Chapter 50
Chapter 42 Singing Oboe with the Big Satyr

When he was in a difficult situation, he heard King Yun (big satyr) on the opposite side suddenly say loudly: "Prince Xi, Feifei cannot marry you as a concubine."

"Shua", all of them looked at King Yun with uniform eyes, and everyone paid attention to him.Prince Xi's complexion changed slightly, and he returned to his gloomy expression in a flash. The spring sunshine shone on his face, as if it had poured into a bottomless pit, and was absorbed without a trace in an instant. His face was still gloomy, but his eyes were still as sharp as an eagle staring at the big satyr. The pupils were as black as ink, shining like a black gem immersed in a pool of water.

The queen mother's face changed slightly when she heard the big satyr's words, and she looked at me sharply and guardedly, with a hint of worry on her face. The constant glances between the perverts made me feel uneasy.

The pervert just smiled and said nothing, got up and walked over slowly, standing a few steps away from us.

Prince Xi smirked a few times with a "hehe" and asked lightly, "I don't know what King Yun meant by this? Why can't this prince marry her as his concubine?"

Yeah, I want to know too!Although I really don't want to be held hostage by Prince Xi, I am naturally curious and want to reveal any secrets.Turning my eyeballs to look at the pervert, he was also looking at me, I gave him a wink, idiot, implying that I can't speak now and was held hostage by someone.

The pervert smiled heartily, and suddenly pointed at the person behind Prince Xi and said sharply, "It's you!"

Everyone was startled, Prince Xi also shook his arm and looked back.But I heard a gust of wind blowing around me, my arms tightened, my eyes flickered, and when I saw clearly again, I was already in the arms of the big satyr.

The West Prince realized that he had been fooled but it was too late, he just looked at the pervert coldly, but said to the Queen Mother: "It turns out that the prince in Donglin used fraud to snatch the woman, and I asked the Queen Mother to be the master. This prince has a covenant with the king. This time, the crown prince has the right to choose the concubine for all the women on Baihuayan. Could it be that King Yun is going against the king's will? If the queen mother can't make the decision, the crown prince has no choice but to ask the king to come up to make a decision. Already!"

The Empress Dowager frowned, and everyone in the audience was in an uproar. It was obvious that the big pervert's move was shocking, and Piao Piao had an unbelievable look on her face. I blinked at her, but she still looked terribly worried. Roll your eyes, then I can't help it.

The pervert clasped his fists and smiled, "Prince Xi, I offended you. There is a reason why this king did this. Just because Ye Feifei is my fiancee of King Yun, how can I let her lie in someone else's arms? Besides, Feifei also wants to Back to this king, Feifei, do you think so?"

"Ah—" A murmur of surprise spread around like water waves, and even I was accidentally shocked.

Uh... isn't it?When did u become his fiancée?If Prince Xi is a tiger, he is a wolf!Just left the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again?Isn't it so scary!I stared blankly at the big pervert in front of me. My dim red phoenix eyes were full of affection, my long and narrow eyebrows slanted to the sides, my tall nose was coquettish and charming, my thin lips were slightly curved, with a strong smile.

"Ahaha, King Yun really knows how to tell jokes. Judging by Feifei's expression, what King Yun said is not true. Queen Mother, do you know how to stop?"

(End of this chapter)

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