Chapter 426 The Big Pervert 5
Big satyr episode - you are the eternal pain in my heart!

However, just now, not to mention being molested by her, the king actually reacted, his heart beat faster, and his body felt like an electric shock.Oh, this king has molested beautiful women many times, and when they always blush, he deliberately lets go. Did he get retribution this time?He actually reacted to her unintentional teasing?For a moment, there was an urge to hold her in his arms and caress her wantonly!
She actually wants my king's ring?
There are two rings in total, one for the emperor's brother and one for the king.It was the father who told us before he passed away that only the woman we love the most can be given to her!She actually wants this?To be honest, there are countless beauties, but this king is still a virgin.It's not that the beauties are not attractive enough, it's just that they haven't reached the state of heart and body!

But the woman in front of me made me feel my body moving just now.

In order not to let her go away, it's not bad to put a ring on her.Anyway, it will not be a problem at all to marry back and be a concubine.Although this king doesn't even have a woman now, let's make an appointment with her first.Little girl, after this ring, you are my king's man!

Pulling out a malicious smile, "Do you like this ring?"

Feifei nodded hurriedly, like a hooked fish, "I like it, I like it very much, I like it very, very, very special!" Ben Wang laughed, took off the ring but didn't put it on for her, and held it with two fingers , and shrank back when she came to pick it up.This king just likes to tease beauties, let alone beauties that this king has already reserved!
Seeing her pouted, the king gave a deep smile, "I can give it to you, but you have to agree to one condition."

Feifei was startled on guard for a moment, then turned a pair of big watery eyes and giggled and said: "Okay, okay, I will agree to whatever you ask!" At the end, he patted his chest to promise, "I, Ye Feifei, never Liar, I lied to you as a puppy!" Haha, just by looking at that pair of thieves' eyes, you can tell that she is fooling me, and the last sentence is even more superfluous!
But this king is not afraid of your repentance!

Yiyan gave the ring to her, the little girl was overjoyed, her behavior was very strange, she picked up the ring and looked left and right at the sun, and even put it on each finger, it looked very interesting.But after a lot of tossing, I suddenly felt a little downcast.

The king was puzzled, and asked with a smile, "Is this ring very important to you?"

Without thinking, she replied, "Of course! I wouldn't be able to get home without it!" Oh?The king's heart jumped, and he asked back: "Isn't this minister's mansion your home?" Ye Chen couldn't help trembling, the king paid attention, but didn't expose it, and quietly hid it in his heart , continue to joke with Feifei.

(End of this chapter)

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