Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 382 Ke'er is in Danger 3

Chapter 382 Ke'er is in Danger 3
This man is the Xu Chongming that these bodyguards are talking about.

His hands wandered irregularly among the beautiful women, and there was an evil smile on the corners of his lips.

Xu Chongming, in terms of looks alone, can be considered a handsome man.

It's just that they are both beautiful men, with wicked smiles on the corners of their lips, but Bai Ke'er clearly feels that the man in front of him is so disgusting.

Think about it, Feng Lie, the man who always had a wicked smile on his lips, made people feel so noble and elegant.

Bai Ke'er frowned deeply.

The tape in her mouth was also taken off at once.

Someone called out respectfully: "Xu Da!"

Xu Chongming's attention was not on this side at first, but when the sound of "Xu Da" made him drift past his eyes lightly, he saw Bai Ke'er unexpectedly.

What a pretty woman.

It looked pure as if it was about to drip water.

Xu Chongming waved his hand, and the women stopped.

He motioned for the man to continue.

"Xu Da, the matter has been settled, but this woman..."

Xu Chongming's eyes were on Bai Ke'er.

Those red eyes made people feel really uncomfortable.

"You go out first!"

Xu Chongming said to those women.

After waiting for the person to go out, Xu Chongming asked lightly: "Tell me."

"Xu Da, when we were in the back alley, this woman saw and heard everything. But, she...she said she was the eldest lady of the Bai family. Bai Lenghan's younger sister of the Lengye Group."

"Bai Lenghan's younger sister of the Leng Ye Group?" Xu Chongming's eyes froze on Bai Ke'er for an instant.

His eyes were gloomy, with a look of looking at prey.Bai Ke'er said directly and coldly, "Let me go!"

Xu Chongming looked at her, and then there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his lips, which looked very weird.

"Leave this woman, you all go out."

"Xu Da, this..." The man couldn't help but said it again, "Xu Da, she said she is the daughter of the Bai family..."

"I told you to get out!"


People were thrown off at once.

Bai Keer was left alone.

Facing such a man who raped and killed women, Bai Ke'er said it was impossible not to be afraid.

She said coldly, "I'm really the daughter of the Bai family, please let me go."

Xu Chongming looked at her, pulled his lips, and said sinisterly: "So what? It's because you are that I feel excited."


Xu Chongming approached Bai Ke'er step by step.

Bai Ke'er stepped back step by step.

Xu Chongming approached her and tore off Bai Ke'er's shirt. He forcefully tore Bai Ke'er's shirt.

There was a hiss.

Bai Ke'er felt a chill all over her body.

She was so shocked that her little face changed color with fright.

Xu Chongming's unhesitating gaze, like a wolf's, brushed hard at her.

Bai Ke'er felt that helpless feeling again.

She retreated step by step until she could no longer retreat.

Xu Chongming was like a wolf, showing his white teeth, and Bai Keer's body was trembling.

She really didn't expect that this man... would be like this even after she had revealed her identity.

"After we get you, shall we get married?" Xu Chongming approached Bai Ke'er, stretched out his fingertips to pick her chin.

Bai Ke'er felt nauseous.

(End of this chapter)

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