Chapter 51
Chapter 42 Singing Oboe with the Big Satyr

"Queen, please listen to Erchen." The big pervert touched me, and I woke up from the shock, and said, "Uh... yes, yes!" I answered his question above, and I am now Really want to go back to him.At least he is easier to deal with than Prince Xi, hehe!
The pervert smiled ambiguously, "Feifei, take out the jade ring around your neck and show it to the queen mother."

I didn't know why, so I had to take it out as I said.The big satyr took it, twisted the red silk thread that tied the jade ring with two slender fingers, and hung the jade ring in mid-air, so that everyone on and off the stage could see clearly.The queen mother let out a low cry, and even the queen and Concubine Su were surprised.

I was surprised in my heart, didn't the pervert say that this is just a battle example of him on the battlefield?Why are they all so surprised?

"Prince Xi, this jade ring is the national treasure of my Donglin Dynasty. There are two pieces in total. One is for the king, and the other is in the hands of this king. And as you saw just now, this ring is It was taken from Feifei's neck, and Feifei carried it with him. It was an engagement token that the king personally gave to Feifei when he went to the Minister's Mansion a few days ago. Can you rest assured, Prince Xi? Feifei, do you think so? ?”

"Ah? Uh... yes, yes!" I nodded blindly, but my eyes were wide open.No way?This is the national treasure?Did you say something ridiculous on purpose?However, in the 21st century, I only spent one yuan to buy it!This... is too funny, right?Is the pervert trying to exaggerate on purpose?

"Hey!" I smiled and said, "Prince Xi, I'm really the prince's fiancee!" I blinked my big eyes and offered my sweetest smile, only to see that Prince Xi's complexion had slowly changed. It's dark, oh, has this been thundered yet?fun!
"You sent that big bird to catch me just now. You don't even know how much our King Yun is worried about me! And I wanted to explain it to you a long time ago, but you actually tapped my acupoints and didn't let me say anything. You can't blame me for this! Also, the big bird scared me just now, the reason why the prince was so nervous to save me from you just now was because he was afraid that you and that bird man would bully me again!" With a pure and lovely peerless face, leaning in front of the pervert, tilting his head and turning his body, he gesticulated at Prince Xi's commentary, and the crisp voice rolled down like pearls, and shattered on the ground like blossoms. The water flowers, the lotus blooms four green, the leaves are fragrant, only to say that Prince Xi's face changed again and again, angry is not angry, cold is not cold, just looking at me a little dazed.

I wondered in my heart, wouldn't he, a violent man, really like me?From the first meeting, I accidentally hit him with a roasted sweet potato, and then he yelled at me while I laughed at him loudly, and later chased me with his subordinates.Later, he actually sent someone to find out about me. Today, my friend Lu Zhai met, and he sent someone to arrest me and come to his side without saying a word. I am a concubine?Is all this true or false?He's a prince, what kind of woman doesn't he have, but only for me?I don't believe it!At this time, his face was ugly, probably because I and the big pervert brushed his mind, he felt ashamed!
Well, it must be so, I must not be deceived by him!

"Bird...Birdman?" The big pervert pretended to be a curious baby with a suppressed smile.

"Yeah!" I said casually: "Oh, in this world, those with wings are not necessarily angels, they may also be birdmen! Look at his bulging black cloak, doesn't it look like wings? What about a good-looking person, but with a pair of bird wings, what is a birdman? Prince, do you think he looks like a birdman?"

I turned around and patted the big satyr on the chest, the big satyr burst out laughing loudly, and then quickly suppressed the laugh, "Like, very similar, very similar!"
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Chapter 43 Force the pervert to be a birdman

(End of this chapter)

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