Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 506 The Unbelievable Outsider Creature

Chapter 506 Vulnerable outsider creature
"Hehe, are you guys finally going to give it your all? I'm looking forward to it, so I won't chase those two guys anymore, I'll give you this face!"

It stands to reason that the witch doctor should be able to play a great role, especially in team battles. If you let this guy go, you will undoubtedly let the tiger go back to the mountain. As for the crypt lord, even if he can recover, there is not much danger. Let go and let go!

But for this little bald head, all he wants is a hearty battle. Let him deal with the two enemies he let go before. As a team leader, he still has some responsibility.

"Okay, the two of us just watch from the sidelines! You don't want to overturn the boat in the gutter and surprise us."

After getting along with each other for a while, the current Tornado and Atomic Samurai have 100% confidence in the strength of the little bald captain in front of them. They have never seen a weirdo that this kid can't deal with.

"Hehe, thank you both for your trust in me. But now let me enjoy the further contest with this old cow!"

As soon as the words fell, an incomparable aura emerged from this little bald man's body, but this guy's feet didn't have the halo similar to that of the tauren chief. How did he do it?

"You cunning human being, it seems that you have hidden most of your power. But that's fine, let me, a leader of creatures outside the circle, meet you, the number one master in heaven!"

Although I don't know where the real strength of this little bald head can be ranked in the heaven?But through the previous data analysis, I am afraid that apart from the Lord of Heaven whose data is unknown, this guy should be the most powerful.

Although the old man Jiang Ziya doesn't have any great skills, he is still good at making these statistics. Anyway, all the attack skills and combat effectiveness of the direct descendants of the great gods in the heaven are collected by this old man in some form of data.

Although the real battle requires the on-the-spot performance of every fighter, the dark creatures can arrange outstanding opponents among the creatures outside the circle for them according to the attributes of different enemies that will be restrained, so that they can infinitely increase the number of enemies outside the circle. The creature's win rate.

But this time, the master Xiao Chen brought back from another world seemed to be more powerful than the previous ones, and he caught these outsiders by surprise.

Although the tauren chief in front of him is not the most top-notch outsider creature, he is definitely in the first phalanx.But in the previous battle, anyone who is not blind can tell who is stronger.

But now that this old cow has an extra durable halo, it's uncertain how much the effect of improving combat power will increase!
"Thank you for your compliment, but according to my previous world ranking, I'm still several hundred people away, so I never believe in rankings!"

What Saitama was talking about was naturally his ranking in the Hero Association in the original world. This is not bragging at all. There are indeed hundreds of people in front of him, but this kind of ranking should not count, right?

But as the saying goes, the speaker has no intention and the listener intends, the little bald man's words made the tauren chief opposite him break out in cold sweat.What kind of world did these guys come from? The strength of this little Fangzi can only be ranked after a few hundred over there. Doesn't this seem too ridiculous?
"You guys, don't come to me with tactics in your mind, my old cow is not scared by you! Watch my war trample!"

Under the blessing of the durable halo, the tauren chief shook his head violently, dispelling all the fear in his heart, and then raised his huge hoof and stepped hard on the ground in front of the little bald head in front of him.

This guy's trick is not facing the little bald head this time, but the ground next to him.The characteristic of this trick is to affect the surrounding people through the vibration of the ground, so that they will be hurt in a turbulent situation and have a feeling of dizziness.

Originally, the tauren chief planned to give Saitama a disarm. Under the effect of the durable halo, the old cow's attack power, movement speed and continuous attack ability will increase exponentially. With the little bald head knocked out, this guy is confident that he can beat the other party to death within this period of time!

It's just why the eyes of this little bald head are still the same. Isn't war trampling able to stun most opponents?

"You guys have quite a lot of tricks, but it seems to me that they are all useless bluffs! If you have no other tricks, I will fight back!"

Although the durable halo of this old bull sounds good, but in the eyes of our little bald comrades, the tactics that the tauren chief is using now and those he used before are basically the same as the old ones, except for the appearance Apart from some changes, the strength and damage value have not improved much, and it is inevitable to feel bored after watching too much.

"What? Why aren't you dizzy, damn it! I'm going to split you in half!"

Seeing that his unique move did not achieve the strategic effect he imagined, the tauren chief suddenly became furious, and without any explanation, he swung the huge ax in his hand, and viciously smashed the opponent's forehead.


In fact, this Saitama was ashamed to say that he didn't have any new tricks, and he himself was not the same. Facing the opponent's giant axe, he continued to use his fists to deal with it.

After a crisp sound of metal colliding, the tauren chief found in horror that the sharpest part of his big ax was actually broken in two, and it was the kind that cracked from the middle.

On the other hand, the little bald man named Saitama, the leather glove on his fist was not even a little bit broken, it was completely intact!
What does this mean?This terrifying man's fist is actually harder than someone else's axe!You must know that this ax is passed down from generation to generation by the tauren chieftain and his family, and the material used is also the best black diamond in the entire outside world. How could it be interrupted by others like this!

"You, what did you do to my weapon? Where did you get your power? Are you really just an ordinary god?"

Seeing himself so vulnerable, the tauren chief was in a mess at the moment, and even reminded him of the monkey that appeared in ancient times.

It is said that the stone monkey named Sun Wukong is also invulnerable like this, and it is that monkey who imprisoned the ancestors of these outsider creatures in this desolate outsider world.

Could it be that the little bald head in front of him is the same type as the monkey back then?I really don't know where these guys come from?
"What are you talking about, you old cow? I don't understand your intention at all! If you don't have any new tricks, I'm going to continue!"

At this time, Saitama has completely lost his initial interest in the tauren chief in front of him, so it's time to kill this guy!

Therefore, when facing the somewhat silly tauren chief in front of him, Saitama has completely lost interest, so he raised his signature fist and hit the opponent's chest, but the guy opposite seemed to have not fully woken up yet. , just staring blankly at the fist that was getting bigger and bigger in front of him!
"Clap clap clap!"


It was a very tangled sound. The tauren chief lost half of his body after receiving a heavy frontal blow from the opponent. It was so sour...

"Hmph, it's over so soon, it's so boring! I thought this old cow's halo could have some special effects!"

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Even the trembling tornado did not expect that the tauren chief would be defeated in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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