Chapter 433 Ke Er Visits
night?It's still morning.

Turn on the TV and just lean on the sofa and watch casually for an hour.

The hourly workers haven't packed up yet.

Just thinking about how to have fun.These days, because the company just started, he has been busy all the time, so busy.

The doorbell was rang.

Feng Lie stood up and went to open the door.

After opening the door, seeing the girl standing at the door, Feng Lie raised his lips and smiled lightly: "Little girl, why are you here?"

The person here is Bai Ke'er!

Bai Ke'er giggled, "Oh, Sister Luo said you moved to a new house. Today is the weekend, and I don't have any classes. I just come to sit here with you. Why, you don't welcome me?"

"Why don't you welcome me?"

Feng Lie smiled lowly, "Come on, sit here."

Bai Ke'er sat down on the sofa, "It's not bad here."

Feng Lie raised his lips, "What do you want to drink? Juice or coffee? Or tea?"

Bai Ke'er smiled and said, "Give me the juice."

Feng Lie went to the refrigerator to fetch fresh oranges, and squeezed a glass of juice for Bai Keer himself. Bai Keer took the glass and took a sip, "It's delicious."

Feng Lie raised his lips and smiled, "Since you're here, let's eat here at noon."

Bai Ke'er raised her lips and asked, "At home?"

" can go out."

"Hehe. That's not what I mean. I mean, at home...can you cook? I...but I can't. I heard from Sister Luo that you haven't found a suitable aunt yet?"

Feng Lie directly pulled his lips, "What auntie? Do I seem to know how to use auntie?"

As soon as Feng Lie said this, the part-time worker aunt came down from the downstairs to clean.It was not easy to tidy up this villa, and it took two full hours to finally come to an end.

Bai Ke'er blinked her eyes when she looked at the part-time worker.

Feng Lie stood up directly, took out the money and handed it to her: "You can go."

He looked at Bai Ke'er, and pouted his lips, "This is a part-time job. There is no way, I haven't found a suitable one yet."

The hourly worker said thank you and left.

Bai Ke'er looked at Feng Lie, "Brother Lie...hehe. I can call you that. Isn't your request too high?"

Feng Li smiled wickedly: "I can't be too demanding."

He obviously felt that his requirements were not high at all.

Sure enough, it's not easy to find someone you like.

Bai Ke'er pulled her lips, and asked him: "Don't you know that young girls don't know how to cook a lot these days? Besides, you still need to be good at cooking. Besides..." Bai Ke'er blinked Blinking eyes, "A lot of girls look very elegant and beautiful outside, but in fact, their living place is a mess in private. You also require that the room be cleaned neatly and cleanly, absolutely top-notch? Isn't this... a high requirement? "

"Brother Lie, have you ever seen a young, beautiful, highly educated and capable girl who can do this... Well, of course your salary is quite high. But I think it is the same for those who come to this job full-time just for a high salary The purpose is impure."

Feng Lie immediately hooked his lips when he heard what Bai Ke'er said about the little girl.

"Brother Feng, you are so handsome and rich, they must be trying to seduce you when they come here."

Feng Lie burst out laughing: "You know that too?"

"am I right?"

(End of this chapter)

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