Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 392 Chapter Feng Lie is here!

Chapter 392 Feng Lie is back!
While working, he took care of her.

Sister Wang has also been in the Bai mansion.In addition, Lin Nuanyue transferred two capable servants from the Bai family to take care of the Bai mansion with Sister Wang.

Lin Nuanyue and Bai Ke'er would visit Luo Bing basically every day.

It's Bai Hui who has visited Luo Bing twice to let her take good care of her body.

Pregnancy is really hard.

Luo Bing felt that she was really working hard.

Fortunately, this difficult day is finally over.

More than a month later, when Luo Bing was more than three months pregnant, Luo Bing returned to her lively appearance.

She has a big appetite, and everything she eats tastes delicious.

One person is like eating two people's meals.

The little face is ruddy.People are not as thin as before. Although they are a little fatter, they are still as sweet and beautiful as before.

My belly is also growing day by day.

Luo Bing should not be too energetic now.

But he just refused to let her work in the company again.

It's just that she's working hard.

But Luo Bing was bored after staying at home for a long time.

And more often, the two of them go out together in the morning and go home together in the evening.

However, her office directly became his office.

Uh huh, watching him busy to death, but she can only sit there and read a book.

Later, Luo Bing suggested that she should help him with the documents.

She can still handle some documents for him.

As a result, Bai Lenghan's workload was suddenly lightened.

Luo Bing's work efficiency is really fast.And after the documents she had seen, he only needed to sign.

Luo Bing couldn't help raising her lips.

Bai Lenghan said: "It's really wronged you to let you work in the finance department. Otherwise, you can be my assistant in the future."

"You want me to help you with the documents all the time?"

Bai Lenghan just laughed: "Who made you so capable."

Luo Bing raised her lips and smiled slightly: "But I'm not your assistant."


Luo Bing smiled grinningly: "I still like to go to the finance department."

He dyed his lips, "Okay, you can go anywhere you like."

Anyway, after the baby is born, whether she can still come to work in the company is another matter.

The two people go out in pairs every day, and gradually become a beautiful landscape of the company.

The wife of the president of another company is also pregnant, and the wife of the president of Leng Ye Group is also pregnant.But the wives of other presidents rarely show up, and their presidents simply bring their wives to him, so that he can rest assured by watching them in front of his eyes.

The love between the two is obvious to all.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Bing was five months pregnant.

Luo Bing's stomach is also getting bigger and bigger.

On this day, when the two of them drove back to the Bai Mansion, Luo Bing received a call from Feng Lie: "Beauty, I'm coming back!"

Luo Bing: "..."

"Beauty, do you miss me? I'm going to City A tomorrow. I want to see you..."

Luo Bing just smiled: "Okay."


"Well, really."

"Okay, then I'll call you when I get there."

"Yes." Luo Bing said, "I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Feng Lie shouted: "Wow, I'm so touched. Okay."

After hanging up the phone, he looked up at Bai Lenghan.Bai Lenghan raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"Brother, he's coming back! He'll be in City A tomorrow!" Luo Bing couldn't hide her joy when she said this.

Bai Lenghan frowned.

Luo Bing said: "When I see brother, I will tell him that I am his younger sister."

(End of this chapter)

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