Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 518 Must get rid of the black sword Zhang Zheng

Chapter 518 Must get rid of the black sword Zhang Zheng
"What? Are you sure that guy is Zhang Zheng who disappeared back then?"

"This guy's black sword was very famous back then! Many famous masters were defeated by his sword. At that time, many people said that his swordsmanship was not from the right track. I didn't expect it to be outside the circle. No wonder!"

"I also heard that Wang Quan Baye seemed to have organized some kind of swordsman group back then, and then it disappeared, and then Wang Quan Baye's morality also declined sharply. Is it nothing more than what happened back then?"

"Anyway, that kid named Zhang Zheng can't stay, he is no longer human!"

"Yes, we have to find a way to get rid of this guy. After all, only he can open the seal that blocks creatures outside the circle. We must not give him a second chance!"

The human who suddenly appeared in the army of dark creatures looked very eye-catching. Some elderly Taoist priests present recognized the real identity of this guy at a glance, so everyone worked together to find a way to get rid of this traitor.

But in a sense, the Zhang Zheng you see is really no longer an ordinary human being, or he just has a human body, and he no longer knows what he has become in his bones.

However, this guy can use the black sword energy released by himself to open the seal and maintain it in a collapsed state. This is a great threat to human beings!

Therefore, anyone with a discerning eye knows that if the door opener of this outsider creature is not killed, monsters in this world will continue to emerge, which is extremely detrimental to both the demon world and the human world.

So compared to dealing with the army of these outsiders, the most important thing for Yiqi Daomeng now is to get rid of Zhang Zheng. They have also organized several anti-criminal groups, and formulated several sets of plans that echo from beginning to end.

Although this Zhang Zheng is a master of martial arts, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. I believe that the siege of these old mages present will definitely kill him. What about the Legion of Darkness?

"You can go and do it at ease! I will leave these little miscellaneous fish to me and sister Honghong!"

In this regard, Dongfang Yuechu seems to have a lot of ideas.Anyway, he is now regarded as an alternative demon by everyone, so why not cooperate with Tu Shan Honghong in a legitimate way, maybe he can deepen the relationship between himself and sister Yaoxian!
"Then please, I will also join their hunting team, I hope my kingly sword intent can suppress this guy's black sword!"

As a descendant of Wang Quan's hegemony, although his father didn't mention anything about the noodle troupe back then, he still found some clues with Wang Quan's thoughtfulness and wealth, all of which pointed to the black sword Zhang Zheng!
In this sense, this black sword Zhang Zhengzheng actively betrayed mankind.No matter what he got in these years, this person must not stay in the world anymore.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so upset without the King Quan Sword! But your natal spells will consume your life, so I advise you to take it easy."

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the royal wealth at this moment has grasped the profound meaning of the royal sword, but only Dongfang Yueyue, who is close to him, knows that his cousin is actually overdrawing his own life, so he can release the yellow leaf gold sword. The color of the sword is unparalleled in the world.

"I know, I will take it easy. I am also a family man now, and I won't lose my life so casually. But you, don't be careless. I have seen all these guys who came here this time. It should be the legendary orc family, this is a dark creature with rough skin and thick flesh, it cannot be directly wiped out by the fire rain like you before."

After all, they are cousins. Although Wang Quanfugui and Dongfang Yueyue have not been in contact for a long time, the feeling of relatives in their bones makes them rely on each other.

"Don't worry, I can see it naturally. Sister Honghong and I have a way to deal with it, so you can rest assured to be your lone hero! But this time, don't let others steal the limelight. I just saw that kid Shi Long It’s here, it’s probably heading for that black sword!”

"Don't worry, this guy is my father's nightmare, let me cut it off with the sword in my hand!"


"Huh? This breath is so familiar, are you from the Yiqi Daomeng?"

Don't tell me, these Taoist priests of Yiqi Daomeng are really capable, and all of them are daring to scare people to death.

Just when Tu Shanhonghong and Dongfang Yueyue repeated their old tricks and used the Demon Extinguishing Divine Fire to block those dark creatures, at least three teams from Yiqidaomeng rushed towards Zhang Zheng directly.

However, as Wang Quanfugui predicted, these powerful orcs are not as easy to deal with as those ghouls before. The flames of the same level can only cause them some serious injuries. Still able to raise the big ax in his hand to attack humans, this tenacious fighting spirit and vitality made Huandu Qingtian behind couldn't help frowning when he saw it.

Therefore, among the three hunting teams of one hundred members of the Yiqidao League, less than 30 people can really stand in front of Zhang Zheng, and the other brothers have probably been swallowed up by the monster army!
"You are indeed Zhang Zheng. Today, I, Shi Long, will clean up the sect of the Yiqi Daomeng and get rid of you, a fellow who is in collusion with the dark forces!"

I don't know the reason, but the royal power and wealth did not pass the orc's obstruction. Instead, this guy named Shilong took the opportunity and came to the black sword Zhang Zheng almost intact.

"Hehe, which family's junior are you from? It seems that your aura has reached its peak. Unexpectedly, Yiqi Daomeng has cultivated many interesting young people over the years!"

Although he was surrounded by a group of Taoist priests, Zhang Zheng, the black sword, did not panic in the slightest.Since those orc soldiers had basically been completely released, he didn't need to be concerned about the seal now, and he could have a good fight with these young juniors.

And since what happened back then, Yiqi Daomeng hasn't sent anyone to the outside world for many years. This Zhang Zheng and those real outsiders can't stop peeing in a pot. Isn't this simply too lonely?

But today this loneliness should be able to resolve, although these are some low-class dolls, Zhang Zheng has been longing for decades to see the battle, children are children!

Almost without any warning, the black sword in that guy's hand was shot, except for Shi Long who jumped back vigilantly, at least 15 or so young Yiqi Daomeng fighters were hit.

This black sword Zhang Zheng is not a bright and aboveboard person, his fighting style is also similar to an assassin, anyway, he is fast enough and ruthless enough to catch people by surprise!

In addition to being influenced by the dark aura all the year round, this black sword Zhang Zheng made a big move as soon as he made a move. The whole attack process took less than three seconds, and only the 15 unlucky Taoist priests were covered by a black aura. Wrapped, opened his mouth wide but couldn't make a sound, and was turned into nothingness by that kind of black energy in front of his eyes. Except for the fairy sword that fell on the ground, there is no trace of those guys' existence in this world anymore .

"You, you villain, are really disgusting!"

Shi Long is worthy of being the leader of the younger generation, the moment the opponent's sneak attack was about to touch him, this kid instinctively felt a sense of alertness, and then jumped back three feet, so he could barely escape Passed a catastrophe.

"Huh? How did you find out, kid? Is the trick you used just now called Qinglian Sword Song? Interesting, really interesting. According to our information, isn't this a trick that only the guy named Li Bai possessed? But no matter how you look at it, you are still a mortal, not at all like a fairy in the heaven!"

All right!This Zhang Zheng's vision is really poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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