Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 31 Faith, keep the clouds open and see the moonlight

Chapter 31 Faith, keep the clouds open and see the moonlight (2)
Pat Riley, general manager and head coach of the NBA's Miami Heat, said: "Excellence is the cumulative 'result' of continually striving for better performance." Do it, and you will be able to master the 'recipe' of excellence."You have to grow step by step, ready for better performance, and finally reach the top level.Although life is full of difficulties and adversities, as long as we support all the way, there will always be a moment when we reach the end.

In the difficult trek of life, we can lose to others, but we must never lose to ourselves.As long as we have firm belief, we can move towards success.In many cases, facing the harsh environment, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and intrigues, it is we who deny ourselves first psychologically, and we choose to give up and fail.In life, it is not others who defeat you, but yourself.A person who does not lose to himself is both a wise man and a strong man.He can also choose someone who keeps moving forward in adversity, and he values ​​his dignity as a human being more than his own life.He understands that, in fact, the greatest enemy in life is himself.Jingwei fills the sea, Yugong moves mountains, it is based on a kind of belief.If our life is compared to a long voyage, then faith is the sail that agitates, which allows us to sail through the waves and sail to the goal on the other side.

Be firm in the belief that you must win, don't lose to yourself, and fate will bow to you one day.

The biggest mistake in life is letting mistakes destroy your faith
After watching a wonderful circus performance, a child followed his father to get hay outside the tent to feed the animals after the performance.

The child noticed the elephants on the side and asked his father, "Dad, elephants are so powerful, why is there only a small iron chain tied to their feet, can't it break free from that chain?"

The father smiled and patiently explained to the child: "That's right, the elephant can't break free from the thin iron chain. When the elephant was young, the animal trainer used the same iron chain to tie the baby elephant. At that time, the little elephant was not strong enough. At first, the little elephant wanted to break free from the chains, but after trying a few times, he realized that his strength was not strong enough to break free from the chains, so he gave up the idea of ​​breaking free. When the baby elephant grows into an elephant, it is willing to be confined by the chain, and no longer wants to escape."

When the elephant grew up, humans used an iron chain to limit its desire to escape. Although the elephant was able to break free from the chain later, it did not have the belief in breaking free.In the environment we grew up in, are there also many invisible chains that lock your beliefs?And we naturally regard these chains as habits and turn a blind eye.

A great man said that a person can only do one thing well in his life.However, we always see watermelons and lose sesame seeds. Due to various reasons, we cannot always stick to our original beliefs.

Scholar Liang Shiqiu once spent more than 30 years intermittently completing the translation of "The Complete Works of Shakespeare" by himself, devoting almost half of his life to it.At the beginning, Liang Shiqiu found a total of 5 people to serve as translators. He, Wen Yiduo, Xu Zhimo, Chen Xiying, and Ye Gongchao planned to complete it in 5 to 10 years.Later, the other four people withdrew before the battle, and Liang Shiqiu took on the task alone.The encounters in life are unpredictable for anyone. Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he completed the translation of eight Shakespeare plays. After the "July 1967th Incident", in order to avoid being wanted by the Japanese invaders, he had to flee Beijing, and continued to translate Shakespeare's plays under extremely difficult circumstances.After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liang Shiqiu returned to Beijing and taught at Beijing Normal University. In his spare time, he still insisted on translating Shakespeare plays. In 37, Liang Shiqiu independently translated all [-] works of Shakespeare into Chinese, which caused a sensation in domestic university circles.Liang Shiqiu recalled: "I translated Shakespeare, and there was no remuneration at all. I was poor for many years, and I rarely received encouragement..."

Liang Shiqiu's success is due to his persistent belief in this work.Everything requires dedication.As Einstein said: "The truly valuable things do not come from ambition or a simple sense of responsibility, but from the love and concentration of people and objective things."

What determines our destiny is not the environment, but the state of mind.No matter what kind of environment you are in, once you develop a passive work attitude and habits, it is easy for people to be unenterprising, narrow-minded, slowly lose vitality and creativity, and forget the life creed and career that they swore at the beginning Planning, eventually leading to the abyss of idleness and idleness, accomplishing nothing.

The environment does have a certain impact on people, but the most important thing is the person himself. Neither good times nor bad times can be an excuse for being passive.No wonder it is said that our environment—psychological, emotional, spiritual—is entirely created by our own attitudes.Only with a positive attitude to life, life will be more hopeful, so as to achieve the desired height.

If you want to achieve great things, you must have faith in your heart and persevere in dedication and hard work.

Faith is a rose that never fades

If you want to realize your dreams, you must strengthen your belief in success to motivate yourself and face challenges bravely.In the journey of life, it is impossible to always have smooth sailing and things go as one wishes.Some people may be physically deficient or disabled, but he can become a strong person in life and create miracles that ordinary people cannot create. This is because of faith.

