Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 397 You...are you telling the truth?

Chapter 397 You...are you telling the truth?
If she hadn't left back then, she might have become Mrs. Bai!

But...Bai Lenghan at that time, who would have thought that he would achieve what he is today.

The Lengye Group five years ago did not have the achievements it has now.

Although Tang Meiyi felt that she left that year, she regretted it a little.But if she was asked to choose her again, he at that time was not as good as he is now, and the Leng Ye Group at that time was far from the height it is now.She thought she should leave anyway.

At that time, he was always busy and seemed unable to take care of her at all.

In other words, she is also selfish.

When he left him that year, it was also the busiest and most difficult time for him.In order to pursue her dream, she left for five years.

A flash of remorse flashed in Tang Meiyi's eyes, although she knew she shouldn't have left him back then, but if Luo Bing wasn't by his side, maybe the person who could stand by his side at this time was herself.

But now, even her manager underestimated her.

The attitude towards her is obviously not the same as before.

Although it is said that she also arranged a small assistant for her, but this little assistant did not please her very much.

The hateful thing is that even this assistant who doesn't like her very much looks at her with such disdain.

Knowing that the room Feng Lie wanted was actually the presidential suite, Tang Meiyi gave up on asking for a room.

Originally, she wondered if she could go up and take some photos.

Now that I think about it, it's impossible for me.

But just because she can't make it doesn't mean she can't do anything.

Tang Meiyi, who had returned to the car, said coldly to the little assistant, "Give me your mobile phone."

"What?" the little assistant asked her.

Tang Meiyi's voice became completely cold all of a sudden, and she said impatiently: "Give it to me if I ask you!"

The little assistant pursed her lips. Although she was a little reluctant, she finally gave her her mobile phone.

No matter how much the little assistant felt that the master in front of him was difficult to serve, there was nothing he could do.After all, I am her assistant.

It's just, what is she doing with her mobile phone?
Tang Meiyi directly dialed a call, and she lowered her voice so that people could not hear her original voice at all.

"Bai Lenghan's wife of the Lengye Group is currently with a man in the presidential suite of the Royal Court Hotel..."

"You know what to do?"

"The news must be correct, I have seen it with my own eyes."


The assistant just looked at Tang Meiyi, until she hung up the phone, she looked at Tang Meiyi in shock: "You... what you said is true?"

Tang Meiyi nodded.

The little assistant frowned: "But you...why do you use my mobile phone?"

Tang Meiyi didn't bother to pay attention to her, so she said directly: "Drive!"

Sometimes, she really felt that the assistant her agent had found for her was really stupid.

Not long after Tang Meiyi drove away, a car stopped directly at the entrance of Huangting Hotel, and two paparazzi walked out of the car.

They just got the news that Mrs. Bai was in the presidential suite with a man... This is definitely a very exciting and explosive news.

And Tang Meiyi, imagining Bai Lenghan's reaction after knowing that Luo Bing had a private meeting with a man? !

He should be very disappointed with Luo Bing.Which man can accept his wife having private meetings with other men?
Especially a man like Bai Lenghan.

(End of this chapter)

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