Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 27 In the upheaval of fate, sniffing the fragrance of flowers

Chapter 27 In the upheaval of fate, sniffing the fragrance of flowers (2)
Soon, a devastating disaster befell Pompeii.Mount Vesuvius suddenly erupted without any warning, and hundreds of millions of tons of volcanic ash and scorching magma swallowed Pompeii in an instant.

The entire city was shrouded in thick smoke and dust, as dark as a starless midnight.Panicked residents stumbled around looking for a way out, but couldn't find it.However, because the blind girl Lydia has been selling flowers in the streets all these years, she found a way out by relying on her sense of touch and hearing, and also saved many people.

It can be seen that suffering can also be transformed into a lucky day.Sand grains are embedded in the body of the mussel, and the stimulation of the wound makes it secrete substances to heal the wound. When the wound heals, a crystal pearl appears on the old wound.What pearl was not conceived by pain?As long as we dare to make full use of opportunities and dare to temper ourselves, any misfortune, failure and loss may become a factor in our favor.

In 1958, a man named Frank Canali opened a pizza parlor opposite his grocery store in order to pay for his college tuition.Unexpectedly, 19 years later, his pizza parlor has opened 3100 restaurants in various countries, becoming a multinational chain enterprise with a total value of more than 3 million US dollars.This chain store is the famous Pizza Hut.

A few years later, Canali said when reviewing how his chain stores developed: "You have to learn to fail." He said: "I have worked in no less than 50 industries, and only 15 of them have done well. Says I have a 30% success rate. You have to strike, especially after you fail. You never know when you will succeed, so you have to learn to fail first." "Learn to fail first" does not mean that you Instead of fighting after repeated defeats, it is necessary to find lessons that can be used for reference from failures.

After Canali's branch in Oklahoma failed, he found that the failure was due to problems with the location of the branch and the decoration of the storefront.Therefore, he knew the importance of choosing the location of the branch and store decoration when running a pizzeria; after the failure of sales in New York, he improved the hardness of the pizza and made a pizza with another hardness suitable for the taste of the locals; When pizza appeared on the market and had an impact on his business, he took a different approach and introduced and launched Chicago-style pizza to the public.That's it, after countless failures, Kanali finally succeeded.

Canali failed countless times and stood up countless times.The secret to success is so simple: just get up one more time than you fall down.Fate will put useful talents in the wind and rain.Only after the baptism of wind and rain, people will gradually become stronger.So all the great figures in the world have experienced wind and rain and tempering.

There is hope in the graceful dancing of spring flowers and autumn leaves; the grass drilled from the cracks of huge rocks shows hope; the pine trees on the edge of the cliff whose image is constantly modified by the mountain wind show hope.Naturally, this is the case, we should cherish the energy of our own hope.Never give up hope.After the wind and rain, people's lives will take on a new color, and fate will also lead the believers in suffering to luck.

Dilemma is the key factor that will grind you into pearls.

If you have aspirations, you will know that Penglai is close, but if you do nothing, you will always feel that it is far away

Everyone who likes mountaineering has this feeling: places with ordinary scenery are easy to climb, so there are naturally many people; while steep and magnificent peaks, because of the difficult and dangerous roads, there are very few climbers.In fact, life is the same as mountaineering. There are so many people rushing to popular places one after another, but they don't know that this is just a way to rush.Although the difficult road is tortuous and even dangerous, it is precisely because of the step-by-step overcoming that I can sing battle songs to face difficulties.

American scholar Dr. Maarten said: "Difficulties are our benefactors. Only with difficulties can we stop and eliminate all competitors who are not as good as us, so that we can win." Therefore, in adversity, you don't have to be discouraged, because It could be your chance for success.

One night, a wildfire triggered by lightning burned down the beautiful "Wanmu Manor", and the owner of the manor, Mike, was in a desperate situation.Faced with such a big blow, he was in great pain, shutting himself out, not thinking about food and drink, and unable to sleep at night.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed. Seeing that he was still in grief and unable to extricate himself, his elderly grandmother said to him meaningfully: "My child, it is not terrible that the manor is in ruins. What is terrible is that your eyes Lost luster, aging day by day. How can a pair of aging eyes see hope..."

Under the persuasion of his grandmother, Mike decided to go out for a walk.He walked out of the manor alone, wandering aimlessly.At the corner of a street, he saw a crowd of people in front of a shop.It turned out that some housewives were queuing up to buy charcoal.The pieces of charcoal lying in the cardboard box made Mike's eyes light up. He saw a glimmer of hope, and hurriedly walked home.In the next two weeks, Mike hired several charcoal burners to process the charred trees on the estate into high-quality charcoal, and then sent them to the charcoal dealership in the market.

