Chapter 274 Ximen Chuisha
After Lu Bu's reassurance, the black fox lady was finally persuaded, and she left with a light word and took the other four back.

"My palace is waiting for the good news from you two in Jiuchongtian!"

"Please don't worry, empress, we have completed the task as soon as possible, and come back to report!"

Don't look at Lu Bu's words so well, in fact, he has no clue in his heart at this moment.If it were normal, our lord Lu Fengxian would definitely walk over and grab that old guy surnamed Bai. If anyone dares to stop him, let them taste Dian Wei's axe.

It would be even easier if the one surnamed Bai didn't cooperate, and he would not be afraid of not giving in if he took his wife and children under the knife in front of him!
It was originally a completely crushing way, and basically few people in this world can carry it, but the problem is that now you let Lu Bu, a general in the world, engage in some conspiracies and tricks, or the kind that can't be discovered by others, this is really true It's hard for him.

"Brother Fengxian, have you thought of any good plan?"

When the figure of the black fox empress was gone, Dian Wei hurried up.When he saw Lu Bu answering fluently just now, he thought he had already thought of some perfect plan?

"Dian Wei! What can I do? I was fooling her just now! But if I didn't say that, do you think that woman would easily let us go?"

Well, it turns out that Lu Bu is also a big fool!But in the situation just now, it seems that if you don't say something big, you will definitely not be able to pass the test!
"So, what should we do now? Although the guy surnamed Bai is basically a useless person, according to his intuition, we can still distinguish the aura of heaven and man. , we two brothers really can’t bear the crime of going to war in an all-out way!”

Hearing Lu Bu's talk of running the train, Dian Wei's face suddenly became sad.Although the Black Fox Empress didn't set a time limit for their mission, it doesn't mean they can procrastinate indefinitely. Sooner or later, they have to come up with a result!

"We have no way out now, let's start with the stupidest way!"

"What do you mean, Fengxian?"

"First start looking for this person surnamed Bai and all his family's relationships in this world, whether they are direct or collateral, to see if there is a good entry point! Although that empress is a bit strong, But didn't she also point out a famous way for us?"

"Fengxian, you mean borrowing a knife to kill people? But whose knife should we borrow, and how can we be sure that this knife can help us get everything done?"

"Nonsense, if I know whose knife to borrow, do I still need to spend time with you here? Hurry up and find clues for me, the sooner the better, otherwise, what kind of attitude Jiuzhongtian treats his subordinates who are not good at handling things, you and I love you." I know it well!"

Well, in a sense, although the method Lu Bu thought of was very low-level, it was quite effective, because they quickly locked in a person's name: Ximen Chuisha.

Yes, this is the powerful cultivator who went to the southern country to eliminate demons with Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Qinlan. Because of the poison of the southern demon emperor, his legs have been abolished, and now he sits all day long. in a wheelchair.It was also because of such a story that this kid put all his resentment on Yiqi Daomeng, blaming them for not helping them in time.

And so far, this kid is also the only one in the group who is unwilling to join the Yiqi Dao League (both the Shi family and the Chi family joined), and this guy seems to have a lot of criticisms about the Dongfang family.

From all aspects of the situation, this kid is a very good "knife". It is the best candidate to use it to cut the connection between Bai and Tianting. Even if the other party pursues it, he will never doubt it. To Jiu Zhongtian, because they will have no evidence.

Of course, Ximen Chuisha with a broken leg may not be enough. Although Bai Qiuen is already a useless person, his foundation in heaven and man is still there. It is more reliable to find some helpers for him.

"In this way, Brother Dianwei, I will leave the matter of finding helpers to you. As long as we don't reveal our identities as Jiu Chongtian, you can let go of the specific operations. Even if you find some vicious people, there is no problem! As for this one called Ximen Let me, Lu Fengxian, teach you the sand blowing boy, I'm a little excited to think about it!"

Although Lu Bu is a reckless guy, he is also a guy with a bad stomach.Ever since he mastered all the information about Ximen Chuisha, a vicious idea has quietly sprouted in his heart. If it is implemented in the future, it will definitely bring immeasurable harm to the Dongfang family!
"Okay, I happen to know a few bastards in the cultivation world, it seems that this time it will really come in handy!"

Dian Wei used to travel around in the form of a mortal when he had nothing to do, and met many monks in the world, including many ruthless characters. Unexpectedly, he would be useful this time.

"Great, then I will leave everything to Brother Dian Wei. Remember that we must hide our identities in this operation. Even if we fail, we must not let others suspect Jiu Chongtian!"

"Brother Fengxian, just rest assured, I will be very careful!"

After Dian Wei and Lu Bu said goodbye, they left.Since Dian Wei's friends were scattered all over the place, it took some time to find them, which gave Lu Bu plenty of time to find that guy named Ximen Chuisha.


"Patriarch, there is a guy surnamed Lu outside the door begging to see him, saying that he has an important gift for you, Patriarch!"

Since Ximen Chuisha became disabled, his whole person has also become eccentric, shutting himself in a small house all day long without seeing anyone.As soon as Lu Bu, who was dressed up in disguise, came to the door, he was blocked by his servants.

"Who is it? Is it another group of fellows from the Daomeng, tell them I'm missing!"

"That guy doesn't seem to be dressed like a Taoist priest, and he said that if the Patriarch doesn't see him, he might regret it for the rest of his life, you see?"

This guy Lu Bu obviously came prepared, and he also knows that Ximen Chuisha is a monk with an eccentric temperament. If you want to impress him, you must give enough benefits, otherwise you may not be able to do it for me even if you kill him. Used.

"What? This guy can't be a bluff!"

"It doesn't look like it. This young master is dressed in brocade clothes, and there is an aura of nobility all over his body. From the perspective of a villain, he seems to think that it is not the same thing. Why don't the master go and have a look? If it doesn't work, let's blow him up again." Let's go!"

"Okay, let's do it this way! I'd like to see who Fangsheng originally planned on our Ximen family. If he is really a bastard, I won't break his legs!"

That's because my two legs have been completely abolished, and this Ximen Chuisha's character has become very weird and vicious, but anyone who offends him will have his legs broken even if he doesn't lose his life, which has become a problem for many people. The most fundamental reason why they don't want Dali.

However, when Ximen Chuisha saw Lu Bu, he didn't know why he felt a deep sense of fear, as if he saw a terrible flood beast.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are Ximen Chuisha, I have admired you for a long time! My name is Lu Bu, and I am here to give you a special gift today, a gift you can't refuse!"

At this moment, Lu Bu has changed to a rich and powerful appearance, but the ferocious aura of a super warrior in his bones cannot be concealed, and Ximen Chuisha is also the overlord of a party, so he can naturally feel that aura The terrifying aura emanating from the inside out.

"Who are you? Do you know where this place is?"

"It doesn't matter who I am? What matters is what I can bring to you? Your two legs can't move now. If you want to carry forward your Ximen family, you can only rely on the next generation. How about passing on the cultivation base of the whole body to the next generation?"

This guy Lu Bu spoke directly enough, but he had to admit that it went to the heart of the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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