Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 434 A Handsome Man Who Shocks Heaven

Chapter 434 A Handsome Man Who Shocks Heaven
Feng Lie dyed her lips, "There will always be something special."

"That must be a part-time job." Bai Ke'er looked at Feng Lie.

Bai Ke'er said: "Come here to do it after work. Don't you want dinner? Then come to clean the room at night, help you wash and iron your clothes, and prepare dinner for you by the way, isn't it all right?"

Feng Lie raised his eyebrows.

"Girls from such a family don't miss work, do they?"

Feng Lie raised his eyebrows again.

"You know, for a young, beautiful, highly educated and capable girl to do a job like yours full-time, isn't it too much?"

Feng Lie: "..."

"Brother Lie, do you think I'm right?"

Feng Lie: "..."

"Actually, Brother Feng, if you don't mind, can I introduce someone to you?"

Feng Lie: "Huh?"

"It's a cousin of one of our roommates. She is 22 years old and is currently working as an intern in a company. She is very beautiful, good at doing housework, and very good at cooking. If you don't mind, why don't you let her try? "

Feng Lie: "So, you came today... Actually because of this?"

Bai Ke'er just shook her head, "No. I came here today to celebrate your move. I'm just telling you about this. Anyway, you haven't found anyone? I'm not doing this for Brother Lie. Be anxious. Look at such a big villa, it’s not good to always call hourly workers every day, right? Brother Lie, you see, neither of us can cook at noon. If you are at home, do you have to make a meal? Noodles?... Why don't you let her try it in a while?"

Bai Ke'er just talked like that.

Feng Lie finally surrendered directly: "Okay, let her come."

"Really?" Bai Ke'er's eyes lit up.

Before coming, Ye Jing begged her for a long time for this matter.Her cousin's family was very poor, and she lived with her mother since she was a child.I have always had to balance my studies and work at the same time.Although I am doing an internship now, the salary during the internship is not high, and I still have to work part-time after work.It's rare, Feng Lie's salary is really good.

Feng Lie looked at Bai Ke'er's bright eyes and pulled his lips, "Really."

"Hey. Thank you brother Lie."

Feng Lie leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes lazily, "Then let her cook a meal for lunch. This way we won't have to eat instant noodles."

The corner of Bai Ke'er's mouth twitched, dare you, brother Lie really wants her to eat instant noodles with him.

An hour later, Ye Jing brought people over.

Feng Lie glanced over and frowned slightly.

He turned his head to look at Bai Ke'er.

pretty?Which of her eyes saw the girl in front of her was beautiful?At most it can only be regarded as handsome, at most it can only be regarded as pleasing to the eye.

It has nothing to do with beauty.

Ye Jing stood there: "Ker... this is Mr. Feng, right? I'm my cousin. That..." Ye Jing scratched her hair, "I brought my cousin..."

The moment Ye Jing saw Feng Lie, she couldn't speak clearly.How can there be such a handsome man? It's astonishing.

Ye Jing's eyes were about to look straight.

Bai Ke'er smiled slightly, and directly pulled Ye Jing's cousin over, and introduced, "Brother Lie, this is the person I want to find for you!"

"I saw it." Feng Lie said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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