Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 17 Happiness is in your own heart, not in the eyes of others

Chapter 17 Happiness is in your own heart, not in the eyes of others (2)
However, when "cruel" fate took it to the sewers of the city of Paris, Remy suddenly found himself right under a famous French restaurant under the chef Augustin Gust.Such an excellent opportunity gave Remy endless courage, so he decided to stay, hoping to realize his wish of becoming a famous mouse chef here.

During this period, of course, troubles continued.Remy often attracts people's disgust and even chasing around. While avoiding the nervous chef, they also have to convince Remy's family to understand his pursuit. The best "Provence stuffed dish" in Paris, and showed the world the incomparable enthusiasm of the little mouse to love the kitchen.

Everyone has the pursuit of happiness, what is the happiness you pursue?In the eyes of the cute mouse Remy, being able to cook and cook the most delicious dishes has become the happiest thing in the world.

The British playwright George Bernard Shaw emphasized that "people who are obsessed with a certain hobby are happy", "Just as we have no right to enjoy wealth without creating wealth, we also have no right to enjoy happiness without creating happiness."

Eating well, dressing well, and playing well are many people's pursuit of happiness, which only has superficial value.Former U.S. President Roosevelt said that happiness does not lie in the possession of money, but in the joy of achievement and the passion for creativity.Long-term happiness lies in being able to find one's own position and interest in work, and being able to create one's own sky with one's own hands.The art master Luo Dan once said: "There is no lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes to discover." Similarly, life is full of happiness all the time, and this happiness comes from the details of life. As long as you taste it with your heart, happiness is the same It has a color and fragrance, and it is also appreciable, smellable, edible and delicious.

A woman desperate for marriage is tired of the existing trivial life, but she has always been curious about her grandmother's happy and harmonious life.One day she finally couldn't bear to open her grandmother's diary. It turned out that it recorded how many times her grandfather washed her clothes, kissed her, and washed her feet...

In fact, life should be pursued with heart. Only by finding out with heart can you find the buttons of happiness that are integrated bit by bit in the life that is formed by connecting trivial things.

You need to think more about the beautiful things in life, because after all, life is not only flowers, nor is it full of sunshine all the time.If we want to successfully get out of depression and sorrow, we must think more about the beautiful side of life and pursue happiness with our hearts.

Life is surrounded by happiness, and only by pursuing it with your heart can you feel your own happy time.

Swim across the glacier of depression, let happiness walk with you

On the tortuous journey of life, if you can swim through the psychological glacier of depression and give yourself a ray of warm sunshine, you will be able to resolve and eliminate all difficulties and misfortunes, and make the yearning for happiness a reality.

Lee Iacocca was the general manager of the Ford Motor Company in the United States, and later became the general manager of the Chrysler Motor Company.He not only has the joy of success, but also the frustration of setbacks. In August 1946, at the age of 8, Iacocca went to Ford Motor Company as a trainee engineer.But he wasn't interested in the company of machines and technical work.He likes dealing with people and wants to be a distributor.

Relying on his own struggle, Iacocca finally became the general manager of Ford from an ordinary salesman.However, one day in 1978, he was fired by Chairman Henry Ford.Iacocca, who had been a general manager for eight years and had a successful 32 years at Ford and never worked anywhere else, suddenly lost his job.

After losing his job, everyone shunned him, and all his friends in the company abandoned him. This was the biggest blow in his life. "When the tough days come, there's really no choice but to take a deep breath, grit your teeth, and do the best you can."

Iacocca said so, and ended up doing so.He didn't fall.He accepted a new challenge: to apply for the general manager of Chrysler Motor Company, which was on the verge of bankruptcy.With his wisdom, courage and courage, he reorganized and reformed the enterprise drastically, and asked the government for help, fought with members of Congress, obtained a huge loan, and revived the enterprise. In August 1983, Iacocca handed a bank representative a check worth more than $8 million.So far, Chrysler has paid off all debts.

Lee Iacocca's motto is: "Strive forward. Even if the times are bad, never despair, even if the world falls apart." If he fails to recover after a setback and dies, then he is no different from an ordinary laid-off worker.It is his spirit of not succumbing to setbacks and difficulties that makes him a hero admired by the world.

