Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 29 Embracing nature and promoting the beauty of nature

Chapter 29 Embracing nature and promoting the beauty of nature (2)
"Why don't you sign your real name on the manuscript?" the old editor asked Alexandre Dumas suspiciously.

Dumas said: "I just want to have the real height."

The old editor admired Dumas's approach.

After "La Traviata" was published, French literary book critics agreed that the value of this work greatly surpassed Alexandre Dumas's masterpiece "The Count of Monte Cristo", and Alexandre Dumas became famous for a while.

We don't need to envy other people's achievements, or pick apples on other people's shoulders. Apples are beautiful, but they can only affirm some people's achievements.Maybe your current status is humble and your status is small, but this does not mean that you are not important.As long as you strive hard all the time, you will exist irreplaceably, and you will live out a true self.

Believe in your own strength, "show" your own demeanor at the right time, show off the beauty of your true colors, and let yourself gain a warmth in the ruthless competition.

Abandon Vanity Fair and let the soul return to its true nature
In ancient and modern China and abroad, many wise men know how to keep a distance from fame and wealth for the sake of freedom and chicness of life.

One day, Zhuangzi was fishing in Pushui.Two officials appointed by the king of Chu came to hire him: "My king has heard of Mr. virtuous name for a long time, and he wants to be troubled by state affairs." Zhuangzi put his pole on his head and said calmly: "I heard that there is a tortoise in Chu, which was dead when it was killed. It is three thousand years old. The king of Chu treasured it in a bamboo box, covered it with brocade, and enshrined it in the temple. I would like to ask the second doctor, would this turtle prefer to keep the bones after death or to sneak and tail in the muddy water when it was alive? The second doctor said: "Of course I would like to wag my tail in the muddy water alive." Zhuangzi said: "You two doctors, please go back! I also want to wag my tail in the muddy water."

Zhuangzi does not pursue fame and wealth, does not love power, and lives for freedom. He can be described as an expert who understands the true meaning of happiness.Zhuge Liang said: "Without indifference, there is no ambition, and without tranquility, there is no distance."

For those who are indifferent, the road of life will always be full of flowers; for those who pursue fame and wealth, the road of life will be full of traps.There will be no contentment without getting rid of desire, and a person who is too greedy will never be satisfied.Always in longing and pain.

A person needs to go through the years with a clear mind and a calm pace, and his spirit must not lack indifference.Although we are eager to succeed and realize the value of our lives, what we really need is a real success.And this success does not need to be vigorous and vigorous, and it does not need to have the pride of uncovering the mysteries of the world and saving the people from the fire and water, as long as it is indifferent and peaceful, it is enough!

Margaret Mitchell, the author of the masterpiece "Gone with the Wind", said: "Until you lose your reputation, you won't know how cumbersome this thing is, and you won't know what real freedom is." There are many temptations to come and go, but they are all external things.If we want to live a happy life, we must learn to be indifferent to fame and fortune, and enjoy the good time with peace of mind.

Have an indifferent heart, do what you can, and pursue your own truth calmly, and you can be pet-like, insult-indifferent, natural, and at ease.With a flat mentality, you will live happily in a simple life.

Letting go of the shackles of vanity fairs can make the soul full, rich, free and pure!

The heart of cultivating lotus, the nature of cultivating lotus

According to Buddhist scriptures: Before Sakyamuni was born, there were eight kinds of auspicious appearances in the imperial palace, where birds flocked together, their singing sounds were harmonious, and flowers bloomed together in four seasons.

Strangely, a white lotus flower as big as a wheel suddenly grew out of the big pond in the palace. The time when the white lotus grew was exactly when Sakyamuni was born.At the beginning of Sakyamuni's birth, thousands of golden lights flashed from the root of his tongue, and each golden light turned into a thousand-leaf white lotus. In each lotus sat a little Bodhisattva with crossed feet and the center of the feet facing upwards. .

In fact, not only Buddhists prefer lotus, but there are countless people who love lotus from ancient times to the present.As early as in the "Book of Songs", there was a poem "There are Fusu in the mountains, and there are lotus flowers in Xi'an". In the poem "Ode to Concentric Furong" written by Du Gongzhan of the Sui Dynasty, he wrote: "The lotus blossoms are burning, and the pavilions come out of the water. A solitary stem Introduce green, and the two shadows share dividends." Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty described the holiness and simplicity of lotus with "clear water and mountain hibiscus, which are naturally uncarved".In the Song Dynasty, Fan Chengda wrote "The root of the mud, jade and snow are not stained, and the leaves of the wind and green onions are also fragrant" to describe the icy skin and skin of the lotus.In "Ai Lian Shuo", Zhou Dunyi even expressed the reason why many people love lotus: "Out of the mud but not stained, clean and clear but not demonic, straight from the middle to the outside, not vines or branches, the fragrance is far away and clear , the pavilions are quiet and planted, which can be seen from a distance but not played with.

Why do so many people love lotus alone?In fact, doesn't the "life course" of the lotus show a kind of wisdom for survival?
From growing in the mud to blooming beautiful flowers, the lotus has experienced how many sewage washings, how many suns, winds and rains it has endured, and only then can it achieve a body with clear and icy muscles.People who live in a filthy world are like lotuses that grow in mud, and are bound to be disturbed by many evil and filthy things. The character of "coming out of the mud without being stained" is exactly what people expect from human nature.

The lotus flower originated from the dirty world, but it is not stained with any dust. It is a kind of self-purification, the pursuit of transcendence, and the wisdom of reaching the pure and unobstructed state.If one wants to be as clear as a lotus flower out of water, and to reach the state of being in the dusty world without being polluted, it requires a relatively high level of awareness and concentration, and one must be open-minded about everything.One step away from worldly troubles, one step closer to happiness.

