Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 28 Embracing nature and promoting the beauty of nature

Chapter 28 Embracing nature and promoting the beauty of nature (1)
After the bustling, it is always empty, and it is true to wash away the lead.

Only by maintaining the characteristics can we get our own piece of blue sky

Everyone has their own characteristics. Only by giving full play to your own characteristics for achieving great things, can you grow and walk on the road to success.The importance of maintaining one's own characteristics and allowing the road ahead to conform to the extension of one's own inherent characteristics is the only way to find one's own path to success.Everyone will always be affected by the outside world in one way or another in their lives.Under this influence, people are easily influenced by external things, do not follow the guidance of their own characteristics, and embark on a path influenced by others or even designated by others.This is the burial of one's own characteristics, and it is the sorrow of life.

When a turtle was basking in the sun on the beach, several crabs crawled over. They saw the carapace on the turtle's back and laughed and said, "Look, what kind of monster is that? There are so many messy things on the thick shell." The pattern is really ugly."

After the tortoise heard this, he felt very ashamed, because he hated the armor for a long time.But it was brought out of the mother's womb, and it can't be changed. It can only retract its head into the shell, trying to lose sight and hearing, and still be quiet.

Unexpectedly, when the crabs saw that the tortoise did not resist, they took an inch and said, "Hey, you still have a sense of shame. Do you think you can change your fate of wearing a vest when you were born?" The tortoise still didn't answer.The crab made fun of himself, so he left.

After the crabs left, the tortoise stretched out its head, moved its limbs, found a reef, leaned its back against the reef and kept grinding it, trying to wear off the ripped vest that had brought it shame.

Finally, the tortoise smoothed its back and the vest was gone, but it was bloody and in pain.

On this day, the Dragon King of the East China Sea convened a meeting of civil and military officials, announced that the tortoise family would be first-class lords, and ordered them all to come and thank them.In the tortoise family, the dragon king saw the tortoise without the vest at a glance, and said angrily: "Where are you monster, how dare you pretend to be a member of the tortoise family to be enshrined?"

"My lord, I am a turtle!"

"Presumptuous, you still want to lie to me. The vest is the symbol of your turtles. Now you don't even have the symbol, and you have lost your true colors. What qualifications do you have to call a turtle!" After finishing speaking, the Dragon King waved his hand, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals immediately Drive this lost tortoise out of Dragon Palace.

The poor little tortoise didn't know the function of the shell, and finally made himself unrecognizable and was kicked out of the tortoise family.The tragedy of the little turtle makes us think deeply.Show people the truth, and your heart is true. If you blindly pretend to be yourself, how can you ask others to believe you?
In this world, everyone is unique.Showing people the truth is not against my heart.There is no need to seek this kind of scheming, and you should treat everything with your sincerity.In fact, as long as we can maintain our true colors under the premise of abiding by the rules of the group, we can create a beautiful life of our own if we don't follow others' advice and follow the steps.

Everyone has their own unique personality, and they can create their own beautiful life if they can maintain their true colors, don't follow others' advice, and don't follow suit.

Nature is the angel of the city, it can soothe restless souls
Most modern people live in metropolises, facing a forest of steel bars and heavy traffic.The city's dirty air and impetuous atmosphere make people troubled.Put down the things at hand and walk into nature, you will find many neglected beauties.

If you immerse yourself in nature, nature will open up.Come into nature, where you will be provided with the most abundant nutrition.One day, when you are tired of chasing fame and fortune and feel indifferent, you might as well "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely" like Tao Yuanming.

One summer afternoon, Mrs. Sunny and her friends went to the forest to play. After arriving, they temporarily rested in the small house on the beautiful Mohenke Lake Mountain; garden.

In the center of the park, there is also a jewel-like emerald lake stretching in the forest.Moxiangke Lake means "green lake in the sky". When the earth's crust changed tens of thousands of years ago, a high cliff was formed.

Her friend's eyes passed through the forest and the majestic cliffs, and moved lightly to the rocks among the hills. In an instant, the shining and eternal Grand Canyon suddenly illuminated her heart. These beautiful forests and ditches became The refuge of the billowing red dust.

That afternoon, the summer was mixed with showers and sunshine, and she and her friend were drenched with clothes sticking to their bodies, and they began to feel a little unhappy, but she and her friend were still talking to each other.Slowly, the whole soul was washed by the rain, and the icy cold rain kissed the cheeks, which instantly aroused an unprecedented fresh pleasure, and the bright sunshine gradually dried the clothes, and the words flew from tree to tree , talking and talking, silence came between her and her friend.

They listened attentively to the tranquility of the surroundings.Of course, the forest is definitely not quiet, there are thousands of creatures active there, and the nature opens its loving hands to give birth to life, but its operation sound is so harmonious and peaceful, and the harsh noise will never be heard .

In this beautiful afternoon, nature ironed out the anxiety and tension in their hearts with motherly hands, and everything returned to peace.

How long has it been since you calmed down and listened to the music of nature?The wind is singing softly, and the birds are singing sweetly... When we can't help but approach nature, blown by the refreshing wind, and smell the fragrance of flowers and plants, our mood will gradually become brighter.

If you have a small garden, try filling it with plants of different leaf shapes and colors.Prune leaves yourself, or collect fruit and seeds, do gardening, etc.You can leave a corner untidy as a haven for birds and insects.Know the names of the plants or flowers you grow, to know their individual personalities, learn their scientific and common names at the same time, and read those strange chapters aloud, imagining them like seeds lying in the garden of your mind.In this way, your heart will become poetic and romantic.

