Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 571 The Great Defeat of Outside Creatures

Chapter 571 The Great Defeat of Outside Creatures
All right!Even their boss is ready to flee, so what's the point of continuing this battle?
Of course, the decision Ming Shiyin made now is spread in a small area, and even the Lich Commander is not qualified to know. Their master probably wants to give up on them too!

"Elders, do you have any good suggestions? Even if we leave this world, can we avoid these guys?"

All right!Even when he saw the little bald head before, this Ming Shiyin didn't have such big emotional ups and downs. It seems that he knows the power of that old Phoenix.That is to say, Zheyan Shangshen, who was looking at the leader of the Lich with a playful smile, hadn't used his real strength at all.And once he got serious, all the dark creatures might not even have a chance to escape.

"Master, Zheyan Shangshen is the most unpredictable master in this world. We took down the Heavenly Court just because of his mistake! Maybe this guy just wanted to use our hands to get rid of the unlovable one. Heaven!"

All right!This reason seems to be quite valid. The original Heavenly Court commanded by the Jade Emperor had too many problems, and many gods expressed their dissatisfaction long ago, just like the fight against Buddha in the past.But there are other powerful beasts who are dissatisfied, but they can't fully express it because of their face, such as our current Zheyan Shangshen.

So when the guys outside the circle proposed to attack the Heavenly Court, the old Phoenix chose to retreat and practice, and when they established the Jiuchongtian, the old Phoenix chose to sleep forever, anyway, no matter how the Jade Emperor at that time asked for help , were all evaded by this cunning old Phoenix.

And the current Heavenly Court seems to be quite interested in Zheyan Shangshen, that's why she is so active in helping!

Looking at it now, this should not be just a guess. Combined with the contrast between the old Phoenix's actions before and after, the result should be close to each other, right?

As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, but isn’t there an eagle behind the oriole?The real beneficiary is probably only this Zheyan Shangshen!

Now it's not just the guys outside the circle who think from this, even one of our heavenly court lords thinks this is a bit strange. To reverse the situation of the battle, whoever gets him basically wins!
"Master, I didn't expect the ancient beasts to be so powerful. My brothers and I seemed to have fought against them back then. Haven't you seen this guy so powerful?"

Originally, the gods of the Heavenly Court planned to encircle and suppress those creatures outside the circle together, but they didn't expect that the fire of the old phoenix had already wiped out nearly half of the dark army. The previous one could compete with the trembling tornado and the atomic warrior. A crypt lord turned into a pile of coke immediately after touching the opponent's flame; and the legendary Frostmourne, which was condensed with icy air, also shattered like a melting popsicle. all over the place.

As for the ice shield released by the Lich King with all his strength, after the power of the flame faded, there was only a human-shaped coke left in that place, and everything disappeared when the wind blew.

What are you doing?How to fight this battle?It's completely one-sided now!

"Oh, I'm really sorry! I haven't moved my body for thousands of years, and this slight movement is a bit insignificant, and it took away your work! That, the real Taiyi, right? It seems that the game of chess has not been finished yet, come on, is the chessboard still on your body?"

After wiping out the main force of the dark army outside the circle, the old phoenix stopped suddenly, with an embarrassing blush on his face, as if he felt that he was stealing the limelight from others.

"Well, that old Phoenix, you bastard, your true strength is so terrifying! Back then, my senior brother and I joined forces to draw you to a tie. You've been pretending for a long time!"

Master Taiyi looked at the senior brother Bai Qiuen beside him, his eyes were as confused as if he had just woken up, and Comrade Bai who was still beside him smiled wryly.

"Junior brother, you finally understand now, don't you? Back then, I said that it was God who gave us two faces, so he let us go. You don't believe me! Now you see, we are When playing chess with others, there is still a little hope of victory.”

It turns out that our former Taibai Jinxing has already seen the true ability of the beast in front of him, but when he saw it with his own eyes today, he still felt incredible.

"Hehe, the two of you are the Great Luo Jinxian specially hired by the Heavenly Court in the past. How can I, a mountain villager, steal the limelight from the two of you? The competition back then was indeed a draw!"


No wonder there have been rumors in the outside world that the old phoenix in front of me is the first divine beast that created the world, or that he is the real god of creation. Now it seems that the rumors are true!Even if this guy wasn't the first divine beast that opened up the world, he still ranks high in strength.

But thanks to the help of the Great God, all the small miscellaneous fish were cleaned up, and the rest of the guys saw that the boss had been cleaned up, so how could they still have the confidence to continue fighting?

Therefore, the defeat of creatures outside the circle is inevitable.Some people even saw Ming Shiyin's car fleeing towards the depths of the outside world, but someone would not let him go so easily.

"The gods of the heavens obey the order, and all of them are there! Immediately pursue Ming Shiyin and the guys around him, and the rest of the scum will be handed over to the orc warriors, the monster clan, and the Yiqi Dao League to deal with it together! Please remember, We must get rid of the evil this time, we don’t need prisoners in Heavenly Court, if we meet that guy, we will kill him directly, no need to notify me!”

All right!Originally, the chief culprit, Ming Shiyin, was hiding inside the dark army. Even if he could vaguely discover his whereabouts, there was no way to rush over to deal with him immediately.Moreover, the guards of this group of guys have been completely dispersed, and the rest of the dark soldiers will no longer obey their orders, making it easier to find this guy.


In fact, this is also a loophole deliberately exposed by God Zheyan.On the surface, this old phoenix didn't want to steal the show and let people say that he stole the limelight from the gods in heaven.In fact, this old phoenix also wants to give these creatures outside the circle a way out. After all, these guys have been used by him before, so it's not so bad to be a human being!

As for whether Ming Shiyin can escape Xiao's pursuit, that can only depend on the boy's luck.Although this guy has many methods, if he meets the lord of heaven, or those powerful gods around him, it will basically be a situation of life and death!

Regarding this point, Ming Shiyin actually already knew it in his mind. It seems that he is fleeing to the depths of the outside world, as if he wants to use the familiar terrain here to get rid of the pursuers, but the other party is also a god, and it is only a matter of time before he finds you. Bar?Therefore, the boss of the outside world must have more than one goal in choosing this direction to escape.

"Master, due to time constraints, we have no way to open the transmission channels of those large planes, so we can only wrong the master to go to some small planes. But there is one advantage of going to that kind of place, that is, if the master only passes through by one person, the other party can at most I just chased him alone, and no helper would be able to bring us there. When we reach the world that the master is familiar with, there will naturally be various ways to get rid of the pursuers, and there may even be a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

All right!It seems that Ming Shiyin still left a way out for himself. Based on his accumulation of thousands of years, this guy has at least a dozen worlds to take refuge in, and the pursuers behind him don't know this.

(End of this chapter)

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