Chapter 431 The Big Pervert 10
Big satyr episode - you are the eternal pain in my heart!

Hey, my king's nemesis is here!Hurry up and run away, anyway, the mother's confession has been done, Ye Piaopiao is indeed qualified to be an imperial concubine!This king has also had an unexpected harvest, if he doesn't leave now, when will he wait!

Seeing Feifei again, it turned out to be at Baihuayan, she was captured by Prince Xi for some reason, and sat with him.

The ranking of Baihuayan has been determined, but unexpectedly, what the king doesn't even know is that Prince Xi made some agreement with brother Wang just now, saying that Baihuayan's oiran will be his concubine!However, what was even more unexpected was that he immediately went back on his word and wanted to marry Feifei who was beside him as the princess!

Everyone was stunned!
Of course, this king would not agree. Out of a man's unique possessiveness towards women, this king actually came out to fight Fei Fei with Prince Xi.In the end, he couldn't bear it, and even publicly announced that Feifei was already the king's fiancée, and the ring on her neck was the best proof!

The queen mother was shocked on the spot!

She probably never expected that the king would do this!In fact, it was just an impulse at that time, it was just because she didn't want Feifei to be accepted by Prince Xi as a concubine, and it was just out of a kind of protection for women.Although Prince Xi is not familiar with him, he has heard rumors about him, so he is a little indifferent.With Feifei's mischievous and lovely personality, following him will definitely make him suffer.So I said that on impulse!
But I didn't expect that love is often an impulse again and again, gradually deepening!First he gave her the ring impulsively, and now he impulsively threatened that she was my fiancée. Sometimes I still don't understand in retrospect, how much affection is contained in those impulses?

Later, he took her away on the spot and was about to send her back to the mansion, and teased her jokingly: "Feifei, you are now my fiancée, stay well, and I will pick you up when you are 16 years old!" In fact, this king has never had a woman. Thinking about it, if she really becomes this king's concubine, it would be pretty good.Such a cute little girl will not be bored every day.

Who knew that she would deny it outright, "Who promised to marry you?"

Ben Wang smiled, suddenly grabbed her, bowed his head and kissed her.To deal with women, this king has thousands of ways, but before, it was just a little teasing or admiration from a distance, at most it was a kiss.At this moment, Feifei was in his arms, kissing her cherry lips lightly, there was an uncontrollable male desire rising in his body, he was surprised, why would he feel this kind of body movement every time he faced her?

For a long time, this king is not willing to let her go!

It turns out that the feeling of kissing her is so beautiful, and the body and mind are happy!I used to think she was cute, naughty, cunning, smart, and kind.But I don't know, the more I get in touch with, the more I feel. She is like a treasure, if people dig it down, there will always be surprises!Ben Wang likes her, very much!With appreciation and affection, there is still a little love, I can't tell...
I haven't finished writing yet, let's read Chapter 10 first, and I will update "Standby Princess" in the afternoon.

After writing it, I will send it again~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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