Nature has endless beauty. When you are poetic, as long as you walk into nature and feel its beautiful scenery, your heart will soon be happy and enjoy the infinite beauty.Next time you're gazing at the sky, imagine the muscles in your eyes releasing all tension, and think how much better it's doing for you.Like the characters in a landscape painting, we can see ourselves from a wider perspective, so that we can understand ourselves more clearly.

Only by returning to nature can we find our true self.

Keep an original heart, the quality is clean and clean

People need to abandon the clever tricks that they are proud of and keep their original intentions.Hsi Murong, a writer from Taiwan, China, once wrote in her article: "The poet Xiang Ming said: 'The cuter the poet, the more precious the poems he writes.' It is the fullness and cleanliness of that moment, but how many times can there be such happiness in life? As long as a person is constantly growing, his heart will continue to be stained with dust. Reading and writing poems is actually an individual's helpless sinking The longing for a clean and full "initial heart" in the middle. I gradually realized that this "longing" itself can also become a poetic quality. If we are experienced in the world, if we can persist in not losing our innocence in the vicissitudes of life and helplessness, I am afraid it will be even more difficult. It is precious.” As she said, in real life, many people lose their original innocence due to the pollution of customs.In fact, if you keep your original intention, your life will be less troubled and more beautiful.

In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Wang family was a big family with a high social status, so the Taiwei Xijian at that time wanted to choose a son-in-law from the Wang family.The daughter of Xi Jian has both talent and beauty, and Xi Jian loves her like a jewel in the palm of her hand. For such a precious daughter, she must find a family with the right family.Xi Jian felt that Wang's family had a deep friendship with him, and they were officials in the same dynasty. He heard that his family had many heirs, all of whom were talented and beautiful.

One morning after court, Xi Jian told Prime Minister Wang about his idea of ​​choosing a son-in-law.Prime Minister Wang said: "That's good. I have many children in my family, so you can choose them at home. I agree with whoever you like."

Xi Jian ordered his confidant butler to bring a heavy gift to Wang Chengxiang's house.When the prince's children heard that Xi Taiwei sent someone to find a son-in-law, they all dressed up carefully and came out to meet each other.Looking around, one person is missing.The housekeeper of the Wang's house led the housekeeper of Xi's house to the study of Dongkuayuan, and saw a young man lying on his back on the bed against the east wall, seemingly indifferent to Taiwei's search for a son-in-law.The steward of Xi's mansion went back and reported to Xi Jian: "The young masters of the Wang family are all good. After they heard the news that the husband was going to choose a son-in-law, they all dressed up neatly, pretended to be good, and followed the rules. There was only one young master on the east bed. Lie on your belly, as if nothing happened."

Xi Jian said: "That man is the good son-in-law I want!" So he immediately sent someone to inquire again, and it turned out that the man was Wang Xizhi.When Xi Jian came to the palace, he saw that Wang Xizhi was open-minded and elegant, with both talent and appearance, so he offered a betrothal gift on the spot and chose him as his son-in-law.

Wang Xizhi didn't deliberately dress up just because someone came to choose a son-in-law.A person who shows his original intention will have a good life.

Nature is an inner thing, you may not feel its existence at ordinary times, but it manipulates you secretly.It determines most of your habits, determines your character, and even determines your life.When the big waves wash away the sand, the real gold will be seen when the sand is exhausted. Most people realize the preciousness of their true colors after the glitz has passed.

The essence of cleanness comes and goes, don't let the vanity of the world contaminate the original pure heart.

Burn the torch of self-confidence, "show" your true self

Inferiority is the corrosive agent of the soul, but self-confidence is the generator of the soul.Show your confidence in yourself, don't always use your own shortcomings to compare others' strengths, but ignore the places where you are not as good as others.No matter where you are, don't let the ice and snow of inferiority invade your heart, but burn the torch of self-confidence, always believe that you are the best, mobilize the potential of life, and create a better life for yourself.

One day, Alexandre Dumas learned that the manuscripts sent by Alexandre Dumas always hit a wall, so he told him: "If you can attach a text message to Mr. Editor when you submit the manuscript, saying 'I am the son of Alexandre Dumas', Maybe things will get better."

Dumas fils flatly rejected his father's suggestion, he said: "No, I don't want to sit on your shoulders picking apples, the apples picked like that are tasteless."

Dumas fils not only refused to use his father's famous name as a stepping stone to his career, but also took a dozen other pseudonyms for himself to avoid those editors from associating him with the famous father.In the face of those cold and ruthless rejection notes, Dumas fils was not depressed, and still insisted on creating his own works.

After his novel "La Traviata" was sent out, it finally shocked a senior editor with its wonderful conception and wonderful writing.The well-known editor had a correspondence with Alexandre Dumas for many years.He saw that the sender's address was exactly the same as that of the great writer Alexandre Dumas, so he suspected that Alexandre Dumas had adopted another pen name, but the style of the work was completely different from that of Alexandre Dumas.With such excitement and doubts, he couldn't wait to visit Alexandre Dumas' house by car.

To his surprise, the author of the great work "La Traviata" was actually the little-known son of Alexandre Dumas, Alexandre Dumas.

(End of this chapter)

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