Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 22 Simple life, take only what you need

Chapter 22 Simple life, take only what you need (1)
The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand.Wipe it frequently so as not to cause dust.

Sweep out a spiritual habitat
There is such a story recorded in the Buddhist scriptures:
When Sakyamuni arrived at a place called Suduolin, he saw that the ground was not very clean, so he immediately picked up the broom and prepared to clean it.At this time, the Buddha's disciples, Mahabuddha Mogga and Kasyapa Ananda, all rushed over after hearing the news. Seeing the Buddha sweeping the floor himself, everyone followed the example of the ancestor and swept the floor together.

After sweeping, the Buddha and his disciples came to the Buddha Hall together and sat down.At this time, the Buddha said: "In fact, there are at least five benefits of sweeping the floor. One is that it can make one's heart purer, the other is that it can make others' hearts more pure, the third is that it is convenient for everyone, and the fourth is that it can make labor a kind of work. habit, and the fifth is to cultivate a good character.”

When a person walks in the world for a long time, his mind will inevitably be contaminated with dust, which will pollute and blind his originally clean mind.We need to stop often and sweep out a habitat for the mind.

A monk in the Southern Song Dynasty once wrote a verse: "The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is like a mirror stand. Wipe it diligently at all times, so as not to stir up dust." The heart is like a mirror, and every detail is revealed, and the hole is like a fire. That body is undoubtedly "Bodhi".But the premise is to "wipe it frequently", otherwise, the dust will be thick and wrapped like a cocoon, the heart will not be clear, and the eyes will not be bright.The same is true for the room of the soul. If the waste that pollutes the soul is not removed one by one, it will inevitably create piles of spiritual waste, and the originally pure and pollution-free inner world will also become full of dirt.

A person's life is like a journey, there are countless ups and downs along the way. Once the heart gets dusty and the road of life is bumpy, people will fall into all kinds of temptations and confusions in the world and cannot extricate themselves, making it difficult to enjoy life. The most authentic happiness.At this time, you might as well sweep away your heart, and return your pure original intention, and also return you a flat and broad life road.

Purify the soul, return to the original heart, and make your heart brighter!
Lighten the burden of life and double the happiness

In ancient Greece, there was a king who had nothing to do, so he walked out of the palace in a low suit, walked up to a young man who was mending shoes, and asked the young man on a whim: "Who do you think is the happiest person in this country?" Answer: "Of course the king is the happiest."

"Why?" asked the king.

The young man said: "Think about it, being sent by a hundred officials and worshiped by the common people, you can get whatever you want, isn't that happy?"

The king replied: "I hope it is as you said." Then, the king invited the young man to drink together.When the young man was drunk and unconscious, the king ordered someone to carry him back to the palace, and said to the princess: "This young man said that the king is the happiest. Now I will tease him and put him in the king's clothes. He manages state affairs, you all don't have to be afraid." The princess replied: "Obey."

When the young man woke up, the maid pretended to say: "Your Majesty, you are drunk, and there are many things waiting for you to deal with." So the young man was escorted out of the court, and everyone urged him to deal with things quickly, but he didn't understand. , know nothing.A historian next to him recorded his words and deeds, and the ministers and ministers discussed with him, and sat for a whole day, which made the young man sore in the waist and back, and exhausted.After a few days like this, the young man couldn't eat well or sleep soundly, so he lost weight.

The maid pretended to say again: "Your Majesty, why are you so haggard?"

The young man replied: "I dreamed that I was a poor shoemaker, begging for food, and living a very difficult life. I was so afraid that I would really become like that, so I became so thin." Everyone laughed in private.At night, the young man tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and said, "Am I a shoe mend, or am I the king? If it is really a king, why is the skin so rough? If it is a shoe mend, why is it in the palace? Oh, my heart I'm panicking, and my eyes are blurred." He really couldn't tell who he was.

The princess said: "Your Majesty is so unhappy, let the kabukis come and entertain you." So the young man drank the grape wine and was so drunk that he passed out again.Later, the maids dressed the young man in old clothes and sent him back to the simple bed.After the young man sobered up, he saw his dilapidated house and coarse clothes, all in the same shape, but his whole body was sore, as if he had been beaten with a stick.

After a few days, the king came to him again.The young man said to the king: "The last time I drank, I was confused and ignorant. Now I understand. I dreamed that I became a king, and I had to review all the officials. There were records of national history. All the ministers came to discuss and discuss state affairs. , my heart is always worried and uneasy, I feel that there is a huge pressure, there are too many and complicated things to deal with, which makes me hurt all over, as if I have been beaten by a whip. It is still like this in a dream, if it is true King, isn’t it more painful? What I told you a few days ago is really wrong.”

