Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 30 Faith, keep the clouds open and see the moonlight

Chapter 30 Faith, keep the clouds open and see the moonlight (1)
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.

The greatest value of faith is to support people's diligent pursuit of beautiful things
The famous poet Liushahe once described ideals like this:

Ideals make the faithful suffer misfortune,
Ideals bring the unfortunate back to life.

Ordinary people become great because of their ideals,
A person with ideals is a "capitalized person".

To be successful, you must have ideals in mind, work tirelessly for them, and strengthen your beliefs.If Sima Qian hadn't had an extremely firm belief, "Historical Records", which was hailed by Lu Xun as "the swan song of historians, Li Sao without rhyme", would not have been completed.

Sima Qian was castrated for defending Li Ling and angering Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, which caused him great physical and mental harm!From then on, he could only live in a hot and humid hut with no ventilation everywhere, unable to see the wind, and could no longer fearlessly appreciate the sunflowers and plants.Sima Qian also thought about death. For him at that time, death was the easiest way to escape.

But he always had a dream in his heart. His dream was to write a historical book, write down the past and pass it on to future generations. For this dream, he persevered, endured the pain in his body, and endured Despite being discriminated against by others, he insisted on surviving under severe political persecution, insisted on writing "Historical Records", and finally completed this brilliant work.

What did Sima Qian rely on?There are only two words: Faith, if he loses all fighting spirit after suffering the castration and does not insist on writing "Historical Records", then we will never see this great book now.The success of many people is obtained after experiencing many failures. We often say that "failure is the mother of success". Success is indeed a reward for failure, but it is also a reward for those who persist.Throughout the ages, many successful people have grown into butterflies relying on their beliefs.

We grope in the dark and sometimes it takes a long time to find our way to the light.With the spirit of a brave man, say to yourself firmly and confidently, we cannot give up.Only by adhering to this belief can we finally turn into beautiful butterflies.

With faith in your heart, you will eventually pick brilliant flowers of success.

Be full of hope, add energy to the soul

There was a little monk who was born stupid, and the senior brothers who entered the temple at the same time had not deep or shallow understanding, but he still could not be enlightened. monk.The host just said lightly: "He is diligent every day and sincerely recites the Buddha. There is no major fault. Give him some time!"

Another year passed, and the young monk still sincerely recited the Buddha's name, but he was still unenlightened. The elder monk went to the abbot again to complain: "Abbot, drive him away, he really has no connection with Buddhism."

The abbot said: "He still sincerely recites the Buddha every day and has not lost hope. If the disciple is still like this, why doesn't the master give him a chance? Wait a little longer."

The great monk said, "How long will such a stupid person wait?"

The abbot smiled and said, "It's not far away."

Seeing that the young monk could not be driven away, the great monk arranged for him to do the rough work of chopping firewood and carrying water. The young monk sat outside the hall after working, meditating on the Buddha.

At the end of the year, the monastery held the Buddha's Light Conference, and the usually dull young monk unexpectedly spoke out surprisingly, repelling the masters of the monastery one by one, taking the top spot in the conference.

After the meeting, the great monk said to the abbot: "This child is actually hiding his secrets. How can he be so clever?"

The abbot smiled and said: "It is only a matter of time before those who are full of hope and sincerely read the book will be enlightened."

The heart is full of hope, which can add energy to the soul and support your pride.Hope, lighting a lamp for faith, is the driving force of life, and it also cheers for the fulfillment of success and happiness.It is the positive belief that motivates this little monk to move towards his goal, and this kind of motivation cannot be created by purely artificial forces.In order to be successful, we must always be full of hope and transform it into the power of belief.Once we are fortunate enough to be guided and driven by this great drive, it drives us to perfect ourselves and pursue a perfect life.

When we are in bad luck.When we face failure.When we face difficulties in life and work, as long as we still have hope in our hearts, no matter what kind of ups and downs and misfortunes we encounter, we will be happy and our dreams will come true one day.

Fill life with water of hope, and our life will not wither.

Faith is the strong pillar holding up the building of life

Faith is the internal driving force to ensure the success of lifelong pursuit of goals, and belief is the starting point of success.Those who can stick to their beliefs will never be knocked down. They are a group of winners in life.

One day, Mrs. Huda Cruz, in her 70s, suddenly had the idea of ​​climbing a mountain.People thought she was crazy. At such an old age, I don't know how many years she can live, so why take any more risks?

She ignored other people's words, because she thought that as long as she wanted to do something, she would not be unable to do it.

The old lady has started to learn mountaineering, and she insists on exercising every day, rain or shine.No matter how hard and tiring the exercise was, she never gave up.In the end, she not only became a real mountaineering team member, but also climbed Mount Fuji in Japan at the age of 95, breaking the record of the highest age for climbing this mountain.

A 95-year-old lady can still climb Mt. Fuji with faith in her heart, so what else can't we do?In life, only those who have firm beliefs can witness the existence of miracles.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were "Three Monsters" in the Liyuan, and their reputation spread far and wide.

