Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 463 Is All This Really Just a Coincidence?

Chapter 463 Is All This Really Just a Coincidence?
"Since we don't trust each other so much, and you...don't want to see me so much, don't want to talk to me...let's divorce."

It's good for each other, isn't it?
Bai Lenghan grabbed her shoulders tightly, "Divorce? Divorce if you want? Don't forget, we have a contract for at least two years!"

contract?yes.She almost forgot about the two-year contract.

"You don't have the right to choose!" His voice was like a thousand years of ice.

He pushed her away and stood up instantly.

The tall figure reflected her petite figure, and when he was walking to the door, she suddenly said, "What should I do?" She said, "What do you want me to do? To save Mu Siyan? "

He sneered coldly: "Save him?"

He despised her lightly, and a sneer slipped from the corner of his lips, "Unless, you can give me a daughter, otherwise... I won't save him."

Yes, daughter.He wanted a daughter like her.

A little soft daughter, a sweet and well-behaved daughter, would call him daddy's daughter sweetly and softly.

Luo Bing said anxiously: "But...how could Brother Mu wait so long? Those people want money now..."

"Then it's not my problem..." He turned and left.

"Hey, hello..." Luo Bing called him, but he walked out of the room.

Bai Lenghan changed into another set of clothes and left the Bai mansion.

Sister Wang sighed, looked at Luo Bing who was walking out, "Young Madam, it's time for you to have breakfast."

breakfast?How could she eat it.

Luo Bing gently touched the baby in her belly, her little face was a little absent-minded.

Nine months!

Her baby is nine months old in her womb.

Although there is still half a month before the due date.

But when the baby comes out at this time, it is also full-term, right?

Luo Bing touched the baby in her belly, and finally her eyes were sore. She said softly: "Baby, it's my mother's fault. I'm afraid my mother will let you come to this world early. But baby, mother believes that this will not harm you. Hurt."


The moment Luo Bing was sent to the hospital, Bai Lenghan and Feng Lie rushed over.

Luo Bing was pushed into the delivery room!

The moment the door was closed, Bai Lenghan's face was full of complexity and coldness.

According to Sister Wang, it was because the young lady suddenly said that her stomach hurts, so she was rushed to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, he said that she would give her a caesarean section.

Is all this really just a coincidence?
Bai Lenghan stood there, his body stiff.

If he was a woman, she would let the baby come to this world early because of the [-] million, because of Mu Siyan, he...

He clenched his fists tightly, and his expression was so cold that everyone around him felt so cold.

Feng Lie stood there, because his sister was inexplicably nervous when she entered the delivery room to give birth.

Looking at his brother-in-law next to him, the cold air around him made him feel even more nervous.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and those who were waiting always felt that the time passed was so long.

He stared closely at the door of the operating room.

Bai Lenghan only felt that Luo Bing had been in for a long time, and he felt so nervous!

The door was finally pushed open.

The doctor came out.

Bai Lenghan rushed out!

The doctor just smiled...

[Hey, you say, is the mother and child safe?Or are the mother and daughter safe?It's almost the end, don't worry, it's just a little abuse, the ending is good. 】

(End of this chapter)

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