Life is the sum of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.We must be clear that unhappiness and dissatisfaction are an inevitable part of life, and a optimistic attitude towards life is the key to having sunshine.If you want to eliminate the feeling of depression, communicating with others is undoubtedly the best way to communicate what you think with others.Can relieve distress.You can also choose to be alone, go to some secluded places, the environment is beautiful and open, and you can relax.You can also choose to sleep, a comfortable sleep is conducive to relieving depression.

Life cannot be as you wish, if you walk through the glacier of depression, happiness will walk with you.

A happy life lies in peace of mind

Enjoy solitude silently, slow down your pace, and leave a space for your soul, and you will gain a different kind of scenery.

Dr. Emma Gates is a great American educator, philosopher, psychologist, scientist and inventor. He has made many inventions and discoveries in various fields of art and science throughout his life.

Dr. Gates' personal life testifies that his method of exercising the mind and body builds a healthy body and promotes mental flexibility.He thinks very comprehensively.

Napoleon Hill once went to see Dr. Gates in his laboratory with a letter of introduction.When Hill arrived, Dr. Gates' secretary told him, "Sorry, I can't bother Dr. Gates at this time."

"How long until we see him?" Hill asked.

"I don't know, I'm afraid it will be three hours," she replied.

"Then can you tell me why?"

She hesitated and then said, "He's sitting in meditation."

Hill couldn't help laughing: "What does that mean, sit and meditate?"

She smiled and said, "It's better to ask Dr. Gates to explain himself. I really don't know how long it will take. If you are willing to wait, we are very welcome; if you want to come back later, I can keep an eye on it and see if I can help." Make an appointment."

So Hill decided to stay, and he also found how valuable the wait was.Here's how Hill described the situation: When Dr. Gates finally walked into the room, his secretary introduced us, and I told him what he said jokingly, and after he read the letter of introduction, he said happily: "You Want to see where I sit and meditate and see how it's done?"

So he led me to a soundproof room, the only furniture in this room was a simple table and a chair. On the table were some white pads, some pencils, and a button to turn the light on and off.

From the conversation, I slowly learned that every time Dr. Gates encountered a difficult problem, he would come to this room, close the door and sit down, turn off the lights, and let all his thoughts enter a deep state of concentration.In this way, he used the method of "focusing attention" and asked his subconscious mind to give him an answer.When the whole idea is clearer, he will immediately take the time to record it.

Dr. Emma Gates once re-studied the invention that other inventors tried but failed to make it perfect, so he obtained more than 200 patents, and he was able to add those missing parts-something else .

Dr. Emma Gates' meditation is just a way to give the mind a quiet time and let the tired heart rest.

For a busy modern person, the happiness brought by a simple world for the soul is worth cherishing.When you communicate with your heart, you have no distractions.We have been busy for a long time, and we occasionally think, if we can get rid of work and those kind cares, how wonderful everything will be?It would be great if I could be alone, let my mind be quiet, and do my own thing without interference, only peace.

Give the soul a peach blossom garden, which creates a kind of tranquility and elegance, and creates a kind of self-satisfaction and loneliness that is better than being alone, to obtain the joy of the soul, to obtain rational contemplation, and to communicate with the deep thoughts hidden in the soul; to leave a blank space for the soul, Find some kind of belief in climbing in exchange for inner peace and a broad and far-reaching Bodhi Brahma.

In the rolling world, countless people are nostalgic and vigorous, and their busy pursuits crowd out and kill each other.And ignoring the soul also needs a quiet baptism.Give the soul a peaceful place, just like the spring water of the same river washes away the busy body.Where there is blank space, there is a quiet and indifferent heart, which houses a soul that has nowhere to live.

It is a beautiful state of mind to leave a paradise for the soul.

But for a moment, why can't you think about it?
Many things are just a thought, and excessive paranoia will only make you lose more.Sometimes in life, you don't have to be too obsessed with a certain idea. If you don't die in the Yellow River, you will ignore the pursuit in life.

There were two unsatisfactory young people who went to visit a Zen master together: "Master, we are bullied in the office, it is too painful, please enlighten me, should we quit our jobs?" The two asked together.The Zen master closed his eyes, and after a long time, he uttered five words: "It's just a bowl of rice." He waved his hand and signaled the young man to step back.

Back at the company, one person handed in his resignation letter and went home to farm, but the other person did not move.

Time flies so fast, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye.Those who went home to farm, managed with modern methods, and improved varieties, turned out to be agricultural experts.The other one who stayed in the company was not bad either. He endured his anger and worked hard to learn. He was gradually valued and became a manager.

