Chapter 456 A Bitter Smile
"Bingbing..." Mu Siyan shouted, "Go away. Leave me alone. If he did it, these people wouldn't hurt you."

"He..." Luo Bing shook his head, "No, it can't be him! It's not his..."

Mu Siyan didn't argue with Luo Bing on this issue, in fact he didn't have the strength to argue with him anymore, he was beaten badly.

When Luo Bing was about to rush over, one of them hissed and shouted: "It's none of your business here, you go!"

"Let him go!" Luo Bing's hoarse voice showed a deep strangeness, she didn't believe it, she didn't believe that these people were sent by Bai Lenghan.

Leng Han, he... He will definitely not do this.

For a man like Bai Lenghan, he actually doesn't bother to do these things at all.

But they, just like they were sent by him.

"It's not's not..." Luo Bing murmured, she didn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe that Bai Lenghan sent him here.

She watched Mu Siyan being taken away, and at the moment Mu Siyan was taken away, she was still calling her name...

Luo Bing, helpless.

She can't do anything.

She watched helplessly as Mu Siyan was taken away.

After Mu Siyan was dragged outside the hospital by those people, he was led towards a car.

Back and forth, it was as if no one noticed them in the whole hospital.

Luo Bing rushed out to call for help later, but Mu Siyan was imprisoned by those people and walked in the hospital corridor, far away, no matter how Luo Bing called for help, others seemed indifferent.

Someone looked at her curiously.

In fact, all this is a bit strange.

But Luo Bingren was in extreme anxiety, leaning her body against the wall behind, tightly clutching the mobile phone in her hand, Luo Bing listened to the words from those people from a distance: "Our young master asked you to go for a while." trip……"

Young master, young it really him?

Luo Bing held the phone tightly, and she stared at it for a long time, and finally, with trembling fingertips, Bai Lenghan pulled it out.

The phone rang many times, but no one answered.

She called again, but no one answered.

A bitter smile flickered across the corner of Luo Bing's lips.

From the moment Bai Lenghan was taken out of the hospital, someone reported to Bai Lenghan.

Bai Lenghan told his subordinates: "Follow Mu Siyan and don't let him get into trouble."

When Mu Siyan was about to be pushed into that car, two cars rushed out from the other direction. The car was driving very fast, and stopped suddenly in the blink of an eye. Nearly ten people got off the car, and they surrounded him in an instant. After capturing Mu Siyan, he directly hijacked Mu Siyan.

Mu Siyan was a little overwhelmed at that moment.

The people who kidnapped him in the hospital were originally part of her Tang Meiyi plan, and the next thing they had to do was to pick Luo Bing and Bai Lenghan's relationship again.

Just for the episode last night, I believe his Bingbing and Bai Lenghan haven't completely fallen out yet.

All he had to do was to make Luo Bing completely disappointed in Bai Lenghan.

Just to get her to leave him.

But what about these people?

Mu Siyan was caught and got into the car, and the car immediately slackened.

A person in the car punched Mu Siyan in the chest, which directly made his mouth taste sweet. If he was beaten just now, it was an act, and it looked like he was beaten hard. In fact, he could do it. If you accept it...

(End of this chapter)

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