Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 273 Give You A Secret Mission

Chapter 273 Give You A Secret Mission

"I, I'm convinced. I can return to serve under Jiu Chongtian's command, but my condition is that you must never hurt her. I only have this condition. I hope this lady can promise me!"

Finally, under the opponent's strong psychological offensive, Su Lie chose to submit. His only condition is to protect Jia Luo.And when this tough guy raised his head again, his eyes lost all their luster just like Jia Luo before.

"Very good, this is the attitude you should have. Isn't Jiuchongtian very good, he can control all of you idle little hairy gods together, and make your life burst out with due value. Remember, next time Don't run out so recklessly once!"

Although she has successfully controlled Jia Luo and Su Lie, there is a high probability that the Black Fox Empress will return these two slaves who originally belonged to the Nine Heavens. After all, there will be many things to cooperate with each other in the future.

In front of them, Lu Bu and these guys have to teach them a lesson, at least let them learn how to respect their superiors in the Nine Heavens.Although Donghuang Taiyi has lost some power in a short period of time, he is still recognized as the three giants of the Nine Heavens. This kid named Lu Bu is openly provoking the majesty of the Donghuang Lord, which makes the black fox empress quite uncomfortable.

"You kid is the guy named Lu Bu. I heard that you have been doing treacherous things in your world. It seems that you want to do the same thing now? Do you think I have Need to remind your present master of the good deeds you have done?"

"No, my dear lady, you can't make such a joke with me! Everything I'm doing now is for the fundamental interests of Jiu Chongtian! If I didn't propose to track down these three defectors, Our Nine Heavens' strength is about to be weakened, don't you think?"

I don't know why, but after Lu Bu got in touch with this black fox lady, he suddenly felt like a mouse saw a cat. This is a very frightening thing. This woman seems to have a very magical feeling. The magic power makes the people in front of her naturally fear her.

"Hehe, Mr. Lu Bu, don't you think this kind of begging for mercy is too insincere? Do you think that all the mistakes you made before can be wiped out with just a few simple words? Don't you think too much about Jiu Chongtian?" Easy!"

"Then, please tell me clearly, what should I do to make up for the mistakes I made before, please give me an accurate answer! As long as you are willing to call me, no matter what you tell me in the future, Lu Bu You must do your part!"

What else is there to say at this time, besides showing determination and humiliating, Lu Bu can't think of other ways to seek peace.The strength of this black fox empress is here, and she has acquaintance with Jiu Chongtian's high-level officials. Offending this woman is tantamount to destroying her future.

"Hehe, for the sake of your sincere remorse, I will give you a chance! It just so happens that I have a task here that needs some fresh faces to complete, so I will leave it to you and Dian Wei! As for the four guys, I will let you Take them back, after all, they are all from Donghuang Taiyi, so they should go back to welcome their master's resurrection!"

It seems that this black fox empress has already made plans in her heart. It seems that she is going to take away Kai, Jia Luo, Su Lie and general Mo Xie, and let them return to Donghuang Taiyi's command.

Co-author Lu Bu is busy this time!But at this point, Lu Bu was only dumb eating coptis, and he couldn't tell what he was suffering.

"Everything is according to your mother's orders, but I don't know what kind of tasks you need me and Dian Wei to complete? Can you tell me a thing or two in advance?"

Although he was quite reluctant in his heart, Lu Bu still showed respect and respect on his face, as if he was really willing to embarrass the black fox lady in front of him. I have to admit that after so many years of training, this Lu Bu has also become a good actor.

"Hehe, Mr. Lu Bu, you don't have to be nervous. The task I want to give you is definitely within your ability, and it also has something to do with your Jiuchongtian. I don't know if you have heard of a person named Bai Qiuen." His other name is Taibai!"

All right!This was probably something that no one had thought of. After experiencing such a big failure, Jiu Zhongtian and Heipao still did not give up, and aimed at Bai Qiuen and his family again.However, because of Dongfang Huaizhu's special care at the beginning, the current Laobai family is a blind spot in the heavenly court. Except for some heavenly soldiers and generals who come to watch regularly, they will basically not disturb their normal life, nor will they let them easily. People noticed.

And because of this, the Black Fox Empress planned to start from this weak point, and kill that child from the Dongfang family who was selected as the successor of the Yiqi Dao League in the bud.Of course, another purpose of this group of guys is to bring Bai Qiuen into the Nine Heavens' camp. Even though this guy is basically a useless person now, the things in his mind are enough to surpass the capabilities of any celestial being. value.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean? Do you want me to personally take action to capture that Bai? I heard that some guys in the Heavenly Court are secretly protecting their family! If we act rashly like this, will we scare the snake away?" What about unnecessary trouble?"

You must know that after the fiasco of Donghuang Taiyi, the people in the entire Jiuchongtian who saw the heavens felt a little bit cautious, and the top level of Jiuchongtian has also issued an order, unless it is a last resort. There is a head-on conflict in heaven.

And how should this black fox empress understand what she meant now?Is she trying to provoke a dispute on purpose?
To be honest, although Lu Bu is also a domineering character, he is still clear about the issue of principle. He cannot bear the crime of provoking war on his own initiative!

"Hehe, are you brainless or heartless? Did I tell you to do it yourself? Don't you know how to borrow a knife to kill people? Well, if you think you can't complete this task, then I can't help you either , I think the things you are doing now are enough for you to drink a pot? Whether you want to go back with me, you have to think about it yourself!"

Obviously, there are only two ways before Lu Bu, either go back to Jiuchongtian to be punished, or follow the instructions of the Black Fox Empress, and if he succeeds, he should be able to offset some of his previous crimes, and if he fails, he will be honest. Seriously, be a thug for Jiu Chongtian, and don't talk about hegemony or not in the future!
"Young lady, please calm down! I just want to know how to proceed. Thank you for your advice!"

Finding that there was a hint of impatience in the tone of the black fox lady in front of him, Lu Bu hurriedly begged for mercy.At this moment, his future fate is all in the hands of this terrible woman, so please take care of her!

"Hmph, you're smart! But you have to remember, this time the task I assigned to you two must be absolutely confidential, if you dare to leak a word, I don't need to say more about the consequences, trust you The master in the Nine Heavens should tell what the consequences will be!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, our mouths will be very strict. Except for God knows what you know and I know, there will never be a third party who will know our overall plan. Please go back and wait for me to speak well. A few words, I promise to bring you good news!"

What Lu Bu has to do is to lick the dog desperately, no matter what sweet words he uses, he must keep the black fox lady in front of him, and no matter what excessive demands this woman hears, he must agree without hesitation!
As the saying goes, the general's life is not accepted. As long as this woman can be fooled, Lu Bu is still in charge of the rest. As for Bai Qiuen, who has basically lost all martial arts, there is no need to worry at all. Even cultivators among mortals can be easily dealt with, the key is how to find this candidate!
(End of this chapter)

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