Chapter 517

"Lao Niu, how is the situation? What did master Ming Shiyin say, he will never agree to let us take everyone away!"

Seeing the tauren chief who returned with excitement, the prophet riding the big bad wolf seemed to have a gloomy expression.

"Hahaha, of course the master agrees to let us bring all the brothers with us. Now we are really going to develop. After conquering the tired world, I must go to the seal of the ancestors to have a look. Can meet his old man!"

Looking at Thrall with a gloomy face, the tauren chief seemed happier.

"Oh, I didn't expect such a result. In fact, Master Ming Shiyin's current attitude is what makes me most shocked. There is no other way, we can only take one step at a time!"

All right!This guy riding a big bad wolf seems to be a very gloomy kid!All of this is going to the world inside the circle, the popular food and the spicy food, what's wrong with this kid?

"Well, it seems that my old bones have to be planted there too."

The other elder present, that is, the witch doctor, seemed to have the same expression as the guy riding the big bad wolf. It was just the two of them who were worried, and the silly bullhead in front of him might not be able to understand it for the rest of his life.

On the surface, Master Ming Shiyin seemed to be giving them a chance, but in fact he was using a knife to kill people. These guys are planning to use the knives in the hands of those humans to kill this stupid cow!

"Why do you two guys keep looking sour? Today is a great day for us orcs to turn around. You two laughed at me, not to mention that you can't even compare to cooks!"

It seems that the tauren chief has not understood Ming Shiyin's real intention until now. His family belongs to the type that has been sold by others and is still counting the money for others with a smile.

"Hey, I won't say anything. Just tell me the next attack plan! But I want to declare that some of these fighters are my clansmen, and only I can lead them to fight. Do you have any opinions?"

The more it is at such a time, the more it is necessary to draw a clear line. We must not let this confused tauren chief give up the most quintessential power of his family.

"Then let me manage the shaman and priest, do you have any objections?"

On this point, the witch doctor's attitude is surprisingly consistent with Thrall's.On the surface, they seem to be admitting cowardice, but their real purpose is to help the orcs retain more elites.

Perhaps from the perspective of this tauren chief, when their army left the outside world, it was the starting point for them to embark on a glorious journey, but in the eyes of the other two, this was an expedition with no turning back, and they had to be on guard against other enemies at any time. The small tricks of the two outsider races behind the scenes.

And the mobilization of this large-scale dark creature outside the seal was naturally discovered by those southern soldiers who watched day and night.

"Hurry up and inform Tu Shanhonghong and Dongfang Juju. If we are late, we will be beaten passively like last time."

"Don't worry, as long as Tu Shanhonghong and Dongfang Yueyue join forces, these creatures outside the circle will be burnt to the point that they don't even exist!"

With the previous experience of Tu Shanhonghong and Dongfang Yueyue showing their supernatural power, when there was a crowd of people behind the seal again, these southern soldiers were not as flustered as they were the first time, which also made them more efficient in doing things. The news reached Tu Shanhonghong's ears immediately.

At this moment, Dongfang Yueyue and Wang Quanfugui's cousins ​​are drinking in the back, but today they may not be able to drink to their heart's content.

"Second Taoist, take your cousin and go with me! Those unwilling guys are probably going to make a comeback again!"

Tu Shanhonghong's voice is still so cold, but if the royal power and wealth are not around, will it be softer?

"What? Why don't these creatures outside the circle have a long memory at all? They clearly know that there is no way to break through our defense line, why do they come here again and again?"

Since an attack by creatures outside the circle was repelled before, at least three days were given to humans and the southern country to dispatch troops.

At this moment, there are not only Tu Shanhonghong, Dongfang Yueyue and King Quan Fugui on the southern border.

This time, the One-Chi Dao League sent at least 5000 monks who could fly with swords, and other demon worlds also sent reinforcements. It is said that even the second lady of Aolai Country came to join in the fun.It's just that this monkey naturally likes to change, and no one knows what she looks like when mixed with the crowd.

However, no matter how many people come, they are still applauding for Tu Shanhonghong and Dongfang Yueyue!After all, with the joint big move of these two guys, everyone will not rush to give it in vain!

"Both, I'm afraid I'll trouble you again today. But please rest assured, my body of ten thousand poisons will also attack along with me. Even if these guys are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, my unique technique should be able to help Buy some time!"

All right!In this battle, even Jia Huandu Qingtian, the boss of the southern country, appeared in person, and with the help of various forces, isn't it all right?

"My lord and my lords, you'd better go to the city wall to take a look. The enemies who came this time are obviously different from the last time, they are no longer cannon fodder!"

In order to better defend, in just a few days, these southern soldiers have built several outposts around the seal, and also built defense towers to provide high-altitude vision for all soldiers.

"What's the situation? This time it's another race that came here, and they all seem to be elite fighters!"

Compared with the first batch of scrawny ghouls, the orc elite troops led by tauren chiefs are really not built. Just the shaky momentum of walking is enough to make everyone feel cold.

Although Dongfang Yueyue and Tu Shanhonghong were brilliant before, they were invincible only when dealing with the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers, and the guys in front of them were obviously the elite of the elite.

Look at the green-skinned orcs holding huge axes, panting heavily, showing two huge fangs from time to time, and a pair of red eyes like hungry predators.

There are also wolf cavalry behind these orcs, all holding big knives in their hands, and constantly comforting the sitting giant wolf, seeming to be ready to go.

It's not easy!The quality of the second wave of attacks by these biological organizations outside the circle is definitely many times stronger than the first wave, and the number is more than [-], which is simply endless!

However, the careful King Quan Fugui seemed to see a scene that made him feel very unbelievable through the black army of creatures outside the circle: it was a human being wearing a tattered Taoist uniform with an interesting mask on his face, and then He was holding a big sword with black air in his hand, and the big hole in the wall of the creature seal outside the circle in front of him seemed to be cut out by that black sword!
"Everyone, does any of you know that guy? Why do I feel like I've seen the mask on his face in some book, but I can't remember it for a while!"

King Quan, Wealth and Nobility is worthy of being a former Taoist soldier, and he will see places that ordinary people basically don't pay attention to.

"Zhang Zheng, that guy is Black Sword Zhang Zheng! We saw this guy in the Yiqi Dao League back then. We thought the mystery had disappeared, but we didn't expect that he was helping these dark creatures. It's really disgusting!"

Many of the Taoist priests who followed this time were elderly, and some of them knew Hei Jian Zhang Zheng.Although this old boy wears a strange mask, it is not difficult for those who are familiar with him.

But if he is really the black sword Zhang Zheng, why did he get mixed up with this group of dark food outside the circle?This kid was considered a decent person back then!
(End of this chapter)

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