The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 432 [New Book] Concubine Diao Wants to Divorce: The Retired Princess

Chapter 432 [New Book] Concubine Diao Wants to Divorce: The Retired Princess

Concubine Diao Wants to Divorce: Retired Princess

Text/Dieer Feifei
That's all for time travel, it's still the most vulgar soul possession!
It's nothing more than being an ancient woman, she is still a young lady who has been educated and respected since she was a child, never leaves her boudoir, and never steps out of her door!
It's nothing more than being a good girl through time travel, but there is still that old-fashioned plot, the little finger is the marriage, and she wants to marry on her behalf?
This, this, everything is fine, but the bastard who married her fingertips is actually him?
The enemy who became life and death enemies with her on the first day out?That treacherous villain who hangs around the fireworks all day long?
NO, NO!What do you mean if you are not friends and do not get together?Miss Ben doesn't believe in this evil, so she wants to marry him?Next life!
Miss Ben clenched her tender little fist and waved it vigorously, I - want - divorce - engagement!
Character introduction:

Heroine: Leng Qiushuang, the daughter of the Xiangfu, 16 years old, with a cold appearance and unparalleled beauty, she has learned books and rituals since she was a child, and is proficient in poetry, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!But because of the heroine's time travel, she has become savage and aggressive, full of ghosts and elves, and does not say hello.

Liu Piaoxu, the daughter of the general's concubine, 17 years old, with a beautiful face, gentle and charming, is the prince's first love, but because of family status, the two cannot marry.What you can't get is good, so the prince will never forget her.

Lian Qingyu, a princess of the Southern Kingdom, is 16 years old, with a beautiful face and a cowardly and feminine personality. She likes Prince Xiao, but under the pressure of her father, she wants to marry the powerful King Xia as her concubine.In fact, it was Princess Heqin, who finally resorted to tricks to get Leng Qiushuang to marry her instead, but was favored by King Xia, and the soldiers came to the city just for her!
Xiang Guanting, the owner of Yuhonglou, is 26 years old, full of charm, seasoned, sharp-tongued, and straightforward.Prince Xiao's confidante, a very attractive woman.She and Prince Xiao are like sisters and lovers, they have a physical relationship, and the two of them are quite ambiguous.

Mu Ziyan, an orphan, 16 years old, has a soft face, a gentle personality, very old-fashioned, and quite talented.When selling her body to bury her father, she was favored by a brothel, but was rescued by Leng Qiushuang, so she regarded Leng Qiushuang as her reborn parents and was willing to be her slave.

Male protagonist: Xiao Yixuan, the prince of the South, 23 years old, known as "Prince Xiao".The appearance is chic, elegant and dusty, both civil and military, unrestrained.Inside is insidious, showing no pity to women, even hatred.

Lian Qingcheng, the prince of the Southern Kingdom, 22 years old, has a gentle personality, considerate, treats people kindly, and does not put on airs.Because his father is too domineering, he has developed a gentle character like the prince, who is submissive and will not be powerful.

Leng Qiuyang, the son of the prime minister, and Leng Qiushuang's elder brother, has an upright personality, hearty and persistent, and cannot easily change what he believes. He fell in love with Xiang Wanting, the boss of Yuhonglou, and has been in love ever since.After learning that Prince Xiao has an ambiguous relationship with her, she has always been hostile to Prince Xiao.

King Xia, 28 years old, the youngest and most promising emperor, has a cold and domineering personality, vicious methods, vicious and unethical.Because of Leng Qiushuang's substitute marriage, she fell in love with her, and she ran away later, so she sent troops to the south, saying that the princess escaped from marriage, and wanted to seek "justice"!
Other characters:

Ke'er: Leng Qiushuang's personal maid, 14 years old, smart and cute, smart and beautiful, small and exquisite.

Leng Xiang: Leng Qiushuang's father, the prime minister of the Southern Kingdom, is pedantic and old-fashioned, strict but loving, and seems to love Leng Qiushuang.

Southern Emperor: Southern Emperor, 40 years old, ambitious but powerless, very strict with his children, with high expectations.

Tong'er: Prince Xiao's attendant, 15 years old, handsome and pleasing to the eye, but extremely proud, but the prince always follows his lead.Later, they paired up with Kerr.

Invincible: The prince's bodyguard, a life-and-death friend, ruthless, never speaks to anyone, supercilious, and extremely skilled!

Aunt Xue: Leng Xiang's second wife, Xuewei, is 22 years old and hasn't been out for 6 years. Although she looks charming, she is not very favored, and she is on good terms with the princess of the Southern Kingdom.

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