Chapter 396 Who Is That Man?

However, the company didn't give her this chance at all.

The only chance they gave her was to play the role of a female number three.number three?She doesn't even look down on the second female lead.

I want her to win many awards in piano competitions with "Remembrance". She is radiant. She has been to Vienna for so long and is now a very popular pianist. Based on these, she shouldn't be playing the female number three. .

Tang Meiyi thinks she is absolutely beautiful.She is very confident in her appearance, otherwise, she would not have been favored by Bai Lenghan back then.

AYE Entertainment is obviously owned by Leng Ye Group.

And she is the ex-girlfriend of Bai Lenghan, the president of Leng Ye Group.

It's just an entertainment company under its banner.Unfortunately, the manager of this entertainment company just refused to give himself a chance.

In fact, in the company, everyone's attitude towards her is not very good.

More people even looked at her with strange eyes.

Compared to the sweet love between Bai Lenghan and his wife Luo Bing, the existence of Tang Meiyi itself is like a joke.

Back then, when she left, it was always rumored that she abandoned him.

Of course, she was the one who insisted on leaving.But she is for her own dream.And she is back now.

But it was impossible for her to return to him.

I thought I would find a better one.

I thought that I would meet someone better than him.

I thought I could forget him.

But it has been more than five years, not only has she not forgotten him, she has not met anyone who is better than him.No one is better than him.

In Tang Meiyi's opinion now, he is the best.

The well-known entertainment company in City A where she worked for was just a company under his entire Leng Ye Group.If she is still with him, then...she will become the absolute heroine, number one.

Tang Meiyi couldn't be reconciled after thinking about it.

She is really not reconciled.

She can only participate in some tours now.

How could she be content with this?

Tang Meiyi opened the door and got out of the car.

She pushed open the door of the Royal Court Hotel, just in time to see Luo Bing being carried into the elevator by Feng Lie.

Tang Meiyi hurriedly took out her phone. She pretended to be looking at the screen, but actually adjusted the angle and took a photo of Feng Lie hugging Luo Bing, looking very ambiguous.

After Luo Bing and Feng Lie got into the elevator, Tang Meiyi rushed to the front desk directly, "Give me a room."

"I want the room next to that gentleman." Tang Meiyi said.

"That gentleman?" The lady at the front desk said, "Sorry, that gentleman booked the presidential suite."

"Presidential suite?" Tang Meiyi's face showed a hint of surprise.

You know, how expensive is this hotel?Of course, city A is the most expensive.

Moreover, it is the most expensive presidential suite!

That is definitely not something ordinary people can live in.

Who is that man who is with Luo Bing?

Jealousy ignited in Tang Meiyi's eyes.

It's not enough for her to have Bai Lenghan, now she has to hook up with another man?Moreover, they are also not idle people.

When the photo of Luo Bing's pregnancy was published by the media, Tang Meiyi was so jealous that she almost went crazy.

In the photo, Bai Lenghan looked at her with such affectionate and warm eyes.

And he had never looked at himself with that look.

[Baby, look at the poor recommendation votes, vote for Xue Duoduo.Xue thinks that there are really not many changes, so she doesn't ask for a reward, just giving a recommendation ticket is enough. 】

(End of this chapter)

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