Chapter 435 Give Me a Reason

The girl standing next to Bai Ke'er has straight hair just past her shoulders, fair skin, narrow eyes, red lips, and white teeth.She is a very pretty girl.To say that it is indeed a big difference from being beautiful.

There is no outstanding temperament.

Girls also wear ordinary clothes.It's just a simple black T-shirt, a pair of washed white jeans, Converse canvas shoes on bare feet, and a white canvas bag that looks like a shopping bag.

The girl is very thin, and such a dress does not reveal her figure.

Such a girl... Feng Lie frowned again.

The girl stood there, speaking neither humble nor overbearing. She opened her lips slightly, but her voice was very pleasant, thin, soft, and soft, and it seemed to hit people's hearts directly, "Hello! My name is Li Wei."

Li Wei...even her name is so...uncharacteristic.

Feng Lie looked at those little hands, which seemed weak and boneless, but he raised his lips slightly, and passed her unbeautiful little face lightly, and his voice was also alienated: "I'm sorry, you don't meet the requirements. My terms."

Feng Lie's answer stunned everyone present.

Especially Bai Keer, "Brother Lie, haven't even tried it, how do you know?"

"Trial?" Feng Lie lifted his lips directly, "I don't think it's necessary!"

"Brother Lie..."

Li Wei stood directly in front of Bai Ke'er, her eyes were looking directly at Feng Lie, her voice was still neither humble nor overbearing: "Reason!"

Feng Lie: "..."

Did he have to be so straightforward with her?

"I want a reason!" Li Wei's voice was neither soft nor slow, but it was impossible not to ignore it.

"Reason? The reason is: you have nothing to do with beauty. What I want is a beautiful girl. You are there, you don't seduce me at all, and you won't be in a good mood if you just make me feel good. I like beautiful things, do you understand? And you have nothing to do with beauty. This is the most basic requirement for me to recruit housekeepers. And you obviously don't meet the requirements, so I'm sorry, I think I can only say sorry!"

Such words stunned Bai Ke'er.

Ye Jing stood there, she seemed completely unable to react. Such words came from the mouth of this handsome boy in front of him.

With such words, if it were any other girl, her eyes would turn red, or she would turn around and leave in a fit of anger.Those with a little personality might scold him a few words before leaving.

Anyway, it would be embarrassing for anyone to say something like that.

That's right, Feng Lie's words also made Li Wei feel very embarrassed.

She has always known that she is not a beauty, she is not a beautiful girl.But... when some words are said by others so nakedly, the feeling is different again.

Li Wei looked at Feng Lie, and suddenly smiled, her eyes are not too big.There is no such thing as in the novel, even though she is not beautiful, she has a pair of watery and talking eyes.Her eyes are not big, when she smiles, those squinted eyes are directly narrowed into a slit.

When she smiled, two sweet little dimples were revealed, coupled with her smiling eyes that almost narrowed into a slit...

As Feng Lie watched, his handsome face showed a trace of impatience.

"why are you laughing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a soft feeling on his lips!

(End of this chapter)

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