Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 457 Wait!i suddenly changed my mind

Chapter 457 Wait!i suddenly changed my mind
But now this punch hit him in the chest, but it was extremely ruthless.

It almost made him squirt blood.

Mu Siyan frowned, "Who are you?"

Then, an old voice sounded from behind, "Who do you say I am?"

Such a voice, so familiar... Mu Siyan's whole body trembled, but the moment he turned his head, he seemed to have seen a ghost.

Because the old man with silver hair sitting in the back is...so solemn!
how so.

"You...you...you shouldn't be in prison?"

"In prison?" Zhuang Zhuang looked at Mu Siyan, and said darkly, "You really want me in prison, don't you? Don't you really want to kill me? Well, let's see whether you die first or me. die first?"

"Our dealer has been ruined, and now I will make your life worse than death."

"How could this be..." Mu Siyan's expression changed completely.

"How could this happen, hahaha...you can't think of it. I would escape. I can also tell you that I didn't have to come back. Even if Bai Lenghan wants to find me, it will take a while. At least, for now It seems that I came back on my own initiative."

Of course, if he doesn't come back, the dark people will find him soon.As long as Zhuang Zhong thinks about the death of his son, the breakdown of his family, and the tragic end of his wife and children, he feels that his life is meaningless.

The dealer has been ruined, and the son is dead.

Now he has risked his own life, instead of lingering on his last breath, Zhuang Zhong knows that with Bai Lenghan's strength, of course he is now engaged to know that his identity is not simple at all, it is said that he is the young master of darkness , although not confirmed.

But Zhuang Zhong knew that he couldn't escape at all.What's more, now he doesn't want to live on his last breath.

If he was going to die, he would drag Mu Siyan and Luo Bing to die together.

Solemn, without the slightest repentance.On the contrary, the current him has become crazy and changed.

Mu Siyan was solemnly locked in the small black room.

He forced him to lure Luo Bing over.

But, how could Mu Siyan agree.Even if he died, he didn't want Luo Bing to be in any danger.

He tossed Mu Siyan in different ways.Mu Siyan was tossed to the point of dying.

Solemn patience has also reached the limit.

But Mu Siyan would rather die than give in, and he would rather die than call Luo Bing.

He looked at Mu Siyan solemnly and viciously, and finally kicked Mu Siyan who was on the ground. Mu Siyan could only breathe weakly after being tormented by him.

"You don't want to fight, right? Then I'll help you." Zhuang Zhong recruited a subordinate, "Help him. If he doesn't speak, you will beat him to death. Bring her here... Let her just If she comes alone, she must find a way to get rid of anyone who follows her, otherwise, as long as she sees that she is not coming by herself, then he will be killed directly."

"Yes, I know." The subordinate agreed.

Mu Siyan resisted with even a little bit of strength, don't...he doesn't want Bingbing to come, he doesn't want Bingbing to be hurt.

However, he is so angry that he speaks in such a low voice that if you don't listen carefully, you won't be able to hear clearly at all.

When the subordinate answered the phone, Zhuang Zhong raised his eyebrows suddenly, "Wait! I suddenly changed my mind."

The men listened to the latest instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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