Chapter 412 He Should Be Hers

"That's right, she... Now it's long past tense."

"Look at her, how embarrassed she is now. I heard that she was hidden by the company."

"Do you know why she was hidden in the snow?"

"I heard that it is the meaning of our immediate CEO..."


Tang Meiyi was also stunned when she heard this.

"Why?" Someone also asked a question.

"Because of Madam Bai. You know, Madam Bai is pregnant. President Bai loves Madam so much, so naturally he will do something to make Madam Bai happy."

"Is that so..."

Tang Meiyi yelled directly: "No! No! That's not the case."

She doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it!
It's not Bai Lenghan!
It must not be Bai Lenghan who wanted to hide her in the snow.

Why did he do this to her?Why did he do such an absolute thing to her?

Tang Meiyi went crazy, she scratched everyone who stopped her, they couldn't beat her as a woman, so Tang Meiyi rushed in without stopping her for a while.

She rushed to the general manager's office and yelled at the general manager, "Say, why did you block me?"

The general manager frowned deeply, his face was displeased, and he said in a concentrated voice: "This is the meaning of the head office."

"No, no..." Tang Meiyi murmured.

She didn't believe it, and she was unwilling to believe that it was Bai Lenghan who wanted to block her.

What did she do wrong?
Tang Meiyi was devastated, she rushed out of the entertainment company, and drove directly towards Leng Ye Group.

The car stopped at the gate of Leng Ye Group, and Tang Meiyi was also stopped by someone in the lobby. She wanted to see Bai Lenghan, but it was impossible without an appointment.

No way, Tang Meiyi sat in the car and waited!

Her eyes stared at the door of Leng Ye Group without blinking. She waited from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, and from afternoon to night, but she didn't wait for Bai Lenghan to come out.

Tang Meiyi has been dripping water all day, and her lips are dry.

She was afraid that she wouldn't see him if he came out, so she didn't even dare to go to the bathroom.

It was hard physically, and even more uncomfortable mentally.

Thinking about the scenes of being with him in the past, and thinking about her own present, she just felt sad from the bottom of her heart.

Now, in City A, AYE Entertainment is definitely the best entertainment company.She doesn't like other small entertainment companies either.

But now, AYE Entertainment is already under Leng Ye Group. She thought she still had hope, but now, she just feels grief and remorse.

Back then, why did she have to leave him?
So what if dreams come true?

In the end, she lost him!

And he has already become so powerful!

Tang Meiyi felt that she couldn't take it anymore, and then she finally saw the man coming out of the revolving door.

There was a doting smile on his face that she had never seen before, so gentle, so refined, so noble, so elegant, so charming.

He hugged the woman in his arms gently, listening to what she said quietly.

His hands would gently touch her hair, and even kiss her forehead lightly.

He gazed and treated the woman beside him so affectionately.

Tang Meiyi discovered that all of this was something her former self never had.

At that moment, her fists were clenched tightly.

She experienced wild jealousy like never before.

That dazzling man should have been hers, it was hers!
(End of this chapter)

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