Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 378 1 Definitely find him for me!

Chapter 378 Definitely find him for me!

Of course, it was only past nine o'clock today.

Bai Ke'er was standing there, when suddenly she seemed to hear a muffled hum.

The voice seemed to be not far away from her, as if behind her.

Bai Ke'er turned her head, but...she didn't see anything!

Just when Bai Ke'er thought she heard it wrong, she heard that muffled groan again.

This time, Bai Ke'er turned her head again.

She blinked and narrowed her eyes slightly.Then she felt that there seemed to be a black shadow in the dark corner, like a person.

Someone walked by, but no one paid attention.

Bai Ke'er looked at it, and she thought it was a person, but she wasn't sure that the muffled sound was from that person.

What's more, even if it was really made by that person, based on the voice, it looks like a man.She is a girl, so naturally she won't meddle in other people's business.

At this moment, the revolving door of the charming kiss opened again.A few men dressed in black rushed out from inside.Their faces are all stern, and they look like bodyguards.

"Look! Find him for me!"

That cold voice rang out.

Then, Bai Ke'er felt the black shadow flashing away in an instant.It's as if it disappeared suddenly.And that direction is the back alley of Charming Kiss.

The speed was so fast that Bai Ke'er thought she was dazzled.

Because the light is not there, it is very dark there, if you really don't look carefully, you can't see a person there.

So, those people obviously didn't notice.

"You, go over there! You, go over there! And you, you go over there and look for it. You go to the back alley to see! He was also injured, so he shouldn't have run too far. He, damn it, even He dared to poke a big man like Xu Chongming, he was really impatient!"

The back alley... Bai Ke'er clearly felt that the man seemed to have escaped from the back alley just now.

Xu Chongming? !Why is this name so familiar? !oh oh.Isn't that the protagonist of the rape and murder case that was raging a while ago?

Because of the strong background, he was acquitted in the end.

Although the legal judgment is nothing wrong, it is said that he really committed a crime, and he killed more than one woman.

That's obviously not a good person!

People like Xu Chongming always bring bodyguards when they go out.As for how that person did it, of course Bai Ke'er didn't know.

If he had known that someone like Xu Chongming was kissing seductively, Bai Ke'er would definitely not have come.

Thinking about it, I was really scared.

Bai Ke'er stood there, only thinking that the driver would come quickly, come quickly.

"He's in the back alley, hurry up...you...you...all over here. Kill him!"

Bai Ke'er's heart trembled inexplicably.

The person who stabbed Xu Chongming...is he going to be caught?
She looked towards the back alley for a while, thinking that the man... might be in danger.

What should I do?
Call the police?
However, if the police call the police, won't this man be arrested?
If he doesn't call the police, will he be beaten to death?

Bai Keer frowned deeply, what should I do?
She looked in the direction of the back alley, bit her lip, and finally clenched her small hands into fists, turned around, and cautiously chased towards the back alley.

Bai Ke'er followed behind those people. She walked very lightly, afraid of being discovered by them.

(End of this chapter)

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