Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 439: Hungry Wolf Appears

Chapter 439: Hungry Wolf Appears
"Okay! Sometimes I also think that I should teach you a good lesson, otherwise it would be really annoying for you to keep following us and harassing us."

Our little bald comrade is getting bored of facing this guy named Sonic in front of him many times.I let this little ninja go again and again before, this guy not only couldn't learn to be grateful, but also continued to pester him like this. If this guy is not completely subdued, troubles will definitely continue in the future.

"Hahaha, in order to deal with this six-shadow clone that I specially researched for you, can you see through it?"

This is probably already the limit of Sonic. To be able to do such a trick as an ordinary human being, the hard work behind this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Since you say that, then I will inevitably deal with you seriously! Watch my seriousness jump back and forth!"

It may be that he wants to use his own way to fight back against his own body. Our Saitama even imitated the opponent's trick and started to move at high speed in situ. A figure dangles in front of my eyes!
It can be seen that the movement speed of this little bald head has definitely reached an unbelievable level!

And the little ninja opposite him saw this situation, not to mention he had the idea of ​​continuing to fight, he couldn't even stand firmly, and he made it to the ground as soon as his feet softened.

"You, are you still human?"

Originally, when Sonic met the bald man in front of him, he felt powerless, but now this feeling of powerlessness has evolved into powerlessness. It’s like an ant meeting an elephant. It's all in vain, because as long as the other party moves the little finger inadvertently, you will burp...

Needless to say the next thing, although Saitama is annoying this little ninja, but he will not be cruel to him, the lesson this time is enough to make this kid dare not come to trouble again, right?

There is no need for our little bald comrade to continue to worry about the next thing. If this little ninja does not wake up after accepting this lesson, then he will never wake up next time.

But after this turmoil, our Miss Hell Fubuki has completely given up on the original idea, or she didn't dare to mess with this terrible bald head at all, so she had to obediently drink tea with him.

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, the doorbell rang again.

However, this time it is not the person who finds fault, but the strongest hero on the ground, King.

What?how come?How could this B-rank guy even...

"Saitama-kun, did you bring back my game console?"

"Oh, yes! I brought it back for training, but the button! It seems that I broke it"

"It's okay, as long as you come back!"


This is such a magical man, and he is also the man who is the easiest to attract women's attention. In short, the eyes of our B-level hero boss have been firmly attracted by this little bald head...

When this scene happened at the door of our Saitama teacher's house, the Heroes Association was doing something unimaginable but reasonable at the moment.

This group of guys actually summoned all the villains in the market together, saying that they wanted to give them certain benefits and let them help to encircle and suppress those weirdos.Recently, the Heroes Association received information that there was an organization called the Weird Association, which is the kind of guy who specializes in fighting against heroes, and all the attacks on ordinary citizens in recent times have something to do with them.

"You poor fellows, you actually thought of finding these mobs to deal with the weirdos, are you afraid that they will abandon you at the critical moment?"

At first, the atmosphere of everyone's discussion was not bad. Although those people showed some rebellious and inferior nature, they could at least obey the discipline, but when a guy with upward-growing hair appeared, everything seemed to change.

"Who are you? If you have any objections, you can get out from here!"

Seeing someone sabotage the stage face to face, the host must have a bad face!But it's not a good thing to be unable to step down in front of so many people!What's more, he is still the secretary of the Heroes Association, mainly looking for a step to earn his face back.

Fortunately, in this meeting, in order to avoid similar situations from happening, I brought three powerful heroes to sit as the secretary, and it seems to be useful now.

"Come on! Brothers, come on!"

"Hahaha, it seems that this buddy can help us vent our anger!"

"This bunch of nasty heroes have been oppressing us all the time, let this kid help us vent our anger!"

Seeing a guy jump out, the guys next to him must be screaming.

"My name is Hungry Wolf. I will become the strongest weirdo in the future. I will hunt your heroes from today!"

Ok!It turned out that this guy was the guy named Hungry Wolf, the apprentice who was driven out of the dojo by the silver fangs.

Unexpectedly, after this guy was expelled from the dojo, he came up with such an idea.This is the nature of evil wolves. Back then, this guy was tired of the boring learning of martial arts, so he maimed all the brothers present, so that he was expelled from the school by his master.

And when he was hanging out these years, the nature of this hungry wolf became more and more exposed.Now that he dares to attack the Heroes' Association, he is simply walking on a road of no return!
"You are obviously a human being, but you still want to call yourself a weirdo. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense with him. Since this kid is stubborn and wants to call himself a weirdo, let's punish him properly!"

Although the three heroes in front of them are not top-notch, they are still well-known. Anyway, they should have no problem dealing with ordinary villains.

But the problem is, this guy named Hungry Wolf is an excellent martial artist!And judging from his previous personality, he was a brutal bully, so these three human heroes completely underestimated this guy called Hungry Wolf.

This would be a big loss.



Amidst the continuous screams, something stunned happened. Unexpectedly, the little-known hungry wolf in front of him beat all three super heroes to the ground. The phone calls for help from nearby heroes.

"Hahaha, this kid is so brave, he beat up all the members of the Hero Association!"

"That's right, good hungry wolf, you're giving us villains a sigh of relief! I've long since disliked these fellows from the Heroes' Association!"

"Let's continue hunting heroes! Kill all these self-righteous guys, and we will be lawless in the future!"

Apparently, the hundred villains present had already regarded this guy named Hungry Wolf as their spiritual leader and idol, and they all followed him and waved their flags.

It's a pity that these villains are also wrong. They regard the hungry wolf as their leader, but they don't want to be the companions of these guys at all.

"No, no, I think you may be wrong about one thing. I'm not your companion. I'm a hungry wolf. I'm the most powerful weirdo in the world. And you're still only human whether you're good or bad. You and I are obviously on two sides, so don't think that I will let you go!"

Ok!This is the first human being to call himself a weirdo.This guy who claims to be a hungry wolf has human genes from head to toe, but he doesn't know if he is in his bones.


"Oh no?"

"You, you, what are you doing?"

"Help! This guy is crazy, he is absolutely crazy!"


After the screams one after another, not only were the members of the Hero Association fell unconscious on the ground when the three leading heroes fell to the ground, but the 100 villains who rescued the hungry wolves who had originally helped the hungry wolves to cheer were all lying on the ground staggeringly. There is a breath, but if you want to climb, you will definitely not be able to get up. If you don’t stay in the hospital for a few months, I am afraid that none of these people can continue to stand up...

(End of this chapter)

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