Life management lessons of choice and abandonment

Chapter 33 Workarounds: Navigating to the Other Side of Success in Reflection

Chapter 33 Workarounds: Navigating to the Other Side of Success in Reflection (2)
For some problems that are temporarily undecided and cannot find the optimal solution, you can put them aside and let them be in the "pending" stage. When your mind is relaxed and clear, some subjective and objective factors will trigger innovative ideas.There are many such triggering factors, which vary with time, space, and location, and also vary from person to person.To sum up, such things as self-questioning, misunderstanding, anger, brushing teeth, dreaming, bathing, traveling, walking, fishing, bedridden, insomnia, shoe polish, etc. may become triggers for creative thinking, mobilize the role of the subconscious mind, induce intuition and imagination .

In order to mobilize the role of the subconscious mind, most experienced and successful people advocate that when they encounter difficult problems, they temporarily stop their work, let the mind rest, and then use trigger factors to ignite the spark of creativity, that is, to stimulate the subconscious mind and gain inspiration. .

Only by walking your own path and choosing a brand-new way can you solve the problem almost perfectly and realize the transcendence of the original model and conditions.

Thinking is the source of flexibility
If a person wants to achieve results in a certain field, in addition to working hard, he must also be diligent in thinking, and must set aside time for thinking in his busy schedule.The so-called genius is that ordinary people focus their attention on a special direction, and spend a lot of time exploring and pursuing it.Of course, the ordinary people here must be those who pursue their goals wholeheartedly.As long as a person is committed to pursuing his own goals, he will always find "accidents" or opportunities that belong to his success, and "chances" and opportunities will only patronize such people.

The inventor of the suspension bridge, Mr. Capeton Brown, was able to invent the suspension bridge because of his diligent thinking.He was entrusted to design a bridge at that time. In order to design a low-cost and novel bridge, he has been studying the structural problems of the bridge for a long period of time, and drew many renderings for repeated comparison and serious thinking, but he was too late. There is no satisfactory solution.For this reason, he eats poorly and sleeps restlessly.One morning in early summer, when the morning dew was still dry, he was troubled by design problems and sleepless, so he got up and took a walk in his garden while thinking.When he accidentally saw a spider web lying across the road, he was suddenly inspired, and a beautiful plan came to his mind: Can steel cables and steel ropes be connected to form a bridge like a spider web?The result is the world-famous suspension bridge.

Without Puton Brown's positive thinking, perhaps there would be no world-famous East Suspension Bridge today.In the vast majority of cases, the aptitude is similar from person to person.Smart people are often just people who have adopted the right strategy in their work—they think hard, think well, and think carefully before taking the right action.A business done and a success achieved are the products of right thinking.Learning to think correctly is the key to a person's life and work.There are two theoretically correct ways of thinking:
One is process induction:

That is to arrange the whole process in order, clarify which processes are required from the beginning to the end, which things must be done, which problems are easy to occur, and which links must be strictly paid attention to, especially considering the unplanned easy Things that happened.

The second is logical deduction:
That is to set goals according to the law of development of things, and deal with things one by one according to this law until results are obtained.Although these two ways of thinking are different in application, they are often not easily separated, and are often interrelated and interdependent.

The experience of successful people shows that learning to think correctly can start from the following aspects:

([-]) Positive thinking

Positive thinking is an intellectual force, and it would be reckless to do something without thinking about it, unless you are extremely lucky.But luck doesn't come all the time, so the safest way is to "think twice before acting".But "thinking" is not a simple matter, thinking also has its characteristics and methods.Those who achieve great things have their own good ways of thinking.

Habits of thought, once formed, are powerful. Lowell, a famous American poet and literary critic in the 19th century, once said: "Intelligent insights come first from thinking and doubting." You must firmly believe from the bottom of your heart that your spiritual power and ideological power can help you realize your determination It is this confident anticipation that will allow you to focus all your mental strength on the achievement of your career.In other words, all your psychic powers will be highly aligned with your expectations.

([-]) Rational thinking

Rational thinking is generally divided into the following four steps:
1. Ask questions.

"Finding the problem" is the most difficult part of the whole thinking process.Know that you can't know what solution you're looking for, let alone solve the problem, until you ask the question.

2. Analyze the situation.

Once you have identified the problem, you need to find as many clues as possible from your environment.In the process of analyzing a situation, you are looking for specific information. You should not be tempted to find solutions and answers to problems in the first place, and miss other solutions.You should force yourself to seek out relevant information and wait until you feel that you have analyzed the situation carefully and accurately before making a judgment.

3. Look for workable solutions.

It takes a lot of creativity in this step.Look for solutions other than those that seem plausible at first glance, and be especially careful when adopting ready-made solutions.If someone else has explored the same problem, and the solution sounds appropriate to your situation, take a good look at how that situation is similar to yours.Be careful not to adopt solutions that have not been tested in your situation.

4. Scientific verification.Many people stop at the last step, which is actually incomplete and thus unscientific.

Once solutions are found, you test and prove them to see if they work and if they solve the problem posed.It is impossible to know whether these methods are correct until you test them.In this process, all you have to do is to find the reasons for this situation and explain it. You answer questions such as "why", "what", "how".

([-]) Get out of the misunderstanding of thinking
People's thinking ability is formed from a very young age. With the growth of age and the increase of life experience, this thinking ability will gradually weaken, and it is often replaced by acting according to inertia without serious thinking. On the contrary, it is easy to be constrained by some intangible things, and it is easy to fall into misunderstandings in the thinking process and form some wrong conclusions.

Be a person who thinks about work and life, and you will gradually approach happiness and success.

Think about what people don't think about, what people don't see, what people can't do
"It is never possible to become the world's No. 1 blindly. To become the world's No. 1, you must innovate and innovate." The president of BMW once said.Indeed, blindly following others often brings losses or harm to oneself.If you want to achieve something in life and career, you must use your brain and think about problems.