Meng Hongshou, a cripple, suffered from rickets in his childhood. He was long and short, with a big head and small feet. He couldn't keep his balance when he walked.So, he secretly made up his mind, studied hard and practiced hard, learned from his strengths and avoided his weaknesses, and later became a master of clowns in one fell swoop.

Blind man with two wide eyes, he started acting in elementary school, and later became blind due to illness. Since then, he has studied harder and practiced basic skills. He needs help when he walks off stage, but he is not chaotic when performing on stage. A skilled martial artist.

Dumb Wang Yifen, born unable to speak, usually watches his parents act, and memorizes them all by heart. Although no one teaches him, he works tirelessly from morning to night every day.After completing his art studies, he became a blockbuster and became a famous Wu Hualian in the theater, and was regarded as a mentor by the troupe.

The three monsters of the Pear Garden, who are disabled, are not overwhelmed by their own flaws, but they have strengthened their belief in life because of this.Life that seems to be a failure actually has a path to success.They develop their strengths and circumvent their weaknesses, coupled with diligence, so they create the best of themselves from their diligence, and at the same time they have achieved a career.

As a certain philosopher said: "Faith is the pillar of a towering building. Without it, it is just a pile of scattered bricks and tiles; Faith is the bed of a surging river. Without it, there is only a flood of waves; Faith is the trigger of a raging fire." Star, without it, there is only a cold firewood; faith is the main engine of the ocean-going ship, without it, there is only a paralyzed giant frame.” Persevering belief can help us dig out the depths hidden in ourselves in adversity. infinite power.As long as you hold a firm belief, the iron tree may also bloom.

If you stick to your beliefs in adversity, you will often gain new success.

Faith is a lifebuoy when drowning
The power of faith is that it can help you raise the sails even in adversity; the power of faith is that it can summon you to summon the courage to live even if you encounter misfortune.Faith is your life buoy when you are drowning, and it is a never-ending flame in your heart.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a period of frequent wars and constant national troubles. General Li Wei led his troops to the battlefield. Unexpectedly, his army was weak and outnumbered. He was trapped on the top of a hill and was about to be swallowed by the enemy.Just when morale was greatly reduced, and even when he was about to surrender, General Li Wei stood in front of everyone and said: "Soldiers, it seems that our strength is not as good as others, but I have always believed in God's will, God let us win , we will definitely win. I have 9 copper coins here, and I pray to God to bless us to break out of the tight encirclement. I sprinkle these 9 copper coins on the ground, if they are all heads, God must bless us; if not all heads , that must be God telling us that we will not rush out, so I will surrender."

At this time, the soldiers closed their eyes, knelt on the ground, burned incense and prayed for the blessing of heaven, at this time Li Wei shook the copper coins, threw them into the air, and landed on the ground. At first, the soldiers dared not look at them. Who would believe it? The 9 copper coins are all heads!But suddenly there was a scream: "Look, it's all fronts." Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the ground, and they were all fronts.The soldiers jumped up, lifted Li Wei high and shouted: "We will definitely win, God will bless us!"

Li Wei picked up the copper coins and said: "Well, since we have the blessing of heaven, what are we waiting for, we will definitely rush out! Everyone, muster up your courage, let's rush!"

In this way, a small group of people miraculously defeated a powerful enemy, broke through the encirclement, and kept their vitality.After a while, the soldiers talked about the copper coins and said, "If God didn't bless us that day, we wouldn't be able to get out!" At this time, Li Wei took out the 9 copper coins from his pocket, and everyone was surprised. It was found that both sides of these copper coins are positive!
The copper coins with the same front and back changed the fate of this small group of people.why?The root is actually the belief in victory.

Faith is the power from the inside out, and it is the most reliable capital for people to engage in any business.It can eliminate all kinds of obstacles and overcome all kinds of difficulties.With the belief that you must win, even if you encounter setbacks, you can persevere and move forward, and you will never give up because of temporary difficulties.

Those outstanding people always have full confidence in their abilities and a firm belief in victory. In this way, they can devote all their energy when doing things, break through all difficulties and obstacles, and reach the other side of success.

Rely on yourself, believe in yourself, if you have a firm belief, you can turn defeat into victory and make amazing careers.

A person who walks can reach a stationary goal no matter what
Faith is extremely important in life.Without faith, people lose their direction in life.

In 1948, Oxford University held a lecture on the theme of "Secret of Success" and invited Churchill to give a speech.On the day of the speech, there was a huge crowd of people at the venue, including all major news media from all over the world.After stopped the thundering applauses of people with gesture, Churchill said: "I have three secrets of success: firstly, never give up; secondly, never, never give up; thirdly, never, never, never give up." Can't give up! My speech is over." After speaking, he walked off the platform.After a moment of silence in the venue, warm applause broke out suddenly, and the applause lasted for a long time.

Only by not giving up can you keep walking on the way forward, so that one day you will reach your destination.

(End of this chapter)

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