Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 381 Ke'er is in Danger 2

Chapter 381 Ke'er is in Danger 2
He was slightly taken aback, "I... am I wrong?"

"Huh?" Lu Yingdi looked at Yoshino, "What?"

"I seem to have seen that little girl just now."

The friend on the side started to tease Yoshino again, "It's that girl who called you uncle just now."

"You, don't you want people to go..."

"You must have been blinded by it."

"Hey. If you want a beautiful woman, just say it."


Thinking about the scene he saw just now, Yoshino felt something was wrong.

He felt that he was right, it was definitely that little girl.

Although it's just a back view, it's definitely that little girl.But those men beside her don't look like ordinary people...

The more Yoshino thought about it, the more something was wrong, he stood up straight away: "No, I have to go and have a look."

"But, do you know where she went?" Someone asked Yoshino.

Yoshino's eyebrows frowned all of a sudden, that's right, he really didn't know where she had gone.

Just now he just glanced, especially in the crowd, he just glanced.

She followed those people in a flash.

He hadn't had time to see exactly where she had gone.

Just thinking about those few people...

"There are several people around her. The little girl's head is hanging down. She seems to be nothing, but when you think about it carefully, she should be taken away by force. Those people, depending on their clothes, should be Kind of like a bodyguard."

Yoshino frowned, "What are they doing with that little girl?"

Lu Yingdi's eyes deepened: "There are quite a few people who come here with bodyguards."

Yoshino nodded: "This is a bit troublesome."

Yoshino thought about the little girl whom he had teased, and the little girl who was imprisoned there by him, the little face flushed with anger, in fact, this little girl was really likable.

Yoshino really didn't want anything to happen to her.

Here is a charming kiss!It's really not the place where a pure little girl like her should come.

A girl, she is really dangerous like this.

"I'm going to find her!"

Yoshino left immediately.

"Hey, Yoshino!"

Yoshino turned his head back, "You guys can help me to have a look too."

Everyone walked around the hall like this, and finally shook their heads, obviously not in the hall.

"He was taken to the box?" Yoshino raised his eyebrows.

"Could she be in danger?" Lu Tianlin frowned slightly.

"There will be no danger."

"Yeah, if you want me to say, maybe Yoshino is wrong."

The other people didn't want to be nosy, everyone said that it was too late tonight, and they all left one by one.

In the end, only Lu Tianlin and Yoshino were left.

"Tianlin, let's find each other separately."

Lu Tianlin glanced at Yoshino: "How are you going to find it?"

"Just..." Yoshino thought for a while, "It seems that there is no way to find one box after another, ha."

Lu Tianlin rolled his eyes: "Let's find someone to adjust the surveillance video."


Bai Ke'er was dragged to a luxurious box by force.

In that box, it can be said to be a life of singing and dancing.

A man with yellow hair, about 26 years old, fair complexion, but cloudy eyes.He was surrounded by six young women, all of whom were beautiful.

There was dance music in the box, and several people were dancing there.

It's just that this dance is very ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)

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