Chapter 429 Poros Appears

"Hehe, it seems to be so interesting. It seems that what the divination master said is indeed true. There is really a strong opponent for me on this planet, and the stinky guy seems to have appeared by now."

As a super cosmic overlord who has spanned the entire galaxy for more than 20 years, the guy named Poros didn't lose his temper because his spaceship was invaded by humans. Instead, he had a very excited feeling on his face.

At first, I thought that the cosmic fortune teller was just trying to trick him away from the original galaxy, but now it seems that the guy is not an interstellar liar, but a real talent.Thinking of this, our interstellar overlord stood up and walked towards the main control room with a look of excitement on his face.

"Yes, Lord Poros!"

Naturally, those little aliens who worked part-time could not know the boss's intentions, and thought he was very dissatisfied.

"Hurry up and kill this intruder for me, send all the forces, let me see what he is from!"

"Yes, yes, obey my lord! I will do it myself, and I must let him see the true strength of our legion. We will make these humans double all the losses before!"

Since he couldn't guess his boss's intentions, the blue octopus looked very nervous, and quickly used his own life as a guarantee.

"Hehe, I hope it looks like this!"

In fact, for a guy like Poros, even if all his subordinates are wiped out, there will be no sorrow. On the contrary, he is now comparing his subordinates. If everyone can be killed, then he must have the qualifications to fight Poros, after all, this guy in front of him can be regarded as the number one mind master in the universe!

"Please don't worry, my lord, I will kill this nasty little bald human soon, please be at ease, my lord!"

"Hahaha, then I'll be waiting for the good news, Goryuganshup!"

Well, in fact, what our Master Boros really wants to say is to see how long you, the blue octopus, can last in the opponent's hands before being killed, so that you can also judge the strength of the opponent...

"Hey, what is this place?"

Because of going in the wrong direction, Saitama, who originally only wanted to leave this boring alien spaceship, finally saw a door ahead, so he kicked it open without hesitation.


"Damn, you!"

"Ah, it's that terrible human being, everyone hide away!"

Well, what our little bald-headed man discovered this time is none other than the main control room of this alien spaceship, and that guy named Varuganshup is the leader here.

But compared to this blue octopus man, the other alien soldiers are bullying characters. When they saw that little bald head walking towards them, they all lay down and hid under the table .

"What is this place? Are you an octopus?"

Seeing the weird-looking guys in front of him, Saitama instinctively regarded these guys as a collection of weird people, but in fact, the life level of these cosmic beings is much stronger than those monsters seen by humans Bar!However, this doesn't seem to have any effect on this little bald head!

"You hateful human with a bald head, it's really unreasonable to compare my great Lord Varyuganshup to the lowly creatures in your world! Although many of our soldiers were killed by you, don't think that In this way, you will be invincible in the world. In front of me, the number one Psychic Master in the universe, your little ability is not worth mentioning at all! Since you have been forced to this point, let you experience me Gravity control."

Ok!This blue octopus man seems to have a few brushes. Just after he said this, all the low-level monsters around him screamed in panic and ran around, as if the guy was released next. His trick is an indiscriminate attack, but he won't let go of even his own people.


Although he had already planned to escape in advance, under the powerful thought power of the blue octopus man, the little monsters around him were still attacked one after another, and they were stuck to the ground one by one like big cakes, motionless...


Although our little bald head didn't suffer any substantial damage, the deck of the spaceship under his feet sank rapidly, and a large piece was also shattered.Is this the strength of the number one psychic master in the universe? It can instantly crush any ordinary creature into meat paste! !
"It doesn't seem to be anything powerful, it's just a little bit of ordinary gravity!"

Although it seems that this little bald head has been affected a little bit, but if you look closely at his face, you can see the clues, it is completely irrelevant, as if the attack before was not He does.

"Damn human boy, do you have any special equipment on you? But it doesn't matter, even if you can overcome my gravity, you will definitely not be able to withstand my next attack like a storm."

Ok!This blue octopus has a lot of flower heads. After the first attack failed, he planned to use the second attack to kill the little bald head in front of him.

It's a special trick to speed up the air flow around the body through its own rotation, and it can instantly turn some small stones into better effects than missiles.

At this moment, these two guys are so close, there is no reason to miss it!

So when those small stones rushed towards the opponent like dense machine gun bullets and rained on Saitama, the big blue octopus danced happily beside him!Maybe in the consciousness of this alien, he has already won the victory and is not worthy of it!

It's a pity that not long after, when the smoke around the body cleared, our Saitama teacher appeared in the public's view again as if nothing had happened.

"This, how is this possible? As the number one psychic master in the universe, how could my attack have no effect at all, this is not true!"

It seems that this legendary number one Psychic Master in the universe is really bad.

"You guys are too wordy, I don't even want to hear you keep talking, so you better stop talking!"

Maybe Saitama was really tired, this time he didn't bother to do anything, just kicked a small stone on the ground lightly, and returned it to its original owner...


"Why, you, how come?"

This blue octopus is known as the number one psychic master in the universe, but after being kicked in the head by this small stone kicked by Saitama, he really turned into a farting octopus, which he behaved like before Exaggerated and powerful, unexpectedly he is still a vulnerable guy.

Ok!After the blue octopus is killed, it means that the alien spaceship is completely out of control.

"Mom, I want to go home!"

The wail of the first low-level alien warrior. Originally, this guy thought that he could eat delicious food and drink spicy food after coming to this planet with Lord Poros, and he could realize his life dream.And now let alone what kind of dream it is, maybe even lost my life on this unknown planet, that would be a regret!
"Hey, I want to ask you guys, is there a very powerful master here? Although I also heard from others, I can feel the breath of that guy, please tell me, I promise Let you live!"

What a cunning little bald head, since he thought of threatening others.

"What you said, you are talking about my Lord Poros, he, he is in the deepest part of this spaceship. You run out here and keep walking along the road, and you see the highest gate, that is the place It's..."

In order to survive, these low-level fighters of aliens don’t care about their loyalty or disloyalty. It doesn’t matter who you are, Poros and Lee Ross. As long as they can save their lives from the bald human in front of them, just sell this information!

"Okay, thank you for your guidance, you can go, I am not interested in you guys at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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