Chapter 379
The focus of those people was obviously on the person who had just hurt Xu Chongming, so no one paid attention to her.

Bai Keer followed behind those people...


"Catch him!"

The man was injured, and was immediately surrounded by those men in black.They surrounded him, "Want to run? It's hard to run today even if you have wings."

"How dare you hurt Xu Da, are you impatient?"

Because the light in the back alley is too dark, it is impossible to see the faces of people clearly, only the shadows of people can be seen vaguely.

Among those people, someone was holding a flashlight, and Bai Ke'er was surprised to see that the man surrounded by people had a lot of blood on his body.

They surrounded him, and someone said, "Hit, hit me! Kill him!"

Bai Ke'er heard the man's cruel smile: "Xu Chongming, that bastard, he killed my girlfriend. It was him, it was him... I won't let him go, I just hate that I didn't kill him." Stab."

"Still stubborn, I won't beat you to death!"

Then, there was a sound of punching and kicking.

"Hit, hit me to death!"

Bai Ke'er tightly covered her mouth.

Someone behind said: "If you hit again, you will die."

"So what if someone dies. Xu Da said, it's okay to kill him."

When Bai Ke'er heard this, she felt terrified.

Bai Ke'er turned around.

Perhaps because of nervousness, when she turned around and wanted to rush out of this alley, she staggered and her whole body fell forward. Bai Ke'er couldn't help but let out a soft surprise, and almost fell down.

Bai Ke'er's eyes widened, and she rushed forward in a panic.

"Someone!" A low voice shouted.

"Mom, yes, catch her for me."

The footsteps behind him were so fast.

Bai Ke'er ran as hard as she could.

However, the light in the alley was too dark, and Bai Ke'er panicked. Before she could run out, she was caught up by the people behind.

The arm was grabbed by someone at once.

The person who held him directly snorted and laughed: "It turned out to be a little girl."

In desperation, Bai Ke'er said: "Brother, I... my little cat ran into this alley, and I came to look for my cat. Why are you catching me?"

A flashlight shone on Bai Ke'er: "How much have you heard?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. I... I came in to look for Maomao. If I didn't find it, I wanted to leave. Please let me go."

"Little sister, are you sure you didn't hear anything?"

"I didn't hear anything, and I didn't see anything." Bai Ke'er said.

"What about this little girl?"

"Take me in to meet Xu Da in a while, and see how Xu Da will deal with it?"

Someone said: "That's not..." Obviously, this little girl will not escape.

"Look at how juicy she looks. Maybe Xu Dayi is happy to reward us."

"You let me go!"

Bai Ke'er thought, why is she so unlucky.He was actually caught by them.

Obviously, no one let her go.

Moreover, he directly asked someone to imprison her, saying that he would bring her to see Xu Chongming later to see how Xu Chongming would deal with her.

Bai Ke'er couldn't break free from that person no matter what, that person became impatient, and directly said cruelly: "If you struggle again, don't blame me for beating you."

Bai Ke'er condensed her voice, and sneered directly: "Let go of me, I'm not someone you can offend!"

But that person just glanced at Bai Ke'er indifferently.

Bai Ke'er condensed her voice: "I'll say it again, let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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