Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 430 God-like opponent

Chapter 430 God-like opponent
"Hehe, it's finally coming, is it finally going to appear? I didn't expect Goliu Ganshupu to be so vulnerable in front of this guy. This guy is definitely worthy of being my opponent!"

Just like our little bald head who is full of expectations, in fact, that Boros is also in a state of fidgeting now. For a strong man with super strength like them, a good opponent with equal strength is definitely more important than any rare treasure. It's exciting!
"Is it here? It seems that the most beautiful door here is this one. I seem to feel a very powerful force inside the door!"

Although they haven't officially met yet, Saitama and that Poros can feel each other's powerful strength through a door.


Full of anticipation in his heart, our teacher Saitama finally opened the door in front of him.I saw a throne placed in the empty hall, and a guy with only one eye but blue skin was sitting on the throne, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

"Human, I'm glad you're here. My name is Poros, and I'm the ruler of this starry sky. I haven't met a decent opponent for 20 years. A cosmic wizard told me that coming to this planet will I met a rare opponent in my life, judging from your performance just now, this opponent should belong to you!"

Although this Poros spoke with a sense of majesty, there was an unstoppable excitement in his tone, which was an impulse to try, but he was still trying to restrain this force, just to make the following His combat power reached its peak in an instant.

Compared with this excited alien, our Saitama teacher doesn't seem to show any emotion, his face seems to be always so indifferent.

"Oh? Although your subordinates are all guys who can't help but fight, but I instinctively feel that you are absolutely different from them, and I also passed the guidance of an expert, saying that today I will meet someone who can have a good relationship with me I have been looking forward to the opponent for a long time!"

All right!The little bald man in front of him is obviously not as active as his opponent.

However, as the saying goes, if you just talk but don't practice fake moves, the big Boros on the opposite side doesn't care whether the little bald head is ready or not?He punched him directly in the face, the speed was almost unavoidable.


Similarly, although it was a bit slower, our little bald man also used fist to fist. This is the most direct way of fighting, and it is obvious that they are both of the same type.

"Hehe, you are very good, boy, you can actually fight me head-on. That old witch is really right at all. I really made money today!"

This Lord Poros is getting more and more excited. Although the little bald human in front of him is not good-looking, but the strength of this guy's body and the strength of that fist really make him feel like he is matching his opponent.

"You talk too much, watch the boxing!"


It may be because the speech will be distracted, or it may be that the master Poros' strength has not yet reached its peak, but the little bald man on the opposite side seized an opportunity and punched him in the face.The whole body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and smashed several pillars.

Although this punch hit the opponent quite badly, Qiyu knew that the strength just now was not enough to instantly kill the opponent. The leader of this alien is really not easy.Other than Xiao Chen back then, this guy was the only one who could go head-to-head with the little bald head's fist...

"Hehe, stinky brother-in-law, are you dumbfounded? I didn't expect that this little bald man's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Even if someone uses the Eightfold Realm King Fist, he probably won't be his opponent!"

For this battle that took place inside the alien spaceship, Xiao Chen naturally focused on it from beginning to end.As he estimated before, this alien leader named Poros is indeed a militant, and he will become more and more crazy after fighting.On the surface, the guy's flaw just now seemed to be caught by the little bald head. In fact, this guy seemed to want to get punched by the opponent on purpose, and it was also to taste the opponent's real strength!

"Hehe, Qin Lan! Don't tell me, what you said this time is really accurate. This little bald man's strength has at least doubled compared to last time, and I feel that he hasn't shown his real confidence yet. Let's wait and see. Maybe next time we should bring your little monster and let this guy compete with this little bald head, what do you think?"

Dongfang Qin Lan's words were really too straightforward. Although the little bald man in front of him made rapid progress, Xiao Chen felt that if he only used the Ten Times Realm King Fist, he should be able to properly suppress the opponent.

"I don't want it. My little Mengqi is so cute. If this little bald man ruins his appearance, who do I go to?"

All right!A girl's perspective is different, but to be honest, Xiao Chen is still looking forward to that little monster named Meng Qi. This kind of tank, which can be called the strongest tank, will definitely not be much worse than this Poros in terms of defense. Be sure to test it yourself if you get the chance.

"Hehe, Qin Lan, don't underestimate this little pet of yours. Its true abilities have not been fully displayed yet? If it is well cultivated, it might not be the little bald man in front of you who only knows how to run wild. opponent!"

Although on the surface, Meng Qi is also suitable for being a tank, but if it is combined with its fantasy magic, it will cause headaches for many opponents, including the bald head in front of him.

It seems that the harvest of going the wrong way this time is far greater than imagined, but I don't know when this kid named Saitama will be able to join the Heavenly Court sincerely.

Maybe there is still a very important opportunity...

"Hahaha, refreshing, you are really refreshing. In the past 20 years, you are the first person in the entire universe to beat me up so badly. I suddenly want to know your name, human!"

As expected, after being nailed to the stone pillar by a powerful force for about ten seconds, the guy named Poros stood in front of the little bald head like a normal person.

"My name is Saitama. I chose to join the hero because I was very interested. You guys also make me very excited. I can fight you seriously!"

Although everyone is rival to each other, after the previous battle between you and me, whether it is Mr. Boros or our little bald comrade, there is a feeling of sympathy between the two.

It is definitely a very lucky thing to meet such an equal opponent in one's lifetime, for both of them.

"Then let's continue! I'm done!"

Looking at the intact opponent in front of him, a trace of solemnity suddenly flashed in Saitama's originally indifferent eyes, which showed that he finally became serious.The opponent in front of him is obviously a god-like opponent, but the more he is like this, the more Saitama can feel a surge of power in his body that is constantly growing.

"Hahaha, you human being really pleases me. But what I want to tell you is that what you saw just now was just my normal form, because I couldn't find a suitable opponent for a long time, so I had no choice but to put Your own power is sealed in your body, you are a lucky kid, and soon you will be able to see the real me!"

All right!It seems that this guy named Poros has reservations until now, but why isn't our Mr. Saitama like this?



It was a powerful force of blue color, which erupted from the body of the previous cosmic man, while the corresponding little bald head faintly appeared around the body of a golden color fighting spirit, this is the true strength of these two guys, Then it's time to compete who is the real strong.


It was another violent collision, the two in front of them were opponents who had been upgraded, and their collision this time directly caused all the broken stones on the surrounding ground to float into the air, and then exploded one after another, turning into dust. The same thing floats away.

It was a phenomenon caused by the crushing of two mutual forces, and the force was unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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