Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 438 Why Are There So Many Experts Around Him?

Chapter 438 Why Are There So Many Experts Around Him?
It was a tornado of magnitude [-], which made the surrounding buildings and the ground tremble slightly. It stands to reason that tornadoes of this magnitude can only be generated in the sea. It can be seen that this little girl with supernatural powers is not easy to mess with. Role!

But do you think our Saitama teacher will be swept in by such a small gust of wind?Don't be kidding, at this moment, he is enjoying the wind beside him!

"You really are a little girl with obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

The sudden appearance of Saitama startled our Hell Fubuki, but she quickly used her ability to roll up a large pile of rocks from the ground, and forcibly caught the bald man in the middle.

This is a super nirvana, and it will only be used every time when encountering those vicious weirdos.It seems that this little girl was also driven into a hurry, otherwise, how could she use this trick on the human partner of the hero?

However, this level of attack is still not enough for our little bald head. He just moved his shoulder and smashed the big rock, and rushed in front of this little girl who didn't know what to do.

"What is a hero in your eyes? It doesn't matter what ranking, what status, or whether it is powerful or not. There are many powerful evil forces in this world. When these guys appear, you must dare to face difficulties. This is the real hero!"

All right!This may seem like preaching, but the effect should be good, at least the hell Fubuki in front of him was so shocked that he had nothing to say.

All right!In a sense, this so-called Fubuki group has indeed distorted the concept of heroes in a fundamental sense.And a real hero should be what the little bald man in front of him said, who needs the kind of existence that dares to stand in the face of danger and stand up to help others.

At that moment, Hell Fubuki suddenly felt that the little bald head in front of him was so great, and his image suddenly became majestic.

But this is also a trance thing, all women are stubborn.If you want this Hell Fubuki in front of you to give up your original ideas, you can't do it with just a few words.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail! I have seen a lot of guys like you. Do you think the Heroes' Association is so easy to mess with? How messed up is it?"

"Hehe, if the little girl acts like you, she will die very quickly!"

According to the true strength of our little bald-headed gentleman, even if the woman in front of me is sent flying, there is no problem.But the problem is that our Saitama teacher never seems to have the habit of beating women, and this woman is the younger sister of the trembling tornado, as the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face and see the Buddha's face, sometimes there is no need to offend everyone drop it.

But when our little bald head was thinking about what to do next, a figure suddenly flashed in front of his eyes at a very fast speed. It should be the little ninja Sonic from before.


Following the little ninja is our Genos' heavy artillery attack. It seems that our little guy, a modified human, really beat this guy up like a mouse.

"What's the situation? Well, isn't this guy the S-rank hero Genos? Almost, almost got killed..."

Compared to Saitama's calmness, this Hell Fubuki seemed to be taken aback. This woman never expected to meet an S-rank hero.

"I'm sorry, Saitama-sensei, I used too much force, I'm really sorry for setting fire in front of your house!"

Before Hell Chuuxue could fully react, the handsome young man in the reformation camp stopped suddenly, and replied respectfully to the little bald man in front of him, his tone seemed full of apology.

This is how the same thing?How could a B-level hero and an S-level hero talk so happily, as if they knew each other a long time ago.

"You, how could you..."

Although it felt a bit wrong, but the woman's curiosity made this Hell Fubuki speak without knowing it...

And Janos on the opposite side quickly recognized who the woman in green was.

"Oh? Are you the highest-ranked woman among the B-level heroes? The No.2 S-level hero is your sister?"

In Genos's database, there is no information that he does not know. This is the benefit of artificial intelligence.

"You, why are you with him? Aren't you s heroes all loners?"

"I'm Teacher Saitama's disciple! I understand, have you guys finally attacked the teacher? For your gang or ranking?"

All right!With Genos's powerful data analysis ability, the woman in green didn't even need to say what her intentions were, they analyzed them all, and the hit rate was 100%!

Hell Fubuki has absolutely no power to refute when an S-level hero says that. Do you want to make small moves in front of other S-level heroes?
"Hehe, I didn't expect you two to get together. It seems that I can get rid of you together! Then I will beat your apprentice to scrap iron in front of you!"

At this time, Sonic, who came back to his senses, also arrived, and stood majestically opposite Genos and the others.

Not to mention other things, just the aura this guy exudes makes people shudder, and it is simply a strength above S level.

"Stop talking big, you bastard. Today is your last day alive. I want you to shut up completely."

For this annoying little ninja in front of him, Genos couldn't bear it anymore, so he turned his thruster to the maximum horsepower, and used the speed that guy was best at to deal with him.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Clap clap clap!"

It was a violent collision of energy...

The battle between the s-level hero in front of me and the super ninja opposite is simply a race of speed, and our b-level No.1 can't see any of their movements clearly. The difference in strength is not 01:30 point!
But looking at it like this, it seems that the ninja on the opposite side is coming towards this little bald head!How could such a super master whose strength is comparable to that of an S-rank hero revolve around this B-rank hero?
Just when Jill Fubuki was a little stunned, the battle on the scene seemed to have entered a new stage.Since Genos and Sonis are not ordinary people, they entered a fierce state as soon as they came up to fight, just like the kind of direct amplified moves that exploded at each other.

This little ninja is using a secret method similar to the multi-remnant fist. Through super-high-speed movement, his trajectory looks like there are six people.

And the trick Genos intends to use is a full-scale burst of flame spray, whose power can almost level the surrounding hundreds of meters. He must have thought of this trick only when he was completely anxious!
However, just when Genos was about to explode, his attack rhythm was suddenly disrupted by the little bald head who rushed over from behind. All the firepower that had been opened up also died down, and his face lowered.

"Jenos, are you still wearing these super parts to deal with these boring people and boring things? Or use them to deal with future weirdos!"

What Saitama said was quite correct, and it immediately left us, the handsome guy of the reformer, speechless.

"What? You little bald head, do you think that you can save your disciple? It's useless. In front of my super fast speed, you master and apprentice are all rubbish! I don't know why, but I always have a kind of self in front of you." It will feel very small, I have to admit that I have defeated you, and rebuild my confidence in myself, so since you have come to your door, then I will not be polite to you..."

All right!It seems that our little ninja will achieve his goal ahead of schedule.But he can't even handle other people's apprentices, so can he defeat the master? What kind of logic is this?

However, Saitama didn't feel the provocation of this little ninja at all, and still walked towards him slowly with his unhurried rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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