"When we recruit people, if someone has all A's in the exams when he graduates from college, we are not interested in him," said Negro Ponti, director of the MIT Multimedia Laboratory in the United States.We're only interested if someone graduated college with a lot of A's in their test scores, but two D's in the middle.Because often students who do well in college don't do so well when they work with us.We are looking for those who, because of their unique personalities, did not work very hard at university and did not follow the rules.These people tend to be very creative, alert to things, and very responsive.When encountering a problem, they are often able to think proactively and find a way to solve it. Such employees are the key force to promote the development of the enterprise. "

If you are good at thinking and do not follow blindly, you need to have the concept of "changing places to dig wells".This idea was put forward by de Bono, a famous thinker and known as the "father of innovative thinking". He made a popular analogy:
When digging a well in one place, there is always no water. People who think in a vertical way think that they are not digging hard enough, so they intensify their efforts and keep digging until water is sure to come out.Those who think in a plane way of thinking may think that the place they have chosen may be wrong, that there may be no water at all, or that they have to dig very deep to get water.Instead of trying to die in such a place, it is better to find another place where water is easier to get out of and dig a well.

From this metaphor, we can see that the vertical thinking method is always deadlocked in one thinking mode, while the horizontal thinking method is constantly exploring other possibilities, so it is easy to find another exit.When you face a problem, you need to use the two-dimensional thinking method to solve the problem. If you can’t think positively, the problem will become a burden on your work. In this way, it is not only your own misfortune, but also the enterprise’s misfortune.

As a member of the company, if you want to win the respect of your boss, you should give full play to your own thinking at work, and use your wisdom and ability to properly solve work problems.Under the rules, people often form a thinking pattern. When we do things, we must learn to break the conventional thinking, see the key points of things, recognize the core of controlling the whole event, and then launch a comprehensive and rapid response to it. A single attack can quickly subdue it as a whole.

Following the old ways and stepping in the footsteps of others will only lead you into the swamp of thought.But only by breaking free from the shackles of thinking patterns, can we appreciate the scenery that others cannot see.

Thinking revolution, let every cell of you be eager to try
At work, we often fall into the shackles of thinking, just like a small fish that has lived in a small pond for a long time, and its vision becomes narrow and short. Even if the vast ocean is next door, we cannot see the blue.At this time, we need to open the shackles of thinking, just like a small fish wants to break through the boundary of the pond and swim to the ocean.The "revolutionary" experience of Mr. Hara Ippei, the god of sales in Japan, can give you some inspiration:
When Mr. Hara Ippei was young, one day he came to a temple near Tokyo to sell insurance.He eloquently and eloquently introduced the benefits of insurance to an old monk.The old monk did not say a word, but listened to him patiently, and then said in a calm tone: "After listening to your introduction, I am not interested in insurance at all. Young people, first try to reform yourself Bar!"

"Reform yourself?" Yuan Yiping was taken aback.

"Yes, you can sincerely ask your policyholders for advice and ask them to help you transform yourself. I think you have the roots of wisdom. If you do what I say, you will succeed in the future."

Yuan Yiping accepted the teachings of the old monk, and he planned a meeting to "criticize Yuan Yiping".At first, he felt that he was like a piece of meat on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered, which was very uncomfortable. However, what excited him was that everyone’s sincere criticism exposed Yuan Yiping’s faults one by one:

"Your personality is too impatient, and you often lose your temper."

"You are too bad-tempered and careless."

"You are too stubborn, often self-righteous, so easy to fail, you should listen to other people's opinions more."

"You never know how to refuse other people's entrustment. This shortcoming must be improved, because 'those who promise lightly will have little faith'."

"You are facing all kinds of people, so you must have a wealth of knowledge. Your knowledge is not rich enough, so you must strengthen your studies to become a 'life guide' for others."

"You must not be too realistic or selfish in your dealings with others, and you must not play tricks or tricks. Everything should be honest. The relationship between people can only be maintained for a long time by being honest."


He wrote down these precious harsh words one by one, and reflected on himself at any time.At the same time, he summed up 39 kinds of smiles with different meanings, and listed the emotions and meanings to be expressed by each smile, and then practiced repeatedly in front of the mirror.Yuan Yiping's critique meeting was held regularly on a monthly basis, and he found that he was "metamorphosis" like a cicada.Every time there is a "criticism meeting", he feels that a layer of skin has been peeled off.After repeated "criticism meetings", he peeled off the bad roots layer after layer.As he peeled off layer after layer of bad roots on his body, he gradually improved and grew.He used the improvement obtained in the "criticism meeting" in his daily sales work, and his performance soared.

Yuan Yiping used his actions to express his determination to "change his own life". The reason why he became the god of sales in Japan is precisely because he dared to change his own life, actively corrected his shortcomings and deficiencies, and made progress for himself. A real "brain change".

In life, the framework of thinking makes people prone to cowardice. After all, they don't have the courage to try and become mediocre.Innovation plays an irreplaceable role in both the organization and the individual. It will affect the survival of the enterprise and the career development of the individual.Everyone does not want to be eliminated, and every enterprise does not want to be swallowed by the market tide, so we are required to constantly change our minds and innovate continuously in our work.However, whether a person can really "change his brain" and make himself full of vitality at work depends on whether he has the determination to revolutionize his own life.

A person can only grow and become stronger if he has the courage to change his life and change his brain. This is somewhat similar to the situation of lobsters and hermit crabs in the biological world.If you want to have a wise mind, start now and give yourself a thinking revolution.

If you follow the rules but don't see the spirit, you will be a puppet on the stage; if you follow the rules and don't know how to change things, you will be a gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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