Chapter 44 Bad boy, take the move! 1
Chapter 38 Bad boy, take the trick!

"Ah——" I closed my eyes and yelled, my legs thumped fiercely, splashing water all over the bad boy...

The bad boy was in a daze, but when he was scalded by my hot water, he hit a spring like an electric shock, and the bullet flew far away, his hands were fanned, his face was red, and he stammered nervously: " I... I didn't do it on purpose... No..." After speaking, he ordered the maids to help me continue to take a bath, but he disappeared in a flash...

My invincible voice lasted for about 40 seconds, and I didn't stop until I was completely out of breath, "Ahem...bad boy! You girl is so kind! How dare you take advantage of this girl! Huh! I have never eaten like this when I grow up Damn it, you wait, I'll have to peel off your skin and pull out your tendons! Wow! I'm so mad!" The two fists slapped wildly in the bucket, venting like crazy.The maids are miserable, I took a bath, but they were all drowned in the water!
snort!You deserve it!Who told them to help the evil one by one!

After finally washing, I changed into clean and tidy clothes, or a skirt, and a pair of delicate and small embroidered shoes. The whole person felt much more relaxed.A maid came over to help me straighten my hair, put on a playful flying bun, and squeezed my eyes in the mirror, feeling a little better.

"Hey, how are you?" In the corner of the mirror, the villainous appearance of the bad boy accidentally barged in again. I turned around angrily, as if I was about to rush over to find him desperately.

"Hey——" he clapped his hands together, then said cautiously: "Okay! Don't make trouble anymore, you played tricks on me last time, and I'll give you back this time, it's fair! Let's talk Oh, Brother Wang asked me to help you take a bath, and I didn't ask for it myself..."

"Nonsense! Who is he? Do what you are told to do? Do you want to die if you are told? A man who has no opinion at all, who is at the mercy of others like a donkey, what face does he have to be a man? Yes, who is he to me? Why give orders to me? Hmph! When I find him, I have to teach him a lesson! Just wait!"

"Hahaha, it's up to you?" The bad boy looked up to the sky and laughed, with an air of watching people through the crack of a door.

I laughed back angrily, "Bad boy, don't you believe it? Let's make a game with you! I just don't know if you dare to play with me? Forget it, this game is quite difficult, I guess you can't play well Yes, I'd better not embarrass you..." I sighed and looked at him, my eyes were full of pity.

The bad boy was furious, "Zhi Liu" stood up in front of me, raised his chin high, his smooth and smooth neck was smooth and tender, making people really want to touch it.But suddenly a little surprised, why doesn't he have an Adam's apple?

But I heard the bad boy say arrogantly: "Cut! Look down on me! Tell me? What game?"

I didn't have the time to think too much, I glanced at the bad boy lightly, and continued to sigh: "Oh, forget it, it's really difficult, you definitely won't, so don't play, so as not to hurt your self-esteem, then find me Cry your nose..."

"Cut! Tell me! I've grown up so much, I haven't been upset by anything! Don't brag about it!" The bad boy propped his cheeks angrily, his small cherry mouth was red, It looked so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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