One day the two met, "It's strange! Master gave us the same five words 'no more than a bowl of rice'. I understood it as soon as I heard it, but it's just a bowl of rice! What's so sad about life? Why bother with the company? So Resign."

The agricultural expert asked another person: "Why didn't you listen to Master's words?"

"I heard it!" The manager said with a smile: "Master said 'it's just a bowl of rice', so I was so angry and troubled, I just thought 'it's just for a bowl of rice', what the boss said, less anger, less anger If you care about it, it’s over! Isn’t that what Master meant?”

The two went to visit the Zen master again. The Zen master was already very old, and with his eyes still closed, he answered five words after a while: "It's just a thought."

The same five words, the two people came to different conclusions, but both had a good life. "It's just a thought", that is to say, don't be too attached to things, think about it after thinking about it, it's just that.

In life, there is no one thing that we can fully and truly grasp. Whether it is an object or a person, we care about it, chase it deliberately, get drunk, do nothing, and eventually leave the pain.If you try to catch everything, you often fail to catch anything.Although the realization of dreams depends on persistence, it also depends on whether the road of pursuit is too far and too rough to walk.Giving up on a dream is a heart-wrenching pain, but in order to learn to live a better life, one must reluctantly let go.

Life is based on reality.If people stand too high and look too far, they can only chase the shadow of happiness all the way, but they can't catch it, touch it, and exhaust themselves.If this is the case, why not simply give up those happiness that cannot be pursued at all.Therefore, we are wise, we must learn the way of thinking of "just a thought", and when we think about it, we can let go of those heavy burdens.

It's just a matter of thought, don't be too paranoid.

Happiness needs the support of dreams
Everyone has their own dreams to pursue. Dreams are always varied and ever-changing. They are affected by the social environment. Some dreams point to careers and responsibilities. We call them "ideals".Some dreams are close to personal preferences and longings, such as having a house of your own, having someone who loves you, and so on.

Ms. Chen Lihua, President of Hong Kong Fu Wah International Group, was born in Beijing. Because she is a Manchu descendant and a family of Zhenghuangqi, her ancestors left a lot of rosewood furniture.

In 1982, Chen Lihua moved to Hong Kong and established Fu Wah International Group Co., Ltd. and the business is booming.One night at 3 o'clock, Chen Lihua woke up her son and daughter and said, "I have some ideas in my head, let's have a meeting now. We have repaired the things left by grandma. I feel that ethnic things cannot Lost. We do our best to leave a little obligation to our younger generations, let them understand our Chinese national culture is great.” The children fully agreed with their mother’s ideals, and she returned to Beijing, set up a real estate company, and handed it over to her son , I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the dream of promoting red sandalwood culture.

In 1999, Chen Lihua founded the first private red sandalwood museum with the prefix of the national prefix, especially the furniture and utensils collected in the Forbidden City. It has gathered hundreds of craftsmen and has been consistent for several years. Adhering to the principle of "one chiseling, two carvings, and seven grindings", it is completely handmade and mortise and tenon. More than a thousand high-quality goods have been made by using the method of assembly, which revives the heritage of the ancient Forbidden City and brings the traditional Chinese craftsmanship into full play.

Chen Lihua's dream has achieved her own career success. To be happy with a dream, there is a long-term spiritual pursuit, edification and accumulation to cultivate a poetic heart.Only such a mind can tap its own potential, and be able to hold success in its arms in the rush of life on both sides of the time.

Everyone has their own dreams in their hearts. Those wonderful and magnificent dreams, just like the beautiful colored stones on the beach, intoxicate our hearts, but bite our feet and don't give us any chance to stop. So we can only start flying and go to the distance of our dreams.

But in this era of carnival and pleasure, people gradually ignore their dreams.All kinds of leisure and entertainment methods fill our field of vision, making our young bodies occupied by impetuous and anxious atmosphere.Our immature hearts are buried in the hustle and bustle.

If there is no dream in life, there will be no direction to move forward.Although fate has pushed us to the peak of the times, we have to find our own splendor.Plant the seed of a dream, water it with tenacity, and fertilize it with optimism.Life has not come to an end yet, even a small effort and a little tenacity can make dreams fly.

Plant your dream deeply in your heart and work hard for it, and you will be able to sleep with success and happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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