Soon, the charcoal was sold out, and he got a lot of money for it.He used the income to buy a large number of new saplings, and a new manor began to take shape.A few years later, "Wanmu Manor" is full of greenery again.

Many times, the success or failure of a person's suffering and happiness does not lie in the influence of external objects, but in one's own mentality and the perspective of viewing the world. It is not terrible that the manor burns down, but the terrible thing is that the soul has also become ruins.

"There is nothing more sad than heart death", the most terrible aging in the world is the aging of mentality.When adversity comes, don't be intimidated by the adversity, but maintain a positive attitude, and the difficulty will be knocked down by you.Nothing can stop you from moving forward. Keep your eyes open and you will see the hope of life. Everything is possible.

When facing difficulties, adjust your mentality and don't let negative thoughts affect the progress of your life.Actively take every step of the present, our life will be wonderful.

Keep a positive attitude at all times, and your life will always be green.

Don't reject the carving of life

Only those who have walked through the wind and rain can leave their own marks in the mud and prove their worth.The acquisition of any kind of ability must go through arduous training.Ostrovsky said: "Human life is like a flood, and it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves if it does not encounter islands and reefs." For truly strong people, any difficulties and adversities will make them feel that they are struggling. smell.

There are two stones in the deep mountain. The first stone said to the second stone: "Go through the hardships and ups and downs of the journey and the bumps and bumps of the world. If you can fight, you will not be in this world in vain."

"No, why bother," the second stone snorted at him, "sit on a high place with a view of the mountains and flowers, who would be so stupid to choose the latter between pleasure and suffering, besides, the hardships and hardships of the journey will Break me to pieces!" So, the first stone rolled down with the mountain stream, went through the wind and rain and the hardships of nature, and ran on its own road without hesitation.The second stone smiled sarcastically. It enjoyed comfort and happiness on the high mountain, and enjoyed the free expression of the surrounding flowers and plants.

Many years later, the first stone and its family, which have gone through all kinds of trials and hardships in the world, have become treasures in the world and wonderful works of stone art, praised and praised by thousands of people.After the second stone knew about it, it regretted it at the beginning. Now it wants to invest in the baptism of the wind and dust in the world, and then get the success and nobility like the first stone. At the risk of being crushed to pieces, he flinched again.

One day, in order to better preserve the wonderful stone art, people planned to build an exquisite, unique and majestic museum for it, and all the construction materials were made of stone.So they came to the high mountain, crushed the second stone, smashed the bones, and built a house for the first stone.

The same stone, different choices, the ending is also very different.The first stone chose hardships and hardships and knew how to give up pleasure, so it became a treasure and a wonderful flower of stone art.The second stone chose An Yi, but in the end it only ended up being smashed to pieces.

Pain is not a bad thing.Many times, difficulties and torments are like a hammer hitting the billet. What should be knocked out should be fragile iron filings, and what should be forged into a sharp steel knife.Jin Lansheng in the Qing Dynasty wrote in "Proverbs Lianbi": "After some setbacks, you will gain some insight; if you tolerate some rebelliousness, you will increase your tolerance." It can be seen that those setbacks and rebellious torture are not only bad for life. Negative, or a positive factor that promotes your growth.Only by experiencing all kinds of torture can the thickness of life be expanded.

Since ancient times, heroes have suffered many hardships, and only by not rejecting the carving of life can they make a difference.

The cliff is the starting point of take-off

If a person wants to make a turn for the better in his life, he must know how to rise in adversity. In many cases, adversity is the starting point of your success.

When an old man was collecting firewood in the mountains, he picked up a strange bird. The strange bird was as big as a chick just born on the first full moon. Maybe because it was too small and could not fly, the old man picked up this strange bird. It's just a strange bird to bring home for the little grandson to play with.

The old man's grandson was very naughty. He put the strange bird in the chicken flock and acted as the hen's child to let the hen raise it.The hen did not notice this outlier, and took full responsibility for being a mother.The strange bird grew up day by day, and later people discovered that the strange bird was an eagle,

People worry that the eagle will eat the chicken when it grows up.In order to protect the chicken, people unanimously strongly demand: either kill the eagle, or release it, so that it will never come back.Because they had been with the eagle for a long time and had feelings for it, the family was naturally reluctant to kill it. They decided to release the eagle and let it return to nature.However, they tried many methods but could not let the eagle return to nature.They took the eagle to a far away place and released it. After a few days, the eagle came back again. They drove it away and prevented it from entering the house.At last they finally understood: it turns out that the eagle is nostalgic for the home where it grew up, and is reluctant to part with the warm and comfortable nest.

