Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 413 Everything is like a joke Chapter 1

Chapter 413 Everything Is Like a Joke

She pushed open the car door and rushed towards him.

She also wants to hug him again!
It's been five years and she misses him!
She misses him so much.

However, he was so far away from him now, as if there was an insurmountable distance between them.

That distance is so far.

Tang Meiyi had already rushed in front of him, and she was so close to him, but for some reason, she felt that the distance between her and him was still so far away.

She wanted to rush over and throw herself directly into his arms.But there was another woman in his arms.

She managed to make herself stand there, in front of him, but he didn't even look at her.

He hugged Luo Bing and was about to walk in front of her.

She finally couldn't bear such treatment, so she called him loudly behind him.Her voice was full of deep grievances, grief, doubts and sadness, as well as pain.

Why did you do this to her?
She was his ex-girlfriend after all.He didn't talk about taking care of her, but even banned her.

Tang Meiyi stood behind him, "Bai Lenghan, stop!"

His footsteps paused, and his brows furrowed.

Tang Meiyi came over and stood directly beside him, just looking at his profile, Tang Meiyi also felt that he was so handsome and charming.

"I have something to tell you." Tang Meiyi looked at him.

Luo Bing frowned slightly.

Seeing that he ignored her, Tang Meiyi reiterated: "Leng Han, I have something to tell you."

His voice was so cold that she trembled a little. He said, "I have nothing to say to you."

He hugged Luo Bing and wanted to go away just like that.

Tang Meiyi waited for a whole day, and her lips were a little cracked without dripping water.

This kind of pain is not good, and there are bloodshots.

Besides, she still wants to go to the bathroom.

Besides, her hair was messed up, and she was in a mess. She didn't have exquisite makeup, and she didn't have the self-confidence she used to.

Because Tang Meiyi was suffering from her own body, she felt a deep sense of impatience, "Bai Lenghan, do you have to be so ruthless to me? I... We were not very good before. 5 minutes, you just need Just give me five minutes. I just want to talk to you alone."

He sneered directly, pulled Luo Bing away and left.

"Hey, Bai Lenghan!"

Tang Meiyi saw that he was about to leave, she was not reconciled, she waited for a whole day.

She was so angry that she was going to pull Luo Bing directly.

But before she touched Luo Bing, she felt a sudden void in front of her body. She staggered and almost fell there.

Tang Meiyi bit her lips tightly, at this moment she really realized what humiliation was.

Luo Bing was well protected by him.

When Tang Meiyi rushed towards Luo Bing again like crazy, Luo Bing only felt the man next to her move, and then she heard Tang Meiyi's scream.

Tang Meiyi only felt that her feet seemed to be touched by something, and then she fell there hard.

This fall made her tears fall directly.

The deep pain made her cry more and more.

Far from being so painful physically, the pain is in the heart.

When the past when they were together flashed before her eyes one by one, she felt that everything was like a joke, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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