Chapter 391 But, I do!

"What did you say?"

Luo Bing also felt the stiffness of his body.Her heart hurts for a while.It hurts, it hurts.

Sure enough, he didn't want to.

Two years of contract marriage, but she had the extravagant desire to stay by his side all the time.

Ha ha, she is too stupid.It is she who is too stupid.She couldn't see the situation at all.

She thought that if she confessed her love to him, she would be able to stay by his side.'s not what I naively thought at all, is it?

Just when Luo Bing was thinking about it with heartache, a pair of big hands gently rubbed her hair.

His voice was strange, low, as if with a touch of helplessness: "So, what you were thinking about was actually this..."

Luo Bing frowned, her heart ached.

"Actually..." he said, "it never occurred to me that we will only have two years of marriage. In other words, you have always cared about the two-year period. At first, did you think two years was too long?" How long? Fool, I never thought of letting you go after two years."

Luo Bing was stunned there!
"Our marriage has never been two years, but... a lifetime!"

Their marriage was never two years!

Luo Bing looked up at him, looking at him deeply.

He pulled his lips, then smiled softly, held her hair, and there was a touch of warmth in his voice: "what?"

"I... I didn't think of it."

"Didn't think of anything?"

"I never thought about it, so you have long wanted to imprison me for a lifetime."

Bai Lenghan: "..."

Luo Bing smiled lightly, "But, I am willing!"

"Heh, hehe..."

His laughter is so hearty.

Luo Bing was in his arms, feeling so warm and so at ease.

Her hand landed lightly on the lower abdomen.There, there is already a little life.

Luo Bing's lips hooked into a happy smile.

Because Luo Bing was pregnant, Bai Lenghan originally told her not to go to the company the next day.Luo Bing knew that he loved her dearly.But let her stay at home, she can't stay at all.

What's more, the work will not be too tiring, besides, proper exercise is also good for children.

She persuaded Bai Lenghan to let her continue to work.

He finally agreed, but made her always pay attention to the fetus.If you are tired, you must rest.If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to tell her.Also, tell him what you want to eat, and he will buy it for her.

That's not enough, Bai Lenghan accompanied Luo Bing to do another detailed pre-pregnancy checkup, and she was relieved after making sure that everything was fine with her body.

Luo Bing finally felt relieved.

In fact, except for her aunt who has been inaccurate, she is in good health in other aspects.

This big aunt is not allowed to just say that it will affect pregnancy.

Therefore, the doctor said, this is also the reason why she did not conceive until six months ago.

Normal girls may be pregnant within one or two months.

In fact, there is nothing special to pay attention to in terms of diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and some meat.The other is to eat even if you vomit.

Because she is not alone now.She is feeding two people.

Luo Bing vomited badly in the days that followed.

She was so uncomfortable that she didn't go to work in the company for some days.

She was lying on the bed, and Bai Lenghan was guarding her by her side.

For her, he moved the files back home to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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