions can be described as "the momentum of lightning is too fast to cover one's ears"!

This king was stunned for a moment, what a ruthless "flower butterfly"!Bad is worse than bad!This king has always loved Bad Bad, and because of this, she often makes me laugh and cry!This "Butterfly" actually has the same effect, it's fun!

This king likes her very much, when you are free and bored, you can make fun of her...

But she heard Yingge Yanyu's crisp voice in her mouth: "I will kill you, if I can't kill you, I will kill you, if I can't kill you, I will trample you to death again! Yaya, see if you dare to eat my tofu in the future No!"

After finishing speaking, as if nothing happened, she clapped her hands, wiped her mouth, smoothed her hair, straightened her clothes, and smiled sweetly!The whole look as if nothing had happened, with a playful smile, big eyes wandering around.

The king looked at her as if he had won a treasure. This girl is fun, so I asked her to go back and train her well. Maybe she could help the king avenge the bad ones and relieve the hatred that the king has been oppressed by the bad ones for a long time!It's so interesting, I'm afraid bad and bad are not her opponents!Just relying on the calm and composed appearance of this hand as if nothing had happened, it is beyond the reach of bad and bad!

Smile, this king has changed his mind, it's you!

Ye Chenxiang seemed to have just woken up from the shock, and hurriedly drinking the little girl to salute the king. "Flower Butterfly" stopped being funny, bowed down and said: "Feifei has met King Yun, good luck to you."

She still looks good, she looks like a famous lady, but there is a playful smile on the corner of her lips, so that people will not forget her "violence" just now!
The king didn't want to let her go, he looked at the boots that were crushed by her, and rubbed the hand that had been bitten by her teeth, imagining her bright white teeth, and said with a malicious smile: "So Your name is Feifei! You bit me and trampled my boots, how do you pay for it?" It's better to pay her herself to the king, this wishful thinking is sound!Ben Wang snickered secretly...

(End of this chapter)

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