Later, an old man in the village said: "Give the eagle to me, and I will let it return to the blue sky and never come back again." Throw it to the deep stream under the cliff.The eagle also fell down like a stone at first, but when it was about to reach the bottom of the stream, it finally spread its wings to support its body, and began to glide slowly, then flapped its wings lightly, and flew towards the blue sky. The more you fly, the more beautiful your movements will be.It flew higher and higher, farther and farther, and gradually turned into a small black dot, flew out of people's sight, flew away forever, and never came back.

"Put it to death and live later", people will arouse their huge potential when facing pressure. In fact, each of us is not like the eagle, who is always attached to what we have and fears the unknown wind and rain.However, like a flower in a greenhouse, although there is a comfortable life, there will be no turning point. Once adversity comes, willpower and action ability will be easily destroyed, but a person who has been tempered can create a new life. world.Predicament is not extinction, but reminds you that there is a better way to go.Then, let us smile and use this crutch to find a solution, and go on tenaciously and persistently.

If a person lacks the courage to challenge the predicament, he will fall easily; on the contrary, a person full of courage can be invincible and invincible.Face up to the predicament and not shrink back in the face of difficulties, so that the mind will not be barren, and there will be no way out.Success is established from constant setbacks and failures. It is not only a result, but also an ability to not be afraid of failure and never give in in tribulations.

Giving yourself a cliff is to give yourself a starting point to take off.

People fly even in low places

No matter how difficult a person encounters, he must learn to resolve and overcome it, soaring up against the wind, so that "a person can fly even at a low place".

Side A of life:
At the age of 4, a bout of measles and catalepsy nearly sent him into his coffin.

At the age of 7, he contracted severe pneumonia and had to undergo extensive bloodletting.

At the age of 46, the gums were suddenly covered with abscesses, and almost all the teeth were pulled out.

He had just recovered from dental disease, and contracted a terrible eye disease. His vision was no longer clear, and he could only walk with the help of others, so his young son became a crutch in his hand.

After the age of 50, various diseases such as arthritis, enteritis, and throat tuberculosis devoured his body.

Later, the vocal cords also broke, and my son lip-synced his thoughts.

He only lived to be 57 years old when he vomited blood and died.After death, the corpse also suffered a lot, and was relocated 8 times.

He imprisoned himself for a long time, practicing the piano for 10-12 hours a day, forgetting about hunger and death. Since the age of 13, he has traveled around and lived a life of nomads.

The B side of life:
He held his first concert at the age of 12, and became famous in one fell swoop, causing a sensation in the public opinion circles.

His qin sounds spread all over France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Britain, Czech Republic and other countries.

His performance surprised Parma's chief violinist Lola, who jumped off the sickbed and stood numb, shamelessly accepting him as an apprentice.

Hearing him, the Lucca audience was overjoyed and declared him Principal Violinist of the Republic.

When he was touring in Italy, it was widely rumored that he must have been secretly taught by the devil, or else his piano sound would be magical.

A blind man in Vienna listened to his piano and thought it was a band playing. When he knew that he was alone on the stage, he yelled "he is a devil" and ran away.

The Parisians were intoxicated by his piano sound, and they had long forgotten the severe cholera epidemic at that time, and the concerts were still full...

Music critic Braz called him "a magician with a bow"; Goethe commented that he "shows a soul like fire on the strings".He is one of the three great geeks in the history of literature and art, the great violinist Paganini.

The A side and the B side of life can be transformed into each other.Adversity is a kind of setback, as long as you don’t shrink back when facing setbacks, learn to polish setbacks with your heart, meet setbacks with enthusiasm, and overcome setbacks with perseverance.Adhering to the light of faith and continuing to move forward, we will surely reach the sunshine zone.

Napoleon Hill believes that no matter how you fail, it is just a scene in the process of continuous growth.In life, no matter where you are, as long as you still have the courage to challenge success, you have not failed.The so-called failure can be counted as your valuable experience, which can create wealth.In life, no matter what kind of humble situation your career is in in the eyes of others, you don’t have to give up on yourself. As long as the belief in eagerness to rise is still there, as long as we can unswervingly smile at life, we can also create a brilliant future for ourselves in the face of adversity. glorious future!

Fight for opportunities with confidence and courage, and you can rise even in the face of adversity.

(End of this chapter)

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