The heart of cultivating the lotus, the nature of cultivating the lotus, living out the self-cleanness, will also live out one's own happiness.

Plain color can stand the test of time gone by
Layman Zhu Cimu said to Zen Master Foguang: "Chan Master! I have been reciting and worshiping Buddha for more than 20 years. Recently, when I recite the Buddha's name, it seems to be different."

Zen Master Foguang asked, "What's the difference?"

Zhu Cimu said: "When I used to recite the Buddha's name, I always had the Buddha's nature in my heart. Even if I didn't recite it, I could still feel the Buddha's voice incessantly in my heart. Even if I didn't want to recite it, the voice would flow out automatically like spring water."

Zen Master Foguang said: "This is actually very good. It means that you have reached the stage where you have found your true self."

Zhu Cimu said: "Thank you Zen master for your praise, but I can't do it now. I am very distressed now because my true heart is gone."

Zen Master Foguang asked suspiciously: "How can the true heart disappear?"

Zhu Cimu said: "Because my heart corresponding to the Buddha is gone, and the continuous meditation of the Buddha's voice in my heart is gone, and I can never find it again. Zen Master, I am very distressed by this. Please tell me where I can find it." Where is my sincerity?"

Zen Master Foguang enlightened: "You should know that the true heart is not anywhere, and your true heart is in your own body."

Zhu Cimu said, "Why don't I know?"

Zen Master Foguang said: "Because you deal with delusional mind without realizing it, your true heart will leave you."

After hearing this, Zhu Cimu was as if enlightened.

When the sincerity is gone, it's like losing yourself, and you can't find your own door.Why do people have all kinds of confusion?As Chan Master Foguang said, it is because falsehood obscures the true heart.Schopenhauer said: "The greatest source of happiness is your own heart." Indeed, if you want to obtain happiness and return to spirituality, you must clear all the dirt in your heart, not be false, and keep your sincerity.

Zixia asked: "You are charming with a clever smile, and you are looking forward to your beautiful eyes. You always think that you are gorgeous." What does it mean?Confucius said: "After the painting is done, it will be plain." To the effect, Zixia asked Confucius what these three sentences in the Book of Songs really said, and Confucius told him that it is precious to show the plain color after the painting is completed.

An old man will look like a teenager at the end of his years, a blank sheet of paper with nothing, so people in the world often call him an old child.But the "blank paper" at this time is not the blankness of youth, but the tranquility and open-mindedness after a thousand sails.As people grow older and experience rich, they will gradually like strong and honest colors, because they are just like our gentle and prudent characters.

When a person is born with empty hands, let him clenched his fists tightly; when a person dies, he should let his hands be spread out, so as not to let him take away wealth and fame... Understand this truth, and people will be very grateful to many people. Things bearish.A happy life depends entirely on your inner simplicity, not on how much external wealth you have.When I get old, I realize that everything is empty, and even my own life often feels fragile.At this time, the vigor and vigor of the young people are gone, and the melancholy and resentment of the middle-aged people have faded away, leaving behind a transparent heart.

Life is short, why live in the standards and eyes of others.Why not live fully, truly, and enjoy the joys of life?Beauty is always a glimpse, like a flash in the pan, so why not let life be real and beautiful?Just like the verses of the great Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore: Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.

After the bustling, it is always empty, and it is true to wash away the lead.In real life, plain color is the most beautiful style.

With a simple heart, reject the aging of the soul

Everyone has an original heart when they first enter the society, but after going through hardships, the original heart has changed.Living in a world of turmoil, intrigues make us more hypocritical, intrigue makes us more cunning, and the coldness of the world makes us more indifferent.How many people can keep a pure and simple original heart in the rivers and lakes?

In 1928, at the age of 26, Shen Congwen was hired as a lecturer by Hu Shi, then the principal of a Chinese public school.

Prior to this, Shen Congwen described true emotions with smooth and smooth writing, won a large number of readers, and enjoyed a high reputation in the literary world, but it was the first time for him to give lectures to college students.In order to teach the first class well, he made serious preparations and carefully compiled the handouts.

Even so, when he stepped onto the podium on the first day and saw the crowd of students sitting under the podium, he still couldn't help but feel guilty, and he stayed there for 10 minutes without saying a word.Later, when he started to give lectures, because he was nervous, he just kept his head down and read the lecture notes, forgetting all the contents that were planned to be interrupted in the middle of the lecture.As a result, the class that was originally prepared was finished in 10 minutes.How do you spend the next few 10 minutes?He was flustered, and cold sweat ran down his spine.

Later, Shen Congwen didn't gossip all over the place to pass the time, but honestly picked up chalk and wrote on the blackboard: "Today is my first class, there are many people, I'm scared!" This honest and lovely frankly said "scared" , causing a burst of good-natured laughter in the class... Later, a student who attended the class wrote in an article that Mr. Shen's frankness and sincerity are admirable, and this is the most meaningful class he has ever heard in his life .

Shen Congwen is not from a "specialized" background, but he does not stick to the rules, and his ingenious precepts and deeds have made him successful.This first lesson of "success" became a true portrayal of his straightforward life.

In the face of failure, people who do not perfunctory, do not evade, and can honestly reveal their hearts will of course be forgiven by others.Simplicity is the most touching.Mr. Nan Huaijin said that the reason why people grow old is that they are affected by all external environments and their own emotional changes.And keeping a simple heart can keep life healthy and youthful forever, and let oneself return to nature and the original nature of life.

Always maintain an open, aboveboard, pure and simple heart, this is the highest cultivation of a person.

(End of this chapter)

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