We always think that those who are very rich or powerful are the happiest and happiest.Therefore, we always imagine how happy we would be if we were them.In fact, happiness is always far away. When you get closer, you realize that it is not the case at all.Because happiness is not the more you have, the happier you are, but to make yourself simple and free.

Mr. Feng Youlan said: "A horse is happy when it gallops freely between heaven and earth and is not domesticated by humans. Once it becomes a thousand-mile horse, the horse will no longer be happy. A horse that has not been domesticated The happiness of a horse is the relative happiness that Chuang Tzu said." No matter whether a person is studying or in daily life, as long as he is not forced by external forces and follows his own interests and hobbies, his heart is free and he can achieve relatively happy.And always use the happiness in your own eyes to force yourself to be like others, and regard the happiness of others as the direction of your efforts. This will not only lose your own happiness, but also make you feel pain all the time.

Happiness is too light, life is too heavy, happiness must be realized by lightening the burden.

Simplicity as a spiritual rhetoric for enjoying life

The American poet Whitman said: "What is the purpose of life other than to enjoy life?" Life is rich and colorful. If we are not too eager for quick success, our hard work will also become a kind of enjoyment.

To enjoy life is not to enjoy leisure and work hard, but to strive to enrich the content of life and improve the quality of life.Work happily and relax happily at the same time.In the words of George Gissing, it is to live a "life of soul cultivation".

We live in a colorful world, and it is inevitable that there will be unsatisfactory things of one kind or another, and there will be all kinds of headaches and thorny problems.Smooth and smooth, smooth sailing, just people's good wishes.Therefore, you must learn to admit and accept the reality, cherish what you have, go through difficulties, and a happy life is waiting for you on the opposite side.

In the eyes of many people, money and success equal happiness.Is this really the case?An authoritative survey shows that people with an annual salary of less than 100 million, the more money they have, the happier they feel, while those with an annual salary of more than 100 million will find it harder and harder to feel happiness. "Southern Weekend" once conducted a survey on the spiritual world of 60 domestic top rich people with "per capita wealth of 202 billion yuan". Wealth brings "insecurity" to themselves. What rich money brings them is not happiness, but fear and worry.It can be seen that happiness does not depend on wealth.Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less.Everyone's happiness is different, but happiness is like the sun shining on the earth, benefiting all creatures.

Happiness is actually very simple: it is the singing and laughing at the family dinner table; it is a kind greeting and blessing from relatives and friends when you are sick;Happiness is short-term satisfaction and pleasure.Happiness is enjoying freedom and giving freedom to others.It is hidden in the space of our lives, and it is the gathering of bits and pieces of life.Therefore, if everyone knows that an optimistic and positive attitude can make us have happiness, hope, courage and strength, then everyone should strive to get what we really want.

It is a great regret in life to be able to work and study, but not to really enjoy life.Happiness is actually very simple.I'm afraid you made it complicated yourself.

Simple first, don't be burdened by complexity

For most people, work and commuting fill up the entire day.Modern life is full of all kinds of temptations, so much information to filter, so many products are attracting you.A simple life is hard to come by for most people.

In the next 1980 years from 10, Beatrice Foods grew at an unprecedented speed. It bought other companies one after another, and finally grew into a conglomerate with annual sales of tens of billions of dollars.The Biatrice Company has quite a lot of products, ranging from orange juice to leather bags. Although the number of companies included in the conglomerate is less than a hundred, it is probably close to the limit of its operation.

But soon, when high interest rates and a recession ensued, Biatris, like other conglomerates, was forced to abandon many of its companies and streamline its operations to tide over the storm.

Almost all the most powerful companies in the world today follow the principle of "simplicity first".In fact, the principle of simplicity is the most basic and effective principle for the development and growth of an enterprise.

In this materialistic, busy and impetuous era, simplifying your life is also a coup to get you a foothold.Focus on nothing else, and be good at discarding things that may cause worries and troubles and hinder your progress, so that you will not let those "clutter" interfere with your body, mind and steps.

Simplifying life is like pruning a plant. Only by cutting off the flourishing branches and leaves can the plant grow better.With such pruning, the plants in the garden will flourish.Similarly, if a person lives in a hurry and is tired of work, then it is difficult for him to have happiness in his life.Simplify your life in three steps:
(End of this chapter)

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