Chapter 45 Bad boy, take the move! 2
Chapter 38 Bad boy, take the trick!

"Well, that's it? Well then, I'll try it out with you first, explain first, don't lose and cry like a fool!" I looked at him with a smile, and the bad boy raised his head, talking proudly I don't even bother to say.

Damn, this effect is what I want!

"Okay! In fact, this game is also very simple, called imitation show. What I do, you follow me. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. As for my actions, just start a few This one is simple, try your imitation ability. If you think you can do it, just do a few more difficult ones.”

"Don't, don't! You'd better choose some difficult ones, otherwise it's like eating white rice, what's the taste! If you want to play, you can play hard. Don't make things that are too easy to fool me. Ah!" The bad boy urged earnestly, and I smiled lightly, "Okay, why is this the beginning?"

He nodded, and I walked over to help him set the position. There is a wall behind him, a solid wall!And I was standing 3 meters in front of him, hey, the game has started!
I cleared my throat and pinched my waist with my hands, "Section one, waist twisting exercise. One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four. Session two, stretching exercise. One, two, three, four, two , two, three, four. Third session, leg flex. One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four. Fourth session..."

"Hey, this is too simple... let's make it more difficult!" The bad boy originally heard me blowing so loudly at the beginning, so he was very cautious and alert when doing the first few exercises. Now he has finished three sessions and found It turned out to be so simple, and finally couldn't help but speak.

hey-hey!I smirked in my heart, this is called a trick, first let me paralyze your nerves with a few painless ones, let you relax, if you are on guard like that, how can I play with you? "The time has not yet come. Although your movements are good, the strength and range are too small, and they have not met the requirements for difficult movements!" I deliberately provoked him, and the bad boy's face was dissatisfied. Then I did a few more It was a very simple movement, but the bad boy really added strength and range.

I instructed while doing the movements, "Put harder, harder... yes, it's like this, just bigger..."

hey-hey!Almost there!Bad boy, take the trick!

"Ahem, the next section is a bit more difficult. It takes more effort than before to do it well! Remember, don't fail, or I will look down on you!" The bad boy "hummed" a few times, completely Not paying attention, I grinned, pinched my waist with both hands, slightly turned my head left and right twice, and then pushed back vigorously...

"Bang", the bad boy slammed his head back like me, the wall he hit trembled, and then he fell to the ground without even humming.

Oh hahaha~~~ Bad boy, I still can't handle you?I ran over a few steps and tugged on his collar, but he didn't move at all.I poked him, and then moved him to the bed, "Hey! Tell you to fight with me! Hmph! Do you know how good I am!"

Clap your hands and blow a kiss to him, "Goodbye! Sleep well, hahaha~~~"
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Chapter 39 God, what a narrow road to enemies!
(End of this chapter)

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