Chapter 505 Savage Shock
"You hateful human being, let me show you my savage impact!"

This is a purely physical impact. Originally, the tauren chief used this move to deal with those seals outside the circle. During the impact, the energy of this guy's whole body will be released, and a black air gang will form around his body. Under the interaction of dark energy and impact kinetic energy, even if the seal cannot be broken in one fell swoop, it can still cause wave after wave, and then the dark magician next to him will help together, trying to create the effect of the black sword back then. Even if the entire seal cannot be broken, at least a larger gap can be created.

However, today's tauren chief lost his mind. In order to deal with the little bald man in front of him, the leader of this dark creature used his nirvana in advance.

"Oh, is your name called Savage Impact? It really lives up to the name! But I like this wild atmosphere, let me show you my serious fists!"

This little bald head is like this. The stronger the opponent he meets, the stronger he will become, or in other words, only stronger opponents can stimulate his true potential.The hungry wolf before was one, and so was the guy called the tauren chief in front of him.

The little bald head's way of dealing with this barbaric attack was also more brutal, directly screwing on the opponent's two horns with two hands, and using a head-to-head method to force it down.


You must know that the impact force of the tauren chief at this moment is at least stronger than that of ten locomotives moving at full speed. Even if this little bald head has a strong body, he couldn't help but be pushed back after receiving this move. He retreated tens of meters, the boots under his feet had a lot of friction with the ground, and even a puff of white smoke rose.

Fortunately, Heavenly Court upgrades these celestial beings in an all-round way. While changing their bodies from mortals to immortals, the armor on these bodies also becomes immortal weapons. Otherwise, after this period of friction, our little A bald head is about to turn into a barefoot fairy.

"Damn it, why are you able to take my move with your bare hands? How is this possible? Even those guys from Heaven don't have this kind of ability, right?"

At this moment, the tauren chief's astonishment had reached its peak, and he didn't know how to describe it.You must know that there were countless heavenly soldiers and generals who fell under the tauren chief's move back then. At that time, this guy's career was really at its peak.

But the question is, why can this little bald head who can't see any energy fluctuations on his body continue?And looking at the expression on this guy's face is still full of enjoyment, is this guy a martial idiot?

"Hehe, it's good enough to push me to this point with your strength, but you are still a little worse than Poros back then, but you are enough to make me serious, and it's time for me to fight back Bar?"

Saitama suddenly grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that terrified the Tauren chief opposite.

Then, the strong tauren chief felt his feet were off the ground, and the little bald man who looked very thin in front of him didn't know where the power appeared, and he slowly lifted his huge monster off the ground, What does this kid want to do?
"Did you know? In the battle with you just now, I discovered one of your weaknesses, that is, you don't seem to be able to fly, right?"

All right!What kind of weakness is this?Which of these extraterrestrial creatures without wings can fly?Although they are very powerful, they are not heavenly beings after all, and some powers are still lacking.

But what the little bald man said was right. Lack of self-control seems to be an obvious weakness of these guys. If they are used well, they can definitely change the situation of the battle in an instant.

So after lifting the old cow's body off the ground, the little bald man squatted down and charged up, and directly threw the old cow in his hand high, then clenched his fist and swung it out fiercely. Punch!
All right!This punch is a bit similar to the Dragon Blow, but it looks pretty cool anyway.

"Ah! You, ah!"

As the little bald head had expected before, although the tauren chief was physically strong, he became a useless piece of wood once he left the ground. Like a kite, it hit the ground hundreds of meters away.

Is this to get rid of this tauren chieftain?

"This, this, how is this possible? How could the tauren chief brother be killed so easily?"

"No, no, how can this be? The tauren is our most elite fighter, and he will go to the world inside the circle to show his skills in the future. How could he break here?"

For the situation in front of them, the atomic warrior and the trembling tornado have long been familiar with it, but the witch doctor and the crypt lord on the opposite side looked dumbfounded, and a powerful warrior who was invincible in their hearts just fell down like this up?
"You guy, stand up for me quickly, I know you won't be defeated so easily. You should still have some tricks, right?"

Just when everyone believed that the tauren chieftain was abolished, our little bald man suddenly spoke out in shock. Maybe only these opponents can understand each other!


It may be that he heard the words of the little bald head, or it may be that he has almost rested. Under the bull-shaped pit where the chief surviving person fell, there was a sound of soil breaking through the sky, and then he saw a huge figure coming from below. Jumped up, and this time the tauren chief seemed to be stepping on the auspicious clouds to return to everyone's sight. At some point, a colorful halo appeared under his feet. Under the reflection of this halo, the figure of the old cow unexpectedly Become very vigorous, every muscle in the whole body seems to be full of explosive strength.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, this move was originally intended to be used against the Lord of the Heavenly Court, but I didn't expect to show my face first with you. But it doesn't matter, in front of my durable halo, no celestial being can be mine opponent!"

All right!The one in front of him should be the strongest form of the tauren chief. The durable aura that appeared under his feet can not only increase the attack and defense power, but also turn this clumsy old bull into a very flexible player, without any As a side effect, this halo will not disappear with the passage of time, it is definitely his nirvana among his nirvana.

"Hahaha, let me just say, the old cow won't be wiped out so soon! It's just that this guy hasn't shown this form for a long time, right?"

The witch doctor didn't seem to be surprised at the care of Chief Niu Chengren, presumably he should have seen similar things before.What's even more incredible is that when the tauren chief got close to his two companions, the same effect appeared on these two guys. Who would have thought that this halo could be used by his companions?

"This trick is interesting? No wonder you can become the leader of dark creatures. They must have taken a fancy to the value of your aura, right? Now I am even more excited. It is really mine to be able to fight with you after the upgrade. It's an honor!"

Why did Saitama suddenly become very wise at this moment, he could still see the position of the tauren chief in this dark army.

But after the old bull head revealed his aura, he didn't want his two companions to fight with him, but wanted them to escape quickly.

"What are you two guys still doing here? While my halo is still valid, retreat quickly! After you leave, I will have no worries. The next step is the battlefield of my freedom, understand?"

"Understood, understood, we will not hinder you here, thank you Tauren chief brother for saving your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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