Chapter 430 The Big Pervert 9
Big satyr episode - you are the eternal pain in my heart!

Children born to concubines have never been taken seriously. It would be better if they were men, but it would be even worse for women.Even slaves and maidservants can bully them, one can imagine how difficult their lives are.This is true among the common people, even among the royal family and nobles.Although this king has gotten used to it, he still feels heartbroken for them!
Feifei rolled his eyes again, and said with a grin: "His Royal Highness, Feifei wrote a poem just now because of a momentary feeling, it would be nice to read it to you!"

oh?She also writes poetry?The king is very interested. He took a cup of tea, sipped the slider lightly, and said very interestedly: "Okay! Your second sister is the number one talented woman. Let's see how talented your sister is!"

The Snitch smiled and said crisply: "The name is "My Room". When I walked into a room, it was empty on all sides. I saw mice when I looked up, and cockroaches when I looked down!"

"Pfft—" This king has always been well-bred, but at this moment, he really can't control his inner emotions. Before he took a sip of tea, he spit out half of it!It really ruined the good image of this king!
It took a long time to tidy it up. With a beating heart, Ben Wang said in admiration: "Okay, very good, very good!"

With a sly smile, Feifei ignored Ye Chenxiang's ashen face, and continued to show her signature innocent smile without fear of death: "Since His Highness King Yun agreed, then Feifei still has another poem, and King Yun still has one more poem. Do you want to listen?"

Yes, yes!of course yes!The king nodded hurriedly!
This time I was mentally prepared, Feifei Ying lips parted slightly, and said softly: "Xia Ye sleeps early, and mosquitoes bite everywhere. Spray dichlorvos, I don't know how many people will die!" Hey, although I have mentally prepared, but also Still laughing cramply, I couldn't control it, I almost laughed, I couldn't help it, I didn't care about the image of laughing, panting: "Haha...haha...I laughed so hard..."

The best, as expected of the best!

Ben Wang rated her in his heart, with 7 points for beauty, 8 points for wisdom, 9 points for character, and 10 points for kindness.What a beauty!The more I get along with her, the more interested I am, it's so funny!It's very fun, I like it very much!

Just smiling, a devil-like voice sounded outside the door, "Second brother, are you there?"

Hey, my king's nemesis is here!Hurry up and run away, anyway, the mother's confession has been done, Ye Piaopiao is indeed qualified to be an imperial concubine!This king has also had an unexpected harvest, if he doesn't leave now, when will he wait!

(End of this chapter)

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