She has been "different" since she was a child, because of polio, not to mention jumping and running happily like other children, she can't even walk normally.She was very pessimistic and melancholy, unable to move an inch,

One day, she was pushed by an old man in a wheelchair to a nearby kindergarten, and the children's beautiful singing on the playground attracted them.When a song was sung, the old man said, "Let's applaud them!" She looked at the old man in surprise, and asked, "I can't move my arm. You only have one arm. How can you applaud?" The old man smiled at her Laughing, he unbuttoned his shirt, exposed his chest, and patted his chest with his palm...

It was early spring, and there was still a bit of chill in the wind, but she suddenly felt a warm current surging in her body.The old man smiled at her and said, "As long as you work hard, you can slap the palm of the hand. You can also stand up!"

That night, she asked her father to write a note and put it on the wall. On it was a line of words: "A slap can make a sound."

Since then, she has started exercising with her doctor.No matter how difficult and painful, she gritted her teeth and persisted.She believes she can walk and run like other children.She wants to walk, she wants to run...

At the age of 11, she finally threw away the bracket, and she worked hard to another higher goal. She started to exercise, play basketball and participate in track and field sports.

In the women's 1960-meter run final of the 100 Rome Olympic Games, when she first crossed the line in 11 seconds, the applause was thunderous. People stood up and cheered for her, cheering in unison the name of this African-American: Wilma Rudolph .

In that Olympic Games, Wilma Rudolph became the fastest woman in the world at that time. She won three gold medals and was also the first black Olympic women's 3-meter champion.

"A slap can slap", this is the spirit of the strong.Don't be complacent because of luck, and don't be depressed by bad luck.The real strong are good at finding shadows from prosperity and light from adversity.Have the courage to be a climber in life, only in this way can you climb to the peak of life and enjoy the infinite scenery.Real actors always pursue the results of their actions, and their beliefs just reflect the direction they pursue.

Faith is the channel for dreams to run, and the oxygen for successful people to climb the peak.

Everything is created by the will of man

Opportunities are not given by God, they often come from your heart and belief.

Huo Yingdong was born in a poor family.He grew up in misery, and his first job after entering the society was to add coal to the stove on an old ferry, but he lost his job not long after this job lasted.After that, Huo Yingdong worked as a coolie at Kai Tak Airport, and he could only get 5 cents wages and half a pound of rice every day.When Huo Yingdong recalled this past event, he said: "In order to save money, I walked from Wanchai to Emperor's Wharf at [-] o'clock every morning, took a dime-a-dime boat across Kowloon, and then rode a bicycle to Kai Tak Airport." A joke: due to lack of physical strength at work, one of his fingers was crushed while carrying goods, and what awaited him was the reality of being fired again.

After that, Huo Yingdong applied to be a blacksmith, but failed because he was too thin; he went to work as a pot nail on a ship, but was fired again soon; next, he went to Taikoo Sugar Factory to test sugar.The continuous failures did not break Huo Yingdong, but tempered his will and cultivated his strong character.Finally, in his thirties, Huo Yingdong ushered in a turning point in his fate. During the Korean War, he transported urgently needed materials and medicines from the mainland, not only saving the country from difficulties, but also accumulating funds within a few years.Later, he marched into the real estate industry, and participated in the shipping industry and the entertainment industry, and finally became one of the super rich Chinese.

Huo Yingdong's success is by no means accidental, it is his strong will that has won him a successful turning point.There is an old saying in China that goes, "When misfortune comes, fortune rests on it, and fortune comes when misfortune rests on it." Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. Which side you will end up in depends on your will, and everything is created by human will.

According to the research of American psychologist James, a person who is not self-motivated can only exert 20% to 30% of his ability, but when he is motivated, he can exert 90% of his ability, which is equivalent to 3 to [-] times that of the former.It can be seen that self-motivation not only has a great impact on cultivating willpower, but also on developing potential.

In modern society, it is very important to learn self-motivation. This is because the rapidly changing society not only creates a lot of development opportunities for people, but also sets various "traps" for people.When people are in good times, they are generally elated and even get carried away; but when people are in adversity, they are often at a loss, negative and pessimistic.If you want to start a career and make some achievements, many unexpected things may happen.Frustrations and blows will come to you suddenly, and gossip and slander will follow one after another. If you meet some bosses who are very scheming and power-playing, then embarrassing little shoes and inexplicable blows will be one by one. Take one.At this time, self-motivation is especially needed to maintain a normal mind, regain psychological balance, cheer up the spirit, and maintain a strong fighting spirit.

Willpower produces the power of self-motivation, and self-motivation cultivates and exercises one's own willpower. Through such interactions, a person will gain strong spiritual strength, and face any difficulties with a laughable look and calmly deal with them.A steel-like will creates a steel-like life, and a steel-like life can play the strongest voice of life.

Believe in yourself, transcend fate, and use your will to create miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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