Chapter 464 Give me [-] million
The doctor smiled and said, "Don't worry, both the adult and the baby are safe."

"I'm going in to see her."

Bai Lenghan immediately rushed into the delivery room.

He didn't ask whether it was a boy or a girl. To him at this moment, a boy or a girl didn't matter at all. He only wanted her to be well. He just wanted to see her, to see her safe, really safe.

When Feng Lie heard that both the adults and the baby were safe, he immediately sank into his stomach.

Seeing Bai Lenghan like that, obviously, he was very nervous about his sister.

Feng Lie smiled and asked the doctor: "Doctor, is it a boy or a girl?"

The doctor smiled and said, "It's a little princess."

Feng Lie's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Really?"

Wow!Feng Lie didn't know how happy and excited his sister gave birth to a pink baby girl.

Think about it, my sister's daughter will definitely be as cute as my sister was when she was a child, lovable and pampered.

Regarding Luo Bing's debt, Feng Lie always felt that no matter what, it seemed that he couldn't make up for it.

In the past, I was not able to walk with my sister on the road of growth, and was not able to accompany her... This kind of regret made Feng Lie feel a deep feeling in his heart when he heard that Luo Bing gave birth to a little girl. strangeness and gratitude.

He must pamper this little girl well, love her, love her, and not let her get hurt at all.

Bai Lenghan rushed into the ward, looking at the weak Luo Bing, she was lying quietly with her eyes closed, and the pink little girl was beside her, just snuggling up to her.

The little person, Bai Lenghan looked at her, the soft little person was just like her mother, with her eyes closed there.

When he approached, he suddenly cried twice, and then opened his eyes.

Those eyes were particularly bright, and the moment the tearful eyes saw Bai Lenghan, they froze him.

"Baby, be good! Don't cry, you will disturb your mother." He said softly.

The little man really stopped crying and just looked at her like that.

But then, she closed her eyes again.

He looked at her, without blinking.He really wanted to hug her, but he didn't dare to hug her.

One is that I think there may be bacteria on my body, and the other is that I don't know how to hug her because she is so small.

The little person was taken away by the little nurse.

There were only Luo Bing and Bai Lenghan in the ward.

Feng Lie stood at the door of the ward, looked at the two of them, and finally left knowingly.

Luo Bing woke up after a long time.

She looks for the baby as soon as she wakes up.

Bai Lenghan stayed by her side, and directly said in a low voice: "The baby is in the nursery, don't worry. If you want to see her, I will take you there."

Luo Bing stared at the man in front of her with eyes wide open, and there was a coldness and indifference in her eyes that made him feel chilled.

Her voice was quiet, but it seemed to remind him: "The baby is a girl."

Bai Lenghan hummed.

Luo Bing looked at him, and then said: "Do you still remember what you said?"

Bai Lenghan: "..."

"You said that if I can give you a daughter, you will give me [-] million."

Because of Luo Bing's words, Bai Lenghan let go of her nervous heart just now, but now she feels extremely painful.

This woman, who was so weak after giving birth, followed his words with her mouth openly, and it turned out to be such words.

(